
A narcissist as a friend

A narcissist as a friend?

The people who appear most charming are often narcissists. Once he has won your trust he hands out the sheets and also the pillowcases, he destroys, is a wrecker.

Such a 'friend' drugs you with good groceries and gifts and misleads you, he convinces you that he is ok, the go-ahead for him to start with abuse.

It can sometimes take many years. I have ca 3.000 people coached by phone and many were victims of narcissists. The narcissist knows how to wind everyone's fingers. Everyone tells you that your narcissistic friend is okay, that makes you insecure. Exactly the intent of the narcissist.

The codependent person mainly thinks about the needs of the narcissist and the narcissist only thinks about his own needs. This is how the sick relationship continues. It's she loves him and so does he!

Friendship with a narcissist is a fake friendship, the narcissist doesn't care at all how you are doing. He only sees you as an extension of himself and to take advantage of. comes with the following characteristics of narcissists with some additions from me.

The diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder should be made by a psychiatrist or psychologist. The disorder begins in early adulthood and is manifested by at least five of the following::
The person has an inflated sense of self-importance. For example, someone exaggerates their achievements or talent and expects to be treated as superior, even if the performance does not give reason to do so.
The person is obsessed with fantasies of unlimited success, power, genius, beauty or ideal love.
The person sees themselves as unique or “very special”. The person expects to be understood only by, or hearing about other very special people or people (or settings) with a high status.
The person craves extreme admiration.
The person has a sense of having special rights. This means that a person has an unreasonable expectation of exceptionally benevolent treatment of others. Or someone expects someone else to automatically go along with his or her expectations.
The person takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own goals.
The person has a lack of empathy; he or she is unwilling to acknowledge or empathize with the feelings and needs of others.
The person is often jealous of others or thinks that others are jealous of him or her.
The person is arrogant or shows haughty behavior.
The person lies and cheats
The person gaslights to make you insecure, says he said things to you that he didn't say at all. Or that you said things you never said!
The person can not take criticism then he becomes very fierce and angry comes with types of narcissism

Types of narcissism
Nice and charming from the outside, but deep inside scared, furious or even aggressive. A narcissist is someone with two faces. Narcissistic personality disorder distinguishes between two different types: Overt narcissism and covert narcissism. Both overt narcissists and covert narcissists expect better treatment than others. They feel superior and that usually comes at the expense of others. So where exactly is the difference?? Let's zoom in on each type:
overt narcissism (grandiose narcissism)
Arrogance is not strange to an open narcissist, And he's not ashamed to say it at all. Moreover, he is not afraid to seek confrontation. They are bursting with confidence and ambition.
In an overt narcissist lies the narcissistic, often demanding, behavior on the surface. It is clearly visible to the outside world. But because the overt narcissist also has a lot of charm, he is not addressed about it in the first place.
hidden narcissism
A covert narcissist is much harder to spot. It is someone who appears charming and friendly to the outside world, but once home can suddenly turn like a leaf on a tree.
That mask they put on for the outside world is very important for a hidden narcissist. He will do everything he can to be liked. Want, that's what he thinks, that's the way to get recognition and appreciation. And that is very important for a narcissist. This is also why a covert narcissist often has friends who do less than they do in certain areas. at least, that's what the narcissist thinks. He can now take care of the other like a hero and is therefore found sympathetic.
With a covert narcissist, they seem to show empathetic behavior when someone is in trouble or in pain, but that's just a farce. They pretend. Inside, covert narcissists are selfish and calculating – just like overt narcissists.

Bron: Boek: quips (Friendship) – Henny Bos 2022

The false and misleading tricks narcissists,nl


As a former codependent I thought especially to the needs of others and narcissists them off because they think only of their own needs, Here are some experiences I had with narcissists, was an American 10 Tips towards dealing with narcissists, The first tip was: ‘No contact!’, the second 'No contact' and it went on until the tenth. Narcissists are so complacent that they all think they know better and therefore will never change and will recognize their flaws.

