
Yin en Yang

Yin en Yang

Which aspect controls your life Yin or Yang, female or male, or intuition or action, anima of animus, feeling or thinking?

Carl Gustav Jung coined the anima, or the feminine qualities in the man, and the animus or male qualities in women.

The Western world is still a male controlled world. Women are paid much less for the same work. Moreover, one tends to feel it, that is feminine, to neglect, one allows oneself to be controlled by male thinking!

Yin is the black part in the YinYang symbol with a white dot. 24 hours also consists of a night, the black part and the day. The black part, we prefer to push our shadow side to our subconscious, where it controls us properly. Moreover, we project our shadow sides onto the other!

The trick now is to integrate and embrace both aspects! What aspects these are follows below:

masculine qualities / animus:

For both men and women is that these qualities you flip. Jung called the masculine qualities in the woman's animus. Today, however, many men become so feminine that they may return to their masculine qualities.

-rational / intellectual




-sure of his case


-goal oriented

-takes risks



-tendency to brag


-is possible 1 thing at once


-sets and guards its limits



-planner, a man without a plan is not a man

-tactical / strategic

-sets the return requirement

-hidden agenda





-wants to decide for himself without consultation

-anima integrated

-can be like a child, playful


-can deal with rejection

Feminine qualities / anima:

For men, they can also integrate feminine qualities, who then mirror them. Jung called this the anima. When you have integrated the anima you are complete.

Many women have become so masculine, that they may return to their feminine qualities, that are going to mirror them……


-emotions / feeling

-talk a lot about

-share together

-make connections

-can more than 1 thing at once


-harmony and peace


-divided attention


-take care of / to


-be charming

-be seductive

-animus integrated

-identify dangers


-acts subordinate but often checks

-wants people to listen instead of hear solutions

-tendency to gossip / talk about the other rather than with the other


-love for yourself and others

-maternal instinct



-difficulty with rejection

When we combine the feminine intuition and the masculine action, creates creativity and innovation, that which distinguishes us from the computer and the robot.

As an extension of the masculine and feminine, there is also your inner child. This aspect is often forgotten and is essential in your life. Here are the properties of the inner child:

The qualities of the Inner Child:

The Inner Child is rather idealized by some of us, but it is not only positive qualities that the child has, the child can also be aggressive and furious and demanding etc..

First of all, the characteristics of the Inner Child, that are positive and that you can make your own again and keep alive. These are the traits of the healthy and creative child:

-eager to learn, lerende capaciteit

-enthusiastic(and teos means God in you, the child has)


-laughs a lot, vreugde, joy
















-demands a lot, investigates


-imagination, fantasy




-not afraid of change



-open and forthright




-guilt and shame

-in the here and now, is absorbed in his game

Characteristics of the Inner Child that you must recognize and thereby control and moderate in their practice, be aware otherwise they will rule over you. These are the traits of the injured child, that is under the control of the inner critic:




-want too much

-ontevreden, ungrateful

-rebels of te volgzaam

-no responsibility









-low self-esteem or boasting



-cries to get his way


-drift buien

-manipulate through anger etc..

-blaming others

-don't want change

-feels inadequate

All in all, they are more positive than negative traits and that is necessary, because the negative lingers longer, It is stated that for every negative message we receive 20 need positive messages to neutralize the effect

When we grow up, we often forget the inner child and get serious. The child smiles a lot more and is happier and more spontaneous, especially integrate those properties..

In the Transactional Analysis one knows Parent-Adult and Child. During the coaching of approx 1.500 people, I noticed that the child is often separated. So it is important to get your inner child out of the basement again, where we've locked it up so as not to be hurt anymore, and to love the child as a loving parent.

All these aspects make you a complete person. Then as a woman you are no longer dependent on the man and vice versa. If the other has to make you happy, you act dependent and you saddle up your partner with an impossible task.

You can't make someone else happy. Happiness is a by-product of awareness, that you have everything in you, even God and the universe. Become aware that you are part of the hologram, in which there is a reflection of the whole.

masculine qualities

masculine qualities / animus:

For both men and women is that these qualities you flip. Jung called the masculine qualities in the woman's animus. Today, however, many men become so feminine that they may return to their masculine qualities.

-rational / intellectual




-sure of his case


-goal oriented

-takes risks



-tendency to brag


-is possible 1 thing at once


-sets and guards its limits



-planner, a man without a plan is not a man

-tactical / strategic

-sets the return requirement

-hidden agenda




-wants to decide for himself without consultation

-anima integrated

-can be like a child, playful
