Verrijkende inzichten

Enriching Insights cover


Verrijkende inzichten / Henny Bos

(Expand your consciousness by reading the stories in this book and take to heart and apply to your life, you're using now 5 until 10% you potentially make more of it)

Socrates zei: Improve yourself by reading the writings of others and you get easily where that others should do much trouble ', I think still very good advice that I like to follow.

I am now 66 years and still young at heart and heart, but over the years has become even wiser through my life experiences and the many books I not only read but also took to heart, I spent much of what is read into practice and integrated it into my life, It was therefore alive and dynamic. I listen to wise as Socrates and it provides me much.

You'll never be old enough to make all the mistakes yourself or to gain all the experience itself, they are offered to you on a silver platter in this book to enrich your life and then have to reach.

I wish you good reading- and learning fun

Doetinchem, June 2016, Henny Bos

2016 | ISBN 9789463280532 | Paperback | 502 page

Mail to: and order this great book that if you apply what is read in your life you are free and not have to hurt and insult to name but a few

If someone is not nice to you…

You'll sometimes experience that someone is not nice to you, ignores you or breaks a call or make negative comments, Your sitting nagging, you berating, no sincere attention to you, etc.

Have compassion than because he or she reveals something of himself. You are namely often treats the other in the same way as in which you treat yourself.

Someone who is not kind to you is not kind to himself, etc., ask him or her if he or she can be happy and joyful, what he or she sees as positive in your

I was once arrived at my friend Elly and a woman to visit her I also knew, she walked straight past me and saluted just Elly, went a tedious misery story to Elly and looked not once did to me. I felt I did not bijhoorde and picked up a book and read "The time has come now to reach out," I was perplexed it were coincides exactly the same words that had said a holistic practitioner one day earlier against we!!!!. What a synchronicity!!. I thanked God and wanted to unkind woman also thank for her unkind behavior, I came upon this message I took to heart, I have not thanked her for it was not her intention to help me on the contrary, she ignored me completely

When you are happy you are also kind to the other and have attention to him or her because you feel connected and not separated, as one who gives no attention. The Dala Lama said that his religion is kindness, very nice

Patience a lovely old word that we have almost forgotten. Patience is: merciful, generous, patiently, tolerant, tolerant and friendly, a beautiful and good mix seems

Bron: Book "Enriching insights’ – Henny Bos, verschijnt juni 2016 Book published by Bent



If you 10 have things, of which there 1 is good and 9 are bad and you focus is focused on that one good and it will grow at the expense of the 9 bad please go away!

If you 10 things which have been 1slecht and 9 are good and your focus is on that one bad those other 9 be bad, so strongly does the bad and negative by

If you 10 gets compliments and 1 x thus the effect of the negative criticism will 10 compliments are nullified.

When I first bought a Ford Sierra struck me just how much of it there reason!!

When I first did my best to get in touch with angels, I noticed just how many messages they send!!


The pessimist has his focus on seeing the difficulties of the options and will therefore encounter many difficulties and encounter

The optimist has its focus on seeing opportunities in difficulties and thus will find many opportunities.

A note from 50 euro was laid on the floor of a pub, First pessimists were invited to come to the cafe, none of them saw the note from 50 lie, when optimists were one by one admitted and they all saw the note from 50 and picked it up.

If your focus is on finding stones you will not see the diamonds!!

If your focus is one that you must first see and then you believe, you will never manifest what you believe, it is in fact first believe and then see…

Many people dare to be happy….

That said, my friend Arthur to me, who has come out of depression and was unhappy because he was not himself, but adapted itself to others, So it was codependent. A therapist asked him:"What would you be without your problems?"Arthur knew no answer and thought at that moment later, he would be nothing without its problems, would disappear, it would be his death, he was so familiar with it, problems had become its identity. Then he saw the ridiculousness of e.e.a. and came to understand.

We cling to the known and trusted, even if that afflicts us. A good example of a child who was taken away by the child with her mother hit her and abused, Child vehemently protested and reached out to the mother. Many of us are like that child and seek the familiar misery again, the tragedy. I think it's one of the reasons for the success of GTST, that's all drama and you think it's not that bad to you if you see that.

My friend Arhur has already reached insight on his 25th that he may be who he is and does not need to cling to problems. A friar of the abbey the Slangenburg said it very nicely on the clinging, he said:"Look Henny people do this' and he clenched his fists daarma he said," but you can not catch, You should do this' and then he took his hands a bowl, a lesson from this man let go and surrender to Your will geshiede, without being fatalistic.

Maybe you know of a survey among the Dutch population to happiness. I believe that 75% said they were happy and I say that they lie, it's the same as if you ask how are you, Most say than good, and lying, and if you then ask how is it real with you, you hear the true story, in the study is not requested and the results are not valid.

I walked with Leon through the city and then he told me:"Look at the people Henny, they have beautiful polished shoes, beautiful clothes and bags full of groceries and you must now look at those faces', there indeed knocked nothing, all unhappy and tormented faces I saw, the misery shone on it.

It takes courage to sensitize your shadow sides so you will master and no power over your exercise, as long as they remain unaware they control you without you know it, you can not have mastery over things you do not know and you are not aware of.

Rumi zei:'' Who in itself no defects discovered is his own enemy "and many others with him said similar things see on my site under the item codependency the topic of your own enemy '

Bron: Boek: "Enriching insights’ – Henny Bos (verschijnt juni 2016 Book published by Bent)

Cover Enriching insights

Boek: ‘Verrijkende Inzichten’

Dit is de omslag van mijn nieuwe boek “Verrijkende inzichten”, verschijnt in juni 2016, 502 pagina’s met waardevolle informatie, de prijs is 30 euro, als u nu bestelt betaal ik de verzendkosten, mail naar: en bestel