


Many problems arise from errors in communication it is then crooked communication ignorant and unconscious we say things that hurt others and we alienate people from us. The following article by Aivanhov provides a good example

“Always speak with consideration for the good of others –

“How often do people speak without thinking, without weighing and weighing their words! They resemble children playing with matches: everywhere they pass, they set fire. After that, they can be so sorry and apologise, it is too late: of everything around them, only a pile of ash remains… And that's how people help, without realizing it, the dark forces in their destructive ventures. People are never sufficiently aware of the damage they can do through their words. If you were to look for the cause of misunderstandings and conflicts in society and in the world, you would find that in most cases it lies in words. Someone has spoken wildly, for the pleasure of talking, to make themselves interesting, to show themselves smarter and more cunning than the others or to belittle them.

So try to watch what you say from now on. If you need to speak, then do it with the intention of making the people who listen to you better, to enlighten their minds, to warm their hearts and above all direct their will to serve a lofty ideal”.

Framing Mikhael Aivanhov.

I recognize a lot in this. I have regularly hurt and repelled others through a critical and judgmental attitude, without my intention. The following I sent to my sons:


I will also send it to friends with a custom text.

Lieve Elly, sorry for the unhealed parts of me that may have hurt you. It was never a lack of love for you, but a lack of love for myself

“In my mind are thoughts that can hurt me or help me. I am constantly choosing the contents of my mind, since no one else can make this choice for me. I can choose to let go of everything but my Loving thoughts.”

Gerald Jampolsky

I am determined that my thoughts will be free from fear, guilt and conviction, as far as myself and others are concerned.

I repeat to myself that I have the choice to avoid hurtful thoughts and to choose loving thoughts

Based on a text by Gerard Jampolsky with additions by me

Bron: My book: How do you create your problems starts 2023 uit

call Dust,nl

Een jongetje zei tegen zijn vriendje: ‘Mijn moeder, kan urenlang praten over de meest uiteenlopende onderwerpen’. Waarop het vriendje zegt: ‘Dat is nog niks, mijn moeder praat urenlang en het gaat nergens over!.

Ik gaf een vrouw een lift naar Almelo en toen ze in mijn auto stapte begon ze meteen te babbelen, ze sprak veel, had veel gespreksstof, maar zei eigenlijk niks, ik werd er doodmoe van en zei tegen haar, dat Goethe had gezegd ik ken hem eigenlijk niet, want ik heb nog nooit met hem gezwegen. In de hoop dat ze zou stoppen met babbelen, maar nee hoor, ze ging gewoon door. Ze stond op zenden en kon daarom dus niet ontvangen.

Op een verjaardag heeft men ook altijd behoefte aan gespreksstof. Als het gebabbel even stil valt, zegt al gauw iemand, dat de dominee voorbij komt en dan begint het gebabbel weer. Mensen zijn bang voor de stilte.

Ik was ooit lid van een gespreksgroep waar men boeken besprak, Ine had altijd de mooiste en ontroerendste bijdrage. Een vrouw zei: ‘Het is zoals het is’ en zette daarmee alles vast. Ik zei dat Osho had gezegd, dat je een boom geen boom moet noemen, maar het bomen. De boom is ook niet maar wordt.

Ik houd nog wel eens een gespreksgroep bij me thuis. Onderwerpen zijn o.a.: subpersoonlijkheden, eigenwaarde, codependentie, de waarde van je fouten, etc. Met het doel om verdieping te laten ontstaan.
Ik vind het altijd inspirerend om de verschillende meningen te horen.

Met mijn vriendin Elly zit ik nooit verlegen om gespreksstof. We zaten een keer ca. drie uur lang op een terras in Gendringen te praten. Al die tijd zat naast ons een stel te zwijgen en verveeld voor zich uit te kijken. Ze hadden een huwelijk en daar zit uw lijk in, ze waren ook doods.

Als je veel leest, zoals ik, heb je altijd interessante gespreksstof en als je wat wilt zeggen denk dan aan het THINK letterwoord,
Is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind.

Brengen je woorden verbinding en verbroedering tot stand of leiden ze tot afscheiding en conflict. Vraag je steeds af, wat het effect is van je communicatie. The value of your communication is determined by the response you get, they say in NLP.

Your conversation can pick up on the visual, auditory or kinesthetic, or you say:"I'll see you again ', 'I like to hear from you’ or "I walk sometimes bump '. Tune your conversation, on the mode of the other, and see if he or she visually, is auditory or kinesthetic.

A man was long an hour talking about his plays and after that hour he said: 'Occasionally enough about me, What do you think of my plays?’

The conversation of the neurotic about people(roddel), average people talk about events(drama) and woke up talking about visions, insights and feelings, His ideas and(essence).


Better communication is less stress!

How often do you shoot a (bright) to give a response reaction in place of?

Name a common man mean and he will shoot in a common reaction and lash out at you and fix you right. Name a common man awoke and he will give a response and laugh and say that indeed he sometimes can be mean but that is not usually.

I was manager at a publishing vaktijdschiften, So it was all about communication, In addition, I was a lecturer in Utrecht and gