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If you decide to withdraw from the drama triangle you're going to ask you some personal boundaries and no longer accept the unacceptable. Healthy people will thus compliment you, but the participants in the drama triangle you'll encounter a lot of resistance, they will react negatively because they profited so fine you, they will feel attacked them and say : "What have I done wrong?'Or' You are so changed I do not know you back "or do pathetic and work on your mind to make you change your mind or they will go on the attack.

Do not be fooled and respect and guard your limits, they guarantee your freedom and well-being.

Nietzsche zei: "Nothing is taken you so much blame than the people need to change their perception towards you!’….

Many people will not be happy with the change, and you try to manipulate to make hey limits again fall. Your limits are there for your own health and safety and thus of great importance!

The prosecution often too high and impenetrable borders and beyond and violates the borders of others. The rescuer is often related to low limits and is easy to manipulate and control the victim. The victim does not even have a clue of borders and therefore is not to stop and let them therefore violate and violating them.

If we get in contact with other thoughts and feelings in the sense of: fault, shame, angst, pijn, fatigue, inferiority, smallness, etc, where we do not normally have these feelings, we can assume dart the other beyond our borders and violating and wants to draw us into the drama triangle, therefore wants to get down to his level, consciously or unconsciously, it does not matter.

Do not let it not shoot in the reaction but give a response of a peaceful, assertive heart. Never accept the unacceptable and point to the other on its responsibilities and present them accountable for their actions and words.

If you're dealing with a drama triangle player is you can be sure that he does not respect your boundaries and try to violate, so be wary and alert in this case and will not comment on allegations and accusations of the Prosecutor, pedantic behavior of the savior and complaining and doing pathetic victim.

Stand firm in your own essence and apply mental hygiene to. Dare to say no without feeling guilty and only "The Broken Record 'method to, repeat your statement without letting tempt statements or accountability, where else can capitalize on to get you to get.

Bron: Book The Drama Triangle’ Henny Bos (May 2013)

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