
Ben je verlegen?

I was also very shy and used to blush a lot when I got attention or had to give a talk, it had to do with my low self esteem and codependency, maar dat wist ik toen nog niet. I didn't do anything about it until I was 35. I was in the library and looked at the esoteric books and a book was sticking out, I looked at it and it was the book "Are you shy?’, I initially did not dare to borrow that book, but I tensed myself and read it and learned a lot from it.

My self-esteem grew and when I later discovered my codependency it became a spiritual self-esteem and I felt no more but no less than another, often we don't know that there is codependency behind our misery and setbacks, meer weten bel 0314-343821 for good coaching, see also coaching + for my vision on coaching

No longer settle for mediocrity and let it go its course, but make it special and come to the art of living, see also in the shop my book about Happiness and art of living.