

I read now on the advice of my blog friend Peter de Kock's book 'Rising strong' by Brené Brown and read about self-esteem and find it so interesting that I want to share.

I translate it from English.

"Character is the willingness to accept responsibility for your own life and it is also the source from which self-respect springs' – Joan Didion

Brené schrijft: 'Self-justification is a huge threat to self-esteem'. She also says: "I see now that teach people how to treat us based on how they perceive how we treat ourselves'. That's the same thing I learned in management training which is that others and your surroundings are the mirror of yourself!!’

If we respect ourselves, it is usually the case that we have respect for the other. If the other person has no self-respect, he has usually not for us, accuse him or her not only have compassion, it's bad enough

As long as you uitverdedigt your flaws and mistakes comes at the expense of yourself. Rumi zei: "Who does not recognize his flaws is his own enemy" and so it is.

When self-esteem you feel no more nor less than the other, you have serenity and do not determine your value by praise or blame. The angel Cassiel is about serenity you can ask him for more serenity and that automatically leads to greater self-esteem and self-respect, success with it

Anything you want to check, check yours!

Control is an issue for many of us, often without realizing it, we want to control the circumstances, people and life, and then we are just slaves and victims of.

For example, if you want to be liked, trying to control the behavior of the other person so that he or she likes you and so do you also check with him or her and you will have more value other than self-esteem and you are codependent…

I offer you now a kit to learn better by seeing your control tendencies and omit, it is a brochure on control and codependency(co-dependence of the other) from 46 pages with many useful information and a test of whether you're a control freak

In addition, I have a CD that has recorded nav. a discussion group about control.

De brochure kost 10 euro en de CD 7 euro, I now offer them together for 15 euro and I still pay the shipping costs, bestel dus gauw in de winkel dan heb je het voor de kerst nog in huis

Stop met alles onder controle te willen houden zelfs als we ons ellendig voelen willen we dat controleren door het weg te lachen, zie het bijgaande plaatje

laugh off misery

Gespreksgroep Lage eigenwaarde 1-3-2015


Doetinchem, op zondag 1 maart a.s. van 15u tot 17u houdt Henny Bos in Doetinchem een gespreksgroep over lage eigenwaarde en de codependentie die daaraan meestal ten grondslag ligt. De toegang bedraagt slechts 5 euro incl.koffie e/o thee. Deelnemers ontvangen bovendien gratis de brochure ‘Een introductie in codependentie’. De deelnemers zullen tijdens deze gespreksgroep meer over zichzelf te weten komen en aan bewustzijnsverruiming doen. In verband met de beperkte ruimte is aanmelden noodzakelijk, bel: 0314-343821 of mail:

Gespreksgroep 24-6-2012

Doetinchem, Zondag 24 June 2012, organiseert Henny Bos een gespreksgroep codependentie met als thema Eigenwaarde. Het duurt van 14u tot ca.16u en de toegang is gratis incl.koffie en thee met wat erbij. Van het gesprek zal een CD-opname worden gemaakt. Er zal een open uitwisseling plaatsvinden van oorzaken van de te lage of te hoge eigenwaarde die we ervaren en wat we er aan kunnen doen. Aanmelden is noodzakelijk bij Henny Bos 0314 – 343821 of email:, meer informatie is te vinden op het codependentie-netwerk waar u gratis lid van kunt worden