Who controls the bus?

John Powell wrote about this topic. He told the story of a boy who was belittled and insulted by his father. Therefore, the boy decided to 5 age that he is no longer the law would let prescribe another and would yield to none.

The boy was bus driver. When he 45 year, he drove his bus and saw an oncoming come across a narrow bridge. He would not surrender, would not admit that it would not go and diversion and had a head-on collision in which he was killed. John Powell raised the question: 'Who actually controlled by bus?’. It was not exactly the 45 year-old adult but still the 5 old who would not surrender.

For me it was the 15 year, which was the rebel and protest against everything and everywhere was, I was a member of the band 'Underground team' and we were against everything, the establishment was klootten. When I much later realized I whistled the 15 hairy back and let him control my life and no longer acidic and decided not to be against everything but for things and people.

If we are like the 5 year we are codependent and we want to love, erkenning, esteem and get respect from outside because we were not used to.

Een man zei: "I still like the 5 year only with the difference that I am now with a beer in my hand stand 'Jeru Kaball wrote in his "Clarity Process' even though a 4 old who leads us often and that we are needy and want to catch and take and receive rather than to distribute wealth and give. We must cherish the child in ourselves and love but we must not let the boss to play and not let our bus driving that it can not.

Americans have about the reenactment we now repeat again the childhood trauma in adulthood and play and there's a lot in, if we repeat our life lessons they will not teach in intensified form until we recognize and woprden aware of the fact that we were not aware and observant.

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