Van impressiemanagement naar expressiemanagement

Many of us keep in their communication engaged in impression management, they do their best to make a good impression, to a desired impression on others behind, See my article on impression management.

It would be fairer to go express management, we express our thoughts and feelings in a good way. It is for many quite scary and threatening to be honest about what they think and feel, they are afraid to be unmasked, that one can then see who they really are or afraid to be rejected, etc., Fear is the motivator instead of love.

Cindy Lauper sings: ‘You show your true colours, and that's why I love you 'and so it is when we honestly express our true thoughts and feelings, we can only experience true intimacy and real contact and connection to enter into another. If we do not, we remain strangers. (Look at the two of us, strangers in every way zingt Karen Carpenter). And then we play games together(See my article games people play). Games of attraction and repulsion, the familiar love-hate relationship that characterizes so many relationships, my marriage was so…

To your thoughts and feelings honestly express requires self-knowledge and a healthy and good self-esteem. To be fair to the other you must first be honest with yourself, with all your weaknesses and negatives. Not run in a 'Ideal-I "aimed at the taste to fall in another and so is an example of impression management. Nor idealized self that we tell ourselves that we are better than we are and suppress our negative sides, have no self-reflection. Freud zei:"People are better than they know, but worse than they think 'Introspection is so important, yourselves treasures on the correct value as good and bad, not good or bad, no duality but unity as day and night together one day form.

Een man zei: "My words are not much 'and went on impression management and wanted to come across as humble man, but like to hear his words waardedevol. If you would agree with him and say that communications have no sense because no he would have insulted true meaningful words. He was not honest, it was not an honest expression of his being created in the image of God and thus is valuable. So my advice is to stop making impression and give uitdruking to your true being that there should be!. Afzien van expressie leidt tot depressie.

If you tend to impress the other person will know that you are impressed by that person and want him stabbing the windward, a competition concerns instead of real contact and real communication.

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