
Wise and stupid people

Wise people learn a lot of stupid people (especially how not to) and the stupid learns nothing of the way, because he projects his own stupidity on the way. Schopenhauer zei: ‘Je toont je intelligentie door met dwazen, idiots and folly-fallen joitheads nothing to do wanting to have '. Me what is going too far you can with the category of people who he calls namely to laugh and have fun and that is worth something

Nietzsche zei: "From way people one does not expect them to commit stupidities, which is a violation of human rights!!’

Wijzen en dwazen

The big joke is that almost everyone will find themselves wise, 80% of the Dutch say they have above-average intelligence. Many New Agers talk about a higher consciousness rather than an extended proof, they think in terms of higher and lower, better and worse and that's egodenken and limited awareness

De verschillende stadia van bewustzijn verhouden zich tot elkaar als de spaken van een wiel niks is hoger of lager, you can only cover more spokes in your consciousness you broaden the. Inayat Khan wrote beautifully about.

De wijze leert van alles en iedereen, de gemiddelde mens leert door schade en schande en de domme mens hoeft niks meer te leren want die ‘weet’ alles al.

8 friends you familiarize

De 7 W’s: as, What, when, why, which, which, true, plus how are the friends that lead to wisdom, and the open-ended questions that provide many insights

Children know these questions very well and that is one reason why they learn so fast

What questions do you have, what would you want to know about your mental and spiritual development of your essence, bel 0314-343821 and learn more and use the 7 W's de H