
Neale Donald Walsch wrote:"We are led to the truth for which we are open 'and I give him quite right, that's true for me. Materialists do not believe in the spiritual and point out that sometimes not even investigate. They deny what they do not know…

Confucius said that you can not bring people the truth, but you have to carry people to the truth. I see that as. The truth for me is like a flowing river, dynamic, always innovative and you cant bring people.

The moment you try to squeeze the truth in a system, it has become all untruth, The following story is about:

Hazrat went along with the devil and they saw a man very happy always picked something from the ground. Hazrat asked the devil;"What does this man ever yet, he's so happy "" Oh that's the truth, "the devil said," That you do not like that his "Hazrat said. "Oh surely," said the devil:"I make sure that he makes a system and an organization '…

The truth can only live and not put into words. Be love and that will be when you get to your core, comes to your essence and you will live the truth and giving and sharing with your being.

Ken Wilber was asked how well he knows what truth, he replied:’That what hits!’. What hits you in heart and soul, and then you feel with your whole being that's the truth.

Beware of people who claim to know the truth and to proclaim, they are charlatans, deceivers, deceivers who want to have power over you. Listen to those who want to sincerely seek the truth and are on their way and enjoy their journey and loving, compassionate, are warm and friendly.

Even the Buddha said that you should not blindly believe his words and adopt for truth, but should investigate, learn and experience and you know the truth.

Even the worst things people say about you contain a kernel of truth…namely about them ..! If someone wants to lie than angry. Als je iemand razend wil maken, zeg hem dan de waarheid,I once read somewhere and it is obvious that if someone says he will sometimes tell you the truth as it is usually negative.

Truth is that the universe is still expanding daily by billions of kilometers and is growing, everything is evolving and dynamic.

It was assumed that the world was flat and the center of the universe that was for the church and many of the church's truth, I once read that those who never change their opinions love themselves more than the truth. and also: The truth is traveling around the world. She must, because she is rejected everywhere.

Another statement that is characteristic I found on the Internet at:The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.-Herbert Agar. In the Bible the truth will set you free, but how much interest we have in the truth?

Nietzsche zei: "How much truth can a human being endure how much truth he ventures?!’, Indeed, we often prefer living a lie and an illusion because we are all aware and awake, where we sleep and dream that we are awake. If this is a delusion for you is beautiful, because every disillusionment is one step closer to the truth……

Here are some quotes about truth:

“People occasionally stumble over the truth, but most scribbling hastily and walk quickly as if nothing had happened.” – Winston Churchill English statesman 1874-1965

They never change their opinions love themselves more than the truth. – Joubert

Each disillusionment is one step closer to the truth – Henny Bos

Believe those who seek the truth; doubt those who find them. – A.Gide

“Religion does not consist in knowing the truth, but in life it.” – Buddha

“Truth and freedom than are nowhere closer to the intersection love.” – Anton of Dunkirk

“Wisdom can be found only in truth.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Who recognizes never wrong loves himself more than the truth.” – Joseph Joubert

“What value can a spirit, how much truth can defy a spirit? This was to me more and more of the actual measurement value.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Truth is like a river, which always renews and fed by the source and many other rivers that come out and the rain which descends like a blessing from above – Henny Bos

Beauty is truth and truth is beauty – Keats

If you live long enough in a lie do you believe is the truth – Henny Bos

Nobody knows the truth, because we take a very small part of what – Henny Bos

If someone is going to tell you the truth is that most negative comments you get and you can also take advantage of it- Henny Bos

The truth will set you free, but first make most furious – Henny Bos

Fine words are often not true and true words are often not pretty – Lao tse

If people have to choose between an unpleasant truth or a lie flattering, they often choose the lie – Henny Bos

The truth is that nothing less, but are nothing more than another – Henny Bos

What is your true worth if you do not go along with you and you do not develop further and still remains – Henny Bos

Truth is change, dynamic and can not squeeze into a belief or method – Henny Bos

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