Boss vs Leader

Boss vs leader

The boss does things right and the leader does the right things, The boss recommends and the leader sets the example, see schedule:

boss vs leader

The boss is in the I-phase and the leader goes to the WE-phase. Jung recommends that to the I-stage to go to the We-phase. The leader is a service provider and creator opportunities, the boss feels superior and elevated above its employees.

A leader is also a coach and motivator and encourages its employees to get the most out of themselves and to develop and grow.

I had a boss who said: 'Profits have increased under my reign', he put the credits in his pocket, a leader would have praised his staff.

leader great

A boss is like a fireman and a leader and a boss tuinman..Een not give his mistakes and learns nothing and a leader calls his mistakes and learning moments will remember.

A boss expresses his method of working through, the leader works according to the formula E = K x A, where E = Effect, K = Knowledge Leader and A = Acceptance of its employees, The leader knows that if the acceptance 0 the effect is also zero.

A boss encourages competition and the leader encourages cooperation

says boss: "Do as I say not as I do ', says leader: "I take the lead and give an example of how you take responsibility for your life and work '.

A boss shares taken out and say how it should be done, a leader sets the direction and provides employees the opportunity to renew and encourages.

leader credits

A boss punishes mistakes off, allowing workers hide their mistakes, a leader encourages its employees to admit to mistakes and learn from them and congratulated them for that…thereby creating a learning organization….

A boss likes it when his employees are afraid of him (and is self afraid of people!), a leader makes himself loved by his employees, who love and enjoy working for him.

A boss is rigid and inflexible and does not want a birthday break, but want people working, a leader knows that strengthened mutual ties through such a break and get to work after a break people with fresh courage…

A boss strictly comply with the rules, a leader knows that if there is kept strictly to the rules is often wrong, to respond to changing situations is needed, flexibility is needed…

says boss: "Trust is good but control is better ', a leader builds trust with its employees.

If a worker startled as a boss, the boss will blame the worker that he has a bad conscience, as the leader comes and scares the employee he will say that he was very concentrated..

A boss blames, reproached and gives negative criticism, a leader will pay particular attention to what is okay to give attention which it grows, he will deliver constructive criticism…

talk to leaders vs managers

Better communication is less stress!

How often do you shoot a (bright) to give a response reaction in place of?

Name a common man mean and he will shoot in a common reaction and lash out at you and fix you right. Name a common man awoke and he will give a response and laugh and say that indeed he sometimes can be mean but that is not usually.

I was manager at a publishing vaktijdschiften, So it was all about communication, In addition, I was a lecturer in Utrecht and gave communication training on HBO nivean for account and learned they listen and ask open questions and determine needs. I was also director / senior consultant of my own marketing agency.

I attended many training courses on communication and read a lot about it and made myself as an expert, which led to giving a lecture on communication for a spiritual group in Goor. There is a CD of it and I offer now to. Spacious 1 hour valuable information with o.a. that your environment is the mirror of yourself, In addition, I offer you my book 'Communication' on.

Here's my offer: CD is 7 euro, is book 21,50, shipping costs 4,25 so total 32,75 now on sale for 25 euro!. It is tax deductible so you end up paying only 12 a 17 euro.

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Mail me om te bestellen:, I will send the package with an invoice to you. It's also nice to give as a present this package to friends and acquaintances.


Henny Bos (

PS: Here is a passage from my book:


An often rather different neglected perspective in communication is listening. Diogenes has already pointed out that we have two ears and one tongue so should listen more than talk. Everyone wants to be heard but hardly anyone wants to listen. They wait until you're spoken to to come in quickly self again, or say when listening "that I had 'and takes the story then.

A good example of moderate interest in listening is that the American who had two courses on offer, an on speaking and listening skills over, Speaking for the course he received so many submissions that he 5 could start groups, of course listening skills he received no notification….

Osho be there among other things. that to be able to listen well you need to be here and now, must be vigilant and must be without judgment and thoughts. Especially the latter two are major stumbling blocks. If you have many thoughts act when listening as a kind of inner eraser for the words of others. You color t then immediately and filters, select, analyzes and interprets.


Better watch your words you speak, they tend to materialize, even the words you speak to yourself your "self-talk", when we say that we are the universe will have bad luck make sure that happens!!

Words even affect your genes and DNA!!. If you would like to receive my article on words mail me, I will mail you special product that is in my book Enriching Insights

Enriching Insights cover

Boek: ‘Verrijkende Inzichten’


Verrijkende inzichten / Henny Bos

(Expand your consciousness by reading the stories in this book and take to heart and apply to your life, you're using now 5 until 10% you potentially make more of it)

Socrates zei: Improve yourself by reading the writings of others and you get easily where that others should do much trouble ', I think still very good advice that I like to follow.

I am now 66 years and still young at heart and heart, but over the years has become even wiser through my life experiences and the many books I not only read but also took to heart, I spent much of what is read into practice and integrated it into my life, It was therefore alive and dynamic. I listen to wise as Socrates and it provides me much.

