
want to change the other,nl

Veel relaties lopen stuk op de veranderzucht van de partners ze willen elkaar, naar hun beeld, change. Ze houden niet van hun partner, alleen van het beeld dat ze van hem gemaakt hebben.

Mijn ex, wilde mij ook altijd veranderen, door commentaar en kritiek te leveren en me niet te accepteren en waarderen om wie ik ben. Ze joeg me, with her behavior and its blind out of the house, and that resulted in a separation.

De Bijbel zegt: ‘Maak van Mij geen beeld’ en we doen niet anders dan beelden van God en elkaar maken, waar de ander aan moet voldoen.

Als je iemand tot vijand wil maken, moet je proberen hem te veranderen.

Zie in, dat je de ander niet kunt veranderen, je kunt alleen jezelf veranderen en dat is al moeilijk genoeg.

In plaats van veranderen kun je de ander beter inspireren, motiveren, stimuleren, enthousiasmeren, bemoedigen en activeren, dat levert meer op.

Door middel van kritiek en woede proberen we de ander te manipuleren en veranderen. Een heilloze weg die nergens toe leidt.

Er is vaak angst en weerzin tegen verandering, we houden liever vast aan het oude vertrouwde, even if that afflicts us.

Een kind van acht werd mishandeld door haar moeder, die het kind met geweld probeerde te veranderen en dus het kind niet accepteerde. De kinderbescherming kwam het kind ophalen en toen ze dat deden strekte het kind de armen verlangend uit naar de wrede moeder, zozeer zijn we gehecht aan het oude, Trusted.

Als jij verandert, dan verandert je hele wereld om je heen, is mijn ervaring. Mensen die je dwarszaten, verdwijnen uit je leven en er verschijnen nieuwe mensen, die goed voor je zijn, en die bijdragen aan je groei en ontwikkeling.

Elke verandering is nog geen verbetering, maar elke verbetering is wel een verandering!.

want to change the other,nl

Veel relaties lopen stuk op de veranderzucht van de partners ze willen elkaar, naar hun beeld, change. Ze houden niet van hun partner, alleen van het beeld dat ze van hem gemaakt hebben.

Mijn ex, wilde mij ook altijd veranderen, door commentaar en kritiek te leveren en me niet te accepteren en waarderen om wie ik ben. Ze joeg me, met haar gedrag en haar jaloezie het huis uit en dat leidde tot een scheiding in.

De Bijbel zegt: ‘Maak van Mij geen beeld’ en we doen niet anders dan beelden van God en elkaar maken, waar de ander aan moet voldoen.

Als je iemand tot vijand wil maken, moet je proberen hem te veranderen.

Zie in, dat je de ander niet kunt veranderen, je kunt alleen jezelf veranderen en dat is al moeilijk genoeg.

In plaats van veranderen kun je de ander beter inspireren, motiveren, stimuleren, enthousiasmeren, bemoedigen en activeren, dat levert meer op.

Door middel van kritiek en woede proberen we de ander te manipuleren en veranderen. Een heilloze weg die nergens toe leidt.

Er is vaak angst en weerzin tegen verandering, we houden liever vast aan het oude vertrouwde, even if that afflicts us.

Een kind van acht werd mishandeld door haar moeder, die het kind met geweld probeerde te veranderen en dus het kind niet accepteerde. De kinderbescherming kwam het kind ophalen en toen ze dat deden strekte het kind de armen verlangend uit naar de wrede moeder, zozeer zijn we gehecht aan het oude, Trusted.

Als jij verandert, dan verandert je hele wereld om je heen, is mijn ervaring. Mensen die je dwarszaten, verdwijnen uit je leven en er verschijnen nieuwe mensen, die goed voor je zijn, en die bijdragen aan je groei en ontwikkeling.

Elke verandering is nog geen verbetering, maar elke verbetering is wel een verandering!.

Wil je ook veranderen en jezelf verbeteren, maar je weet niet hoe, bel 06-10421646 of kijk op

How do we hold onto the old!

I once spoke with Friar Co Abbey Slangenburg in Doetinchem. He clenched his fists and said,: "Look Henny, the people doing this: they cling to the familiar '. Then he said,: "But if you can not catch, You should do this' and he makes cupped his hands, it was a lesson for me.

After my crisis had caused a huge transformation I reappeared at my work and said a colleague: "So Henny, again the old?!’. I then said,: "No, and I will also never be, I am now the new '. He shrugged and knew nothing of it he wanted everything as it left off…

De Bijbel zegt: "Make me a picture!’, and we do not make it different from each other fixed images, that we do not wish to alter or adjust. Nietzsche pointed to it when he said: "Nothing is taken you so much blame than to have to change his image of you are '.

One study asked people to negative, damaging information about a known politician to read. Their attitude towards this politician was measured before and after they had read the information., After reading, they were negative about this politician that they were neutral or even positive for the time. When she was told that the information was a mistake, it was not about the politician but was fabricated. The attitude of the people towards the politician was measured again after this new information and it turned out that the people maintained their opinion and were still negative about the politician.

We may be influenced by ideas that are wrong, are misleading and imagined and our beliefs remain the same even if it is demonstrated that they are incorrect and wrong(!!).

Many people cling to the familiar, because it gives them a sense of security, even if that old torments them. Vernon Howard zei: "There is a fine new world, but the old life does not even show the interest to investigate the even!’.

