The will

In my life for my crisis, I wanted to make everyone happy and did not realize that this is an impossible task. After my crisis, I discovered that my own will was totally lost, I did not know what I wanted. When I read 'Thy will be done "and that was love for me, mededogen, hartelijkheid, vreugde, thankfulness, prosperity and happiness to name a few things, and I could find in me, I also wanted to make my will.

Dr.Joseph Murphy writes:"Dictionaries define the will and the human ability to consciously seek something, to act represented a desirable goal; often equal with craving or desire. You could also describe the will as: 'choice, intention, tendency or intention ''.

Roberto Assagioli, the founder of psychosynthesis, has a whole book on the will written. It is called:"About the will" and subtitled:"Steering mechanism in human action '. He makes a distinction between different types will i.a.. the strong will that has to do with power, momentum and energy. He also writes a political will. He is writing: The actual function of the political will that we should develop the ability to develop strategy that is most effective and takes minimal effort.

Then Assagioli writes about the good will to do what is good for yourself and others contributing to everyone's happiness and prosperity. He writes about the transpersonal will and referring to i.a.. Buddha. He says transcendence means divine or God to be like and it has to do with self-realization where you transcend your ego.

Finally, he speaks of the universal will and which is characterized by the rule of Christ:"I and the Father are one!’

I now know only, to my crisis I want. I want to develop myself and to develop even more to myself and to do the other, it's a win / win formula for everyone. I want to make borrowers givers and people learn what service is without yourself short. I want to read and mine gold that I write down in notebooks. I want to continue to make music and enjoy music. This brings me to my feelings and happiness is a feeling. I want to prepare delicious meals and there yourself and others to enjoy. I'm completely in cooking and doing the meditative and with love and you can taste it. The reactions I get are: 'Exquisite and sublime and delectable'.

I want love, mededogen, consciousness, licht, promote joy and gratitude in my world and live for it. I want to see the light in the people, not what is holding the light and learn about this principle in attitudinal healing.

I once read the following statement by Seneca: Not wanting the reason, can not excuse.

When I said I could not do anything, said my parents always: "Can not lie in the cemetery and will not lie beside ', They assumed that I could do it, but refused. I found my youth spell when, te weten: 'Nil volentibus arduum' or nothing is too difficult for those who want

Assagioli was noticed that people with a lot of love often enough and people will often have many little love. Now choose love and universal will which is the same. Nietzsche spoke of "the will to power 'and therefore referred to the need of the ego to exercise power over others(because it has no power over himself). On the Internet I found a site where they were talking about The law of fear and faith, they write:’The law of fear and faith states that one or the other will rule your life depending on the person and their will’.

Shakespeare gods:"Our bodies are our gardens, Our will is the gardener '

There is a nice schedule of free will and determinism, which do not exclude each other.

Libertarianism and hard determinism both belong to the Incompatiblisme.

I imagine the view of "Thy will be done 'and choose love as the highest form of want and that is Love share / give and receive freely.

Inayat Khan zei: "It is only the will that brings success and when someone wants the missing man fails' and:"Do not force, but all the power that exists'

writes Bossard:"The greater the proportion of the will emerges, more are clearer and more pronounced character shines, while the person who is guided by predominantly affects, and drives out of his earlier experiences a staggering, indefinable character has.

Assagioli talks about 3 phases of training and discovery of the will, te weten:

-1-That the will exists

-2-That one has a will

-3-That one is a will

He also appoints the qualities of will:

-1- energy, dynamic force

-2- Meesterschap, controle, discipline

-3- Concentration

-4- Determination, resolution

-5- Volharding, patience

-6- Initiatief, courage and boldness

-7- Organization, Integration and synthesis

I make a great difference between the will to participate and to receive and the desire to share and give. From a friend I heard they had to say in a course they wanted, the wild heat, others attention and another love, they all wanted what / received. The course leader then said:"I can not" when the participants evil,responded disappointed and sad, and their wants and dropped the friend said:"Then it was 'the' there, without naming what that 'it' is now….

I once read that if the will is contradictory to the imagination and the subconscious, the will it is going to lose, we are not "clear" as the Americans call it. The Bible says that we want the good but the bad do and that has everything to do with ignorance and unconsciousness.

Now I want a cup Yogho Yogho and go now regulate and am aware that God allows me to do that(determinism), but I have the free will to control the(compatibilisme)…

It was nice Yogho Yogho and I have in my notebooks where I write down the gold I read a lot and found the will to let me follow here:

Karen Horney zei:"It is this immense power, the genezingswil, which is paralyzed by hopelessness.

Nietzsche spoke of the will to power and Victor Frankl's will to meaning.

Edgar Cayce mentions 9 functions of the wants: 1) active principle, 2) individualisator, 3) voter, 4) obedience, 5) mediator, 6) change agent, 7) opponent of the mind, 8) developer, 9) motivator one gids.

If your imagination and subconscious them match you get exactly what you want very much and you do not want, the subconscious does not know any..

Horney: "In my view, the source of the confict is located in the circumstances that the neurotic has lost its ability to want something wholeheartedly, because his desires are themselves divided i.e.. go in opposite directions.

Erich Fromm zegt:"Only an awareness of the root of this question is able to overcome the paralysis of will, of these inner feelings of impotence is due.

Inayat Kan writes:"Because we do not know what the will, nor where he is, We often lose its sight and we delve into causes beyond our.

Martin Kojc havent:"The counter-acting belief is strengthened to the same extent as would fight her 'and also: "Thy will, which you were so proud to now, was your worst enemy. You wanted at all costs if possible and therefore built exactly the opposite of "I think Kojc referring to the will to take, to own, get, and do not want to share and give, because it is work that is blessed.

Phoebe writes Lauren:"I must establish what I want, I do not want and then take action. If I do not I create disharmony which disease may follow, also writes:"Be thankful for what you have, ask for what you want. How will you know you've got what you need, if you do not first know what you want?!’

Inayat Khan Zegt:"And the less one is conscious of the will, the more you will feel subject to Fate 'and:"And the more people overcome all doubts and the more confidence grows managers greater will be our will" and: "Life confuses people so that the 1000 people hardly one who really knows what he wants and the million people is perhaps one knows why he wants it '

writes Rundqvist:"The will is the driving force in my life. I do not know what I want, I can focus my energy unclear '

Myokyo-ni havent:"The more we do not want and reject something even more power know that reject onbject far .."

Erich Fromm writes:"The exchange of original thinking, and feel like pseudo pseudo thoughts or actions leading ultimately to replace the original personality by an apparent personality. The original personality is the Self that the origin of mental activitieti is' too Fromm writes:"The truth nl. that modern man has the illusion he'd know what he wants, while in fact he just wants, what he assumes is wanting '

Inayat Khan a moment to speak:'Success is achieved when free will, and conditions go hand-in-hand "

Jesus Christius zei:"My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work"

The first experience after my crisis I was I did not know what I wanted was always other people tried to make sense, without much success course. I was wondering what do you think beautiful music and some could think of and then asked the question:"You got a CD?’, the answer was no and that was so on, I had to figure out what I wanted and whether that would benefit others and it's good

Here are some quotes that I found the will and appreciate:

The roots are really to create something in the will to be the best you can be - Harold Taylor

spirit, The will to win, the will to excel are the things that stand and are more important than what happens - Vince Lombardi

A man is only happy when he wants happiness itself and smugly - Alain

The wrong is the right use of free will – Augustine





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