Niveaus van heling

Om uit je slachtofferschap te komen zijn er niveaus van heling die Lori Rekowski beschrijft in haar boek: ‘A victim no more – how to stop being taken advantage of’. We mogen bedenken dat de aanklager en redder in feite ook slachtoffers zijn, mensen die zich door angst laten leiden(lijden).

says Lori:

ideas + Emotions = bad decision

ideas + Emotions + logic = healthy decision


Here's her schedule that I translated:

-1- awareness, You identify with the victim's behavior


-2- Principals to change old patterns and begin putting into practice of healing methods


-3- step by step begin to see the benefits of using the methods.


-4- you're on the 'processes' and integrate new insights and let go of old patterns


-5- The will is stronger to create more balance in your life


-6- increased awareness of your ability to live the life you want to manifest.


-7- your self-esteem grows significantly


-8- you stop creating drama and pulls mentors in your life.


-9- confidence to 'act' life and to be able to


-10- experiences more fun, geluk, clarity and peace in your daily life.


In the final stage, there is a transition. As a victim you know very little and think it know to have and at the final stage you know you do not know and therefore can investigate. Socrates said that: "Now I know that I know nothing 'and Einstein said: "The more I know the more I discover that I do not know '. You work than grace, and see everything as a loving gift or something to learn, nothing is without value and meaning for you.

On my toilet hanging my judgment: "The less people know, The more they think they know 'and that's the trap and step up to mischief in the drama triangle, which we are not aware of

So it is to unlearn all the negative and destructive patterns. Inayat Khan, the great Sufi master had also talked about unlearning and that is more difficult than learning. It is difficult to disidentify us of our old behaviors because we are so accustomed to the familiar. It is a question of fear motivation to go for love motivation.

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