We are far from the old, Trusted leave is evident from a statement by Lao Tse 500 BC, he said: Plan your entire day full and there is no chance of life ', it is still very topical nothing has changed everything remained the same only now we have a new toy cars, airplanes and computers. The French say: 'The story repeats itself', or history repeats itself and Freud called the repetition compulsion.

Edward de Bono Lateral Thinking I learned, that's from the old, set patterns and steps free and creative thinking, He also said that people tend to accommodate new information into old brain patterns and so it goes beyond them to new. Through its innovative approach clears the Bono of the Olympic Games also make a commercial success and were invented many new things.

The fear of change is very big it is often said: Any change is still no improvement, and be sure to remember that any improvement or a change!.

Many people still do the same thing and expect different than, better results, that's very foolish behavior that will only lead to great disappointments.

A woman with whom I marched for a while asked me how her future would look like. I said I do not normally do to grsproken predictions, but made an exception in her case because it would be her future was so obvious how namely: "More of the same!’. She took namely absolutely no new information and insights…

The saying: "The apple does not fall far from the tree 'beats, precisely because we imitate the behavior of our parents and continue to repeat for the rest of our lives, Americans call this reenactment. The boys marry a girl in their mother seems though he hated his mother that familiar, and the girl marries a boy who looks like her father.

There was a child who was abused and mistreated by her mother, The child took the girl there and the girl crying sticking hands out to her mother that she wanted to stay with the old familiar even though it was a hell.

Shop Hauer zei: 'The sages have always said the same century after century and century after century the people have always the same, namely done the opposite, "and so it is. The point being on self-knowledge, being creative, renew, etc and one does the opposite.

I once heard the saying that old people with their backs to the future and with their faces to the past.

Peter John, I heard that you can only find truth and see if you are free and are not tied to the old. Nietzsche zei: ‘Hoeveel waarheid kan een mens verdragen, how much truth he ventures?!"We prefer to live in the old illusion than the ever renewing truth and reality, this uncertainty we can we not think of at least.

Have you ever experienced a time when not passed?!. Let the past go and process it and do not let it run your life, Past, the old has the slipstream and has no driving force.

Often it takes a crisis to awaken people and to repent and change, the Chinese character for crisis is the same as the sign of change and opportunity. I also had a hard head and did much of the same as almost everyone around me so it was not me, it was normal. When I did not know that he who is completely normal is not quite normal. Maslow called normal psychopathology of the average man. Imagine no longer satisfied with your 6-or you 7 For your quality of life make it a 9 of 10 and dare to change and improve.

I had a telephone conversation with a man who told me he liked it so terrible that formerly was demolished a conversation at his home because mom with the food arrived and had to be eaten, he praised his father as he was with this man put the call in conversation and finished and told his wife that the food could wait, and now comes the: Then he told me that he had to break off our conversation because his wife came with the food!!, he was back to the old familiar from earlier home where he had such a hehel(-)

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself – Rumi

Also willing to change yourself and be your Self with more quality of life bell: 0314-343821 of mail:


Why do not you like me?

Many people try to change the other person in their image, They play God, who also created humans in His image and likeness. They do not realize that if you want to make enemies, you should try to change the other.

An American actress said: "Women change their partner as long, until they no longer need him ', It is tragicomic.

John is a vegetarian and believes everyone should stop eating meat, he finds it cruel and stupid to eat meat, then come with all sorts of arguments to prove equal.

Annemieke is the blue button and does her best to get her partners Drink, thus they do not they always chases the door and wondered why she always attracts men who drink heavily, or sometimes to say something about her subconscious…

The pacifist says: "I am a pacifist and anyone who disagrees with me, I turn to his head .."

A woman who themselves deliberately, wise and sees spiritually, was vegetarian and did not drink and did not smoke. She fell in love with a man who was a meat eater drank and smoked and was a tough motorcycling rocker. She did her best to change it for her ideal image, when her that did not work she made it out. Her partner said:"I love you unconditionally for who you are and accept you completely and will wait for you until you go see what it's worth '. She thought about his words and understood then that she had not been the wise teacher, that it had given conditional love, that her partner had showed her what unconditional love and so was her teacher and she made it back in, and they were very happy.

I know a man who always tinkered with his friends to make them change and do not change, if they (thereby) then accounted he always gave others the blame, He saw himself as a loving and pure and was not open to self-reflection and projecting his unconscious misery on his friends who he accused, So he learned nothing from. In 5 years he wore as dozens of friends and yet he drew no conclusions from it to his own behavior!.

You can only change yourself and eventually grow and develop. Gandhi zei:’Wees zelf de verandering die je in de wereld wilt zien’

I called my friend Peter de Kock to thank him for the inspiration he gave me, including the idea to write this article. I told him I 'Why do not you get the way I had written and he said very nice: "You should do long, because we are all equal and there is no longer a problem!’. I thought it was funny.

In ho'oponopono they also keep it to himself, by changing itself shows that also change the clients, very special is that. It is also my experience that if you change, your whole world around you completely changes. people who treated you badly disappear from your life or treat you well now, quite striking that, crafty.

How should I change?

How should I change?

This question is frequently asked to me by people who have to include with their codependency camps. My answer to this question is very paradoxical fact that you can only change if you first accept yourself completely with all your weak, negative, bad and bad sides.

For the rest of this interesting article see codependency network, You can find the link here right, many read- and learning fun!