

If you 10 have things, of which there 1 is good and 9 are bad and you focus is focused on that one good and it will grow at the expense of the 9 bad please go away!

If you 10 things which have been 1slecht and 9 are good and your focus is on that one bad those other 9 be bad, so strongly does the bad and negative by

If you 10 gets compliments and 1 x thus the effect of the negative criticism will 10 compliments are nullified.

When I first bought a Ford Sierra struck me just how much of it there reason!!

When I first did my best to get in touch with angels, I noticed just how many messages they send!!


The pessimist has his focus on seeing the difficulties of the options and will therefore encounter many difficulties and encounter

The optimist has its focus on seeing opportunities in difficulties and thus will find many opportunities.

A note from 50 euro was laid on the floor of a pub, First pessimists were invited to come to the cafe, none of them saw the note from 50 lie, when optimists were one by one admitted and they all saw the note from 50 and picked it up.

If your focus is on finding stones you will not see the diamonds!!

If your focus is one that you must first see and then you believe, you will never manifest what you believe, it is in fact first believe and then see…

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