You'll never be old enough to make all the mistakes yourself or to gain all the experience itself, they are offered to you on a silver platter in this book to enrich your life and then have to reach.

I wish you good reading- and learning fun

Doetinchem, June 2016, Henny Bos

2016 | ISBN 9789463280532 | Paperback | 502 pagina’s

Mail to: en bestel dit geweldige boek, als je het gelezene toepast in je leven ben je vrij en niet meer te kwetsen en beledigen en ontvang je antwoord op vele van je vragen.

Enkele items uit het boek zijn: ‘Als iemand niet aardig voor je is’, ‘Congruent’, ‘Frustratietolerantie’, ‘Fouten’, ‘Hurt people hurt’. ‘Ontkenning’, ‘Tantrisch denken’, etc. 210 items zitten er in dit boek

Hierbij een passage uit mijn boek:

Religie en spiritualiteit

Religie wordt wel opium voor het volk genoemd en daar zit wat in. In religie zijn mensen bezig met een leven na de dod, waarin ze hopen in de hemel te komen en ze vergeten te leven voor de dood. Ze denken aan een eeuwig leven terwijl ze niet eens weten wat ze op een regenachtige zondag moeten doen en zich vervelen. En als je je verveelt dan ben je vervelend

Ik ben opgegroeid in een gereformeerd gezin. De gereformeerden waanden zichzelf als zijnde de besten die in de hemel kwamen, ze keken neer op de katholieken, and socialists and communists were pagans who would go to hell. Mijn goede ervaringen met zowel de katholieken als de socialisten deed me er heel anders over denken. Op mijn 14e jaar vroeg ik een gesprek aan met de dominee en vertelde hem dat ik niks meer met zijn religie te maken wilde hebben…

Ik moest later in mijn leven door een hel gaan, de hel van depressie en depersonalisatie en paniek en grote angsten. Daardoor ontstond bij mij spiritualiteit. Spiritueel word je pas als je door een hel bent gegaan en wedergeboren bent. De Hindoes noemen dat de voor de tweede maal geborenen.

Indianen zeiden : ‘Jullie God is er alleen voor jullie religie, onze Grote Geest is er voor iedereen’ en dat laatste is een spirituele gedachte

‘Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell, Spirituality is for those who have already been there’ – Vine Deloria, Sioux

Tantrisch denken

Wat is tantrisch denken? Tantric thinking is a way of thinking that accepts everything and approves as it is experienced now, just as it is, without judgment or opinion. Tantric thinking is beyond 'good’ or 'poor', 'And Don'ts', "Positively’ or 'negative'. It sees and recognizes the usefulness and accuracy of all can benefit and learn from everything. It sees everything as it is, judgmentally.

If I feel sad I accept the message: "It's okay to feel sad ', I approve: And if my grief is accepted by my way of thinking, I am happy. My sadness may be there! Finally have my thoughts about my grief to feel guilty for what they are.

This is a great Tantric secret. Anything that may be, and thus is fully accepted, experienced almost automatically as happy. When I feel I let myself feel this completely sad. By fully able to experience my sadness makes me happy. I do not force me not to feel happy. I give myself permission to feel too unhappy. Both accept me as just: happy or not happy.

Approve means your ego finds himself in someone or something outside of yourself. a thought, a feeling, deed or word: your ego identifies itself with this. They are accepted by our ego. They are one of our ego.

When we our thoughts, Emotions; Accept feelings and actions, we live in unity with ourselves and we show no resistance to what we are. We stop being aggressive against ourselves, we stop fighting against ourselves.

The principles of the tantric way of thinking:

  1. Já say to all life events and all appearances of life.
  2. Thoughts, Emotions, words and deeds are neutral. We judge them to 'good', 'Bad', 'Pleasant’ of’ 'Annoying'.
  3. Everything and everyone in our lives is meant to learn and develop. Therefore, everything and everyone is welcome in our lives.
  4. It does not matter what we think or feel. Anyways we are right.

I have used this way of thinking without knowing that it was thinking Tantric. I had thought the aphorism: "The acceptance is the key to transformation" and resisted me when no longer against my depression but accepted it as a message from my higher self, I told myself: "I have a depression now, accepted that and still love me, everything is good, it is to love, and if that fails to learn from and I did and I still do.

With respect to a starting point 4 the tantric thinking I object because we can be wrong and incorrect, impure thinking and we must have the courage to correct ourselves. I have to think of a statement of Nietzsche who said: "The point is expected that they do not commit follies, which is a violation of human rights!’

Rumi zei: "He who weaknesses, limitations and shortcomings do not recognize is his own enemy '

Bron: Boek: enriching Insights – Henny Bos, now on sale for 30 euro, whopping 502 pagina’s met waardevolle informatie, mail to hennybos @ xs4all and order your copy