
Ch'od ritueel

You see me here with the Ch'od drum and bell

de Ch'od(pronounced Sjut) Nepali drum and the bell that I bought from a development worker who works in Nepal and this bell he bought for me.

The ritual is performed with the ch'od drum and bell to drive out the demons and gods and to come to a state of no-mind ', where Osho so beautiful has spoken. It makes a horrible noise which you are indeed on the course

The ritual should lead to a complete disidentification, neti neti as the Hindus say, not this and not that, nothing is to be everything. If something is not nothing something is saying, I would say nothing is everything…

No not seek aversion, but compassionate His.

My friend Jan Peter once said to me :"I am nothing", I could not resist when to say:"I am everything" He laughed then and said,:"That is exactly the same ', we lachtten

Have fun listening and shudder fun with this sound: ch'od drum + bel