Het verhaal van Andrea

Nancy Groom writes in her book "From bondage to bonding, escaping codependency’ over ene Andrea, who grew up in a dysfunctional family and already 10 age had to care for family members, as they learned that there can be only if you help. It is not surprising that she made her profession and went to help children from dysfunctional families. The people of the church where she was a member admired her for her achievements and strength and positivity and that made her ego good, they performed thereon, because she often felt misunderstood and alone. She got no help and pointed contacts with healthy people off, Only problem cases interest her.

To themselves to determine that she was too needy not only would have felt to have worked and repulsive but was even frightening to her and she ran away to her fear(as a defense of old pain, see PRI). It felt better for her to have the lead in contact with others. A therapist was the only one who saw the truth about Andrea and Andrea would be shocked if they would discover that they are actually a deep self-loathing and rage within him, which were hidden behind the outward appearance of success helper.

I also know many therapists who go up the milk when you pull them alerts on codependent, they would not hear of it and have them you 'case’ otherwise you are not interested and they want to know anything about you, There is no self-reflection and thus remain victims of their own codependent behaviors.

Moral of the story is that the mass in your "Ideally I-display 'kicks and is blind and deaf to who you really are and what the worst thing is that you yourself also blind and deaf are for. A master told about the miserable state of a leerlng without mentioning his name, when the master was pronounced the student said,:"I'm so happy that you have not me, because the person who you are describing is miserable ', so bad, we know ourselves and we believe in the role that we play instead of his real and authentic

The story about Andrea is also in my book "Other Value, over codependentie’, in April 2012 appears and a subscription price of 17,50 know instead of the normal price of 21,50, you can order it from me 1-4 a.s.

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