
Often we deny that we are one or more of the roles in the drama triangle and we make ourselves that we have mastery over our lives, where we are often a victim in reality. Onderzocht is dat 80% of the Dutch think they have an above average intelligence, which says enough about our overconfidence. Freud zei: "We are better than we know, but worse than we think '.

5% pulls the cart, 90% sits on top of it and 5% houdt de kar tegen. De 5% which pulls the cart which are the initiators, de ‘achievers’, getting things done, the people who order their lives, the rest are victims who think they are not that. A US expert said: "We are victims or victims or victims' or we are victims of victims and victims do not want this, do not see that, something that is too painful and we choose rather the illusion, or Maya as the Hindus call it and regard it as our reality.

Most people do not respond from their being and heart but fall in reaction to the other and have thus determine their behavior by the other and then you are a victim without realizing that.

Once you become aware of your victim, you can break that pattern and go over and hang bird's eye view, helicopter view will develop and go and watch them loose at your own behavior.

Awareness is the key with self-knowledge, zelfinzicht en zelfbesef.

Bron: Booklet "Drama Triangle’ – Henny Bos, will start 2013

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