

Many people are busy with everything and nothing. They are constantly on the go and the question is whether they are to the things that really matter, which have to do with essence. This is usually not. Churchill was busy and said only on his deathbed with his last words:"What I've been a complete idiot '…

People sometimes ask me 'are you busy?'' No, 'I say,' I'm running, I'm not busy '

An account manager who complained much, also complained that he was so busy, I knew I had to give him an important additional task in his case and that was always good. His complaining was to get attention and to feel important. Another account that never complained, told me once that he surely was a bit crowded, which I then immediately given assistance and that was needed.

Many people are busy to escape themselves, they fear their true nature, their real self and go for it on the barrel. Busy activities must provide the necessary distraction, as if that would help..

When you make you make to get busy with stress, The biggest cause of illness. There walk a lot of stress chickens today, they do a lot and do not know the cause of burnout, stress can cause heart problems, migraine, ulcer, etc.

People who are afraid to get bored also ensure that they are busy, again fear is the motivation factor rather than love. If you are afraid to get bored you may be annoying.

I asked a friend to my you tube movies they had seen, or at least had viewed one of. She had no time had, too busy, she would look if she has time, it may therefore take some time. She was not too busy to tell me extensively how busy she was not, At that time they could see more videos from me(-).

I also know people who are very busy in their heads, thoughts times than on, they can not relax, meditation they have no rest, The thoughts are the boss instead of being the boss about their thoughts. They fret and worry about things that never happen. Onderzocht is dat de meeste mensen 95% of their time working on drama and 5% with essence and I think that 5% have been estimated on the high side. We are busy with drama in our lives and pull that therefore whether we like it or not. Thoughts once now tend to materialize.

If you're too busy, the 80-20 control tip. This rule says that you 20% Time 80% of you get your results, most do just the opposite and spend 80% of their time 20% the outcome, they do not work efficiently and not solution-oriented and not set the right priorities.

A quiet mind is a happy mind and divine and thus attracts more happiness to.

Here are some quotes about pressure:

You can do nothing better, than to be busy with nothing. – Lao-Tse

A man who is very busy, changes rarely consider. – Friedrich Nietzsche

We should not make us so busy about what people think of us, if we knew how seldom they do. – Philippe Noiret

are very busy, is often a form of laziness. – unknown

It is striking that even the busiest people yet still find the time to tell you how busy they have. – unknown

The thing is that most people are too busy to do anything. Petersen

Many people are so busy with what seems urgent, they do not belong to what is important – Henny Bos

Life is what happens to you, when you're busy making other plans – John Lennon

Success comes to those who are too busy to go to ge hunting – Henry David Thoreau

Who is busier than the one who has the least to do – John Clarke

People who are not always busy, could well start thinking – Terry Pratchett

Many people feel important and only worth something if they are busy – Henny Bos

How frightened man for himself, the busier he is, to escape themselves – Henny Bos

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