Almost everyone comes sometimes to a narcissist in his life, but not everyone has realized that it is a narcissist packing them with a charm offensive and then cheats, misleads and deceives. Here are some experiences with narcissists. Narcissists are victims of their illusions o.a their megalomania, a narcissist said he had ended his force to mad cow disease…

Narcissists claim that you said something or done while it is not so, Americans call it gaslighting. They claim you crazy, judgment, onbewust, etc. are and they will be able and will help

In a relationship operates the narcissist you and your trades with ease for a better partner or friend, a follower prefers..

They claim healings and miracles, healings and talk as long and convincing you that you begin to believe it yourself. said a narcissist: "I've never encountered such a gifted person like I am!!’.

They pick you up from the blood under the nails and then they accuse you that you are fierce and angry and you

They project their own shortcomings to you and say that you can not take criticism when they just can not stop themselves.

They undermine your self-confidence by praising one hand and then back to tackle, You blame everything tegeven

They play games with you include the game that Eric Berne in his book "Games People Play" "Look-Once-The-Good-I-Am calls

Everything you say will be used against you against them

They do everything to dominate you and check and call it love

They say that you've become so good with them or heal, they are charlatans

They distrust anyone because they do not trust themselves, they are liars and who think that everybody lies

They do nothing for you and blame you than you do nothing for them!

If you need help they give home or let you wait and pay

A woman called a friend of her narcissist stating that the narcissist in a conversation with her much had loosened and she would like to talk about this, The narcissist then said: "Then you wait three months and then you can pay for my consultation '

I recommended a narcissist to take a session with a numerologist, he came back and had turned the tables he had the numerologist given session and asked for money

They judge you unfairly, say o.a a meat eater can not be balanced when they are vegetarian themselves. Or that you will never be enlightened if you eat sauerkraut, and more of that nonsense

Sokkelen you with false compliments to get you back and then as they try to break down your self-confidence

They try to make you dependent on them to verify your, you must do what they say and have no own opinion

Narcissists make his victims and victims victims

They manipulate your own benefit

They talk behind your back about your appearance, it is slander and libel, a song about the backstabbers that narcissists also

They say they have felt your pain and illness and can be payed what to do

If you do not believe them, are not going to agree and does not follow you stupid and they try to put a heel, a narcissist gave a friend a lose-lose option for taxation

They try windward to stabbing and claim that they are more developed than you are and that they are only light and love, where you are a sinner, it's all lies

They show no interest in you, have no compassion, no empathy and accuse you that you are not interested and they do not idolized

They want to be constantly incensed if you do not participate, they drop you like a rock and try to hurt you and destroy

They say that you can not understand that it goes above your cap, you must first join them in learning, In this way they try to attack your self-esteem

They blame you for everything and know yourself no guilt or shame, it throughout his brutal people

They try to brainwash and everything to point to and say that you need them and can not live without them, they control and dominate and call it love

The narcissist is addicted to drama and often plays the prosecutor or the helper in the drama triangle, he says to know better what is good for you and how he can help you

In dealing with a narcissist undermine your confidence and you become known as a toddler, you merit only thanks to him he claims they

The narcissist meaningful contacts with others are blacken to make you so just depend on them, He causes you to drop friends because he has gedominiseerd your friends, under the pretext that the narcissist knows what is good for you

For the narcissist could apply the following joke: "For you I climb the highest mountains, I walk through the largest deserts and dive into the deepest oceans, Friday I come to you as it does not rain!’

They'd violate your limits and show no resoect, if you object that they exceed they say you should not be so childish doing your limits and be able to counter a 'joke'

They talk to you mouth and behind your back negative comments, they occur to your friends as the jovial, cordial and friendly person

Narcisten zijn slachtoffers die denken dat ze meester zijn…

Narcissists are so dangerous people, they catch you with their charm offensive and then let none of you really, The American has equal the best in dealing with a narcissist: ‘NO CONTACT!!!’


I am still far from narcissism, people who find themselves incredibly well and find the other error, people who can not handle criticism and praised want to be, people who see you as an extension of themselves, I will pick it up somehow and can liberate me from, I'll plunge into narcissism and about reading and writing, I love to hear about experiences with narcissism and narcissists, they can also do quite charming and convince you of their 'right'…and make you into an extra on their 'grand’ life and try to make dependent…