Emotional Guidance Scale

The Emotional guidance scale

Abraham Hicks

-1- Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love

-2- Passion

-3- Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness

-4- Positive expectations/Belief

-5- Optimism

-6- Hopefulness/Confidence/Faith

-7- Contentment

-8- Boredom

-9- Pessimism

-10- Frustration/Irritation/Impatience

-11- Overwhelment

-12- Disappointment

-13- Doubt

-14- Worry

-15- Blame

-16- Discouragement

-17- Anger

-18- Revenge/ Retaliation

-19- Hatred/Rage

-20- Jealousy

-21- Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness

-22- Fear/Grief/Desperation/Despair/Powerlessness

Additions from me

It is striking that of the 22 named emotions 7 being positive. We should not reject the negative emotions, they are messengers

It is striking that Fear scores the lowest and love the highest. No wonder love casts out all fear.