
You are what you see….

Wayne Dyer lived in Florida and was visited by a woman from Chicago, who wanted to move to Florida. She asked Wayne how people in Florida were. Wayne asked a counter question and asked how the people in Chicago are. They replied that they were very selfish and unsympathetic, aggressive and greedy. Wayne zei: "So people are here too!’.

Then a woman came from New York, who wanted to move to Florida, They also asked how people in Florida were. Wayne asked how people were in New York. She replied that very sympathetic, friendly, are helpful and generous. Then Wayne said: "So people are here too!’.

Lord Krishna had two kings, a hated, demon king and beloved, selfrealized king. He asked the king hated to travel around the world long two years looking for a really good man. After two years the hated king came back and said,: "I have to disappoint you I have a good look, but they are all as bad as I!’. When Krishna asked the king loved to travel around the world for two years to find a truly bad man. After two years, the beloved king came back and said,: "I have to disappoint you, I looked good and no bad person seen, however unconscious and ignorant people, but not bad people!’.

My ex mother in law was 50 toen ik 25 was, she told me: "When you're my age then you'll see how bad the world!’. Her story intrigued me and I discovered that she was married to a potentate of a man a real dictator, who did not realize, but his wife's shadow side mirrored. He bought often expensive suits for himself and let his wife run into an old dress, He dominated his wife and did not know that there can not be love. With his dominant behavior he had the best intentions to change his wife in a loving partner. He just did not understand, dat je de ander niet kunt veranderen. His approach was not working and yet he went through with it. My ex mother gossiped with her only friend of the people in the village. It was an expression of repressed anger at the fact that she had never received love and received. She was unaware of the opportunity to develop love for yourself and others.

My ex-laws were so not bad people, they were lost, unaware and ignorant. They did not want to learn and be open to my good news and preview. Namely that we must accept and respect ourselves and others with both its bad and good sides. Indeed, we are perfectly imperfect. We should not draw us like beggars for love, as my parents did, but give love and share, only then it comes to you!.

My French teacher was okay but aloof and some chilly, she told me that the French were so distant and chilly. I said that she was mirrored, there she was angry. Nietzsche zei: "How much truth we can bear, how much truth we venture '. When I am in France, the people are friendly, sympathetic and welcoming, I was often invited to dinner at her home. I was also mirrored. Occasionally there is also mirrored a negative side of me and I can learn from.

Do you recognize in this story, then do consider The Work of Byron Katie, which can be found on You tube and / or you call me: 06-10421646

Bron: Mirror book are – Henny Bos, will end 2018 Book publishing in Bent and will therefore be available at

Hazrat and the devil,,nl,Hazrat walked with the devil,,nl,For himself he could always delighted slightly off the ground to pick up a man,,nl,"What does this man still 'Hazrat asked the devil,,nl,who responded,,nl,"Oh that's the truth ',,nl,"That you do not like that his',,nl,zei Hazrat,,ar,"Oh surely,,nl,I make sure that it has a system and believe them,,nl,then nothing remains of about ',,nl,said the devil,,nl

Hazrat and the devil,,nl,Hazrat walked with the devil,,nl,For himself he could always delighted slightly off the ground to pick up a man,,nl,"What does this man still 'Hazrat asked the devil,,nl,who responded,,nl,"Oh that's the truth ',,nl,"That you do not like that his',,nl,zei Hazrat,,ar,"Oh surely,,nl,I make sure that it has a system and believe them,,nl,then nothing remains of about ',,nl,said the devil,,nl

Hazrat liep op met de duivel
Voor zich zag hij een man steeds heel blij iets van de grond oprapen.
‘Wat vindt die man toch’ vroeg Hazrat aan de duivel, die antwoordde: ‘O dat is de waarheid’
‘Daar zult u wel niet zo blij mee zijn’, zei Hazrat.
‘O toch wel, ik zorg ervoor dat hij er een systeem en geloof van maakt, dan blijft er niks van over’, zei de duivel.


Donker en licht

You should not fight against the dark,,nl,Self-awareness and darkness dissolves,,nl,Do not fight against the dark,,nl, maar het licht aandoen.
Door tegen het donker te vechten, geef je het aandacht, en daardoor groeit het juist. Het licht ofwel je liefde, waarheid Zelf en bewustzijn lost het donker op, het kan niet bestaan in het licht. Het donker is gebaseerd op angst, leugens, ego, onwetendheid en onbewustheid.

Iemand met kritiek kan je beste vriend blijken te zijn

Geïnspireerd door een artikel van Vernon Howard over je beste vriend, schrijf ik dit artikel.

Je denkt namelijk dat je de beste vriend van jezelf bent en dat je ‘goed’ bent en het goede doet en zoekt vrienden die dat geïdealiseerde zelfbeeld van je bevestigen. Door je onbewustheid en onwetendheid(die je ontkent) doe je eerder het kwade dan het goede en je zogenaamde vrienden doen vrolijk mee en corrigeren je niet. De Bijbel zegt het ook: ‘We willen het goede maar doen het kwade!’..

We zoeken adhesie, bevestiging voor hoe we nu zijn en willen dat in stand houden, alles bij het oude, vertrouwde houden en je vrienden houden je ziekte in stand. Je hebt echt iemand nodig die je wijst op je fouten, misvattingen, onbewustheid, illusies om wakker te kunnen worden…

truth cry coelho

Iemand die genoeg van je houdt om een eventueel confict met je aan te willen gaan, geen persoon die meehuilt met de wolven in het bos, geen slijmbal. Je zogenaamde vrienden zijn vaak vijanden voor je ware, spirituele Zelf, doordat ze je ego complimenteren en steunen en bekrachtigen. Ze belemmeren je daardoor in je groei en ontwikkeling en vinden het mooi dat je nog steeds dezelfde bent, waar het leven juist verandering is en dynamisch. Alles wat niet groeit is dood zei ik altijd als manager

In mijn leven heb ik het meest gehad aan de enkelingen die mij op mijn fouten durfden te wijzen en heb ik het meeste te danken aan kritische omstandigheden zoals mijn crisis met depersonalisatie, dan raak je echt de bodem is is de enige weg nog naar boven..Mijn depressie bleek een ware vriend te zijn in plaats van een vijand, hij bracht me naar mijn ware Zelf

Je zoekte vrienden die je bevestigen omdat je onzeker bent, geen vaste waarde hebt. Als je bevestiging nodig hebt dan twijfel je, ben je onzeker. En vrienden die je alleen maar bevestigen zullen je verachten en minachten en het spelletje meespelen. Je speelt vaak het spel dat Eric Berne in zijn boek ‘Games people play’ noemt: Kijk-Eens-Hoe-Goed-Ik-Ben’

Zoek een vriend of coach die je durft te confronteren en genoeg om je geeft om dat te doen om je naar je Ware Zelf te brengen, je moet vaak door de duistere nacht van de ziel, je negatieve en schaduwkanten gaan erkennen, exploreren en integreren en transformeren. Vaak is dat een hel waar je doorheen moet om in de hemel te komen.

Iemand met een waarheid aan het huilen brengen is inderdaad beter dan een leugen vertellen en daarmee iemand aan het lachen te maken Coelho heeft gelijk.

Een vrouw zei: ‘Ik heb het geluk gehad dat er één man in mijn leven was, genoeg om me gaf om me te wijzen op mijn waandenkbeelden en illusies, die waarheid durfde te vertellen, hij zorgde ervoor dat ik een echt, uniek en authentiek mens werd, een levenskunstenaar

Bedenk dat de mensen die je een desillusie bezorgen door hun kritiek je helpen, omdat een desillusie een stap dichter naar de waarheid is!!

Wayne Dyer zei: ‘Your soulmate is the person you can’t stand’. That's right, because only then you will see and notice you if you are in peace and harmony, or it can be disrupted. Then you feel unworthy and hurt. You're still not master of yourself, while another you still can press buttons he or she is a master for you!.

The ego part of us will always be right and will not accept another master. The Dalai Lama is more developed and even said the Chinese leader Mao who ordered or Tibet within tevallen, is his greatest teacher(!).

A Course in Miracles says: ‘Beware of the temptation to see yourself treated unfairly’. Is because you get the treatment you need. Like the last lines of "An answered prayer read: "I got nothing I asked why, I got everything I needed!’

Old wounds like compassion and attention, those old wounds are triggered by the critics and then you become aware of it and you can heal them..

take responsibility for your life and know that you attract what you need is sensible and wise.

Nelson Mandela said very nice, see picture:

prison mandela

Nelson's right, he would otherwise remain prisoner of his bitterness and hatred that would keep him in their power, and his thinking, feel and act would determine and then he would be a victim rather than master.

I often say: 'Everything is good!!’. Everything is meant to bring me to my true self and develop my potential, at least if I want to listen to the signals and I am willing to let go of the old. The old is attacked by the critic and that's a good thing which must disappear giving way to the new malken. As Jesus said,: "Behold I make all things new!’

Guy Finley zei: ‘The only way to be free of troublesomre people is to be free of the part of you that’s out looking for trouble’.

Again, this is true in my opinion again. I was then I flipped was bad for myself and people were too bad for me and I could give them or blame, but will not change the situation, I will have to change yourself to be friends with me and I decided, Now I get flipped again and the people are good to me.


Bron: Boek” ‘Verrijkende Inzichten’ – Henny Bos (verschijnt juni 2016 Book published by Bent)

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Truth and love

Truth tells me that I am nothing and Love tells me that I am and everything in between my life flows – Nisargadatta

Waarheid, Love and God are all words for the same seen from a different angle – Alexander Smit

How much truth can a human being endure how much truth he ventures? – Nietzsche

What is your truth, and how does your love, I hear and experience the love!!