

If you don't want to see your own shadow and push it into your subconscious, then your environment will mirror that shadow and you will blame that environment, that which controls and dominates you. In reality, you do it yourself.

"As long as we deny and repress our dark side, it will control our lives in the form of drama and failed relationships "
Most people spend 95% van hun tijd aan drama, that controls them.

Jung: "As long as we don't make the unconscious conscious it will control our life and we call it fate and drama".

What we repress and don't want to see, will come to us in a negative sense. We'll just dismiss it as bad luck or coincidence.

What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size

If you don't want to and push it away, then you already have it!

If you just want to be the right one, and supplant your shadow side, will your environment, you often unconsciously, confront the evil and bad that you deny in yourself.
Nietzsche zei: "Beware of the" good guys ", because it is the most poisonous flies that sting ".

Confront someone who will only care about himself, love and light only find once with its dark side, which he represses. He will get mad at you, that you take him out of his illusion, he just wants confirmation.

What we often falsely repress and ignore is Self-compassion. Here is an article on Self-Compassion:

So let Self-compassion control your life in addition to love, respect and understanding. Let those values ​​take control and you will be happy!


The beauty of self-compassion is not that negative feelings are replaced by positive ones, but that new positive feelings arise from the negative ones (Emotions) to embrace. In addition to our painful feelings, we experience positive feelings of caring and belonging. When we have compassion for ourselves, sunshine and shadow are experienced at the same time.
Kristin Neff PhD

“We can only heal from suffering when we experience it fully.”
Marcel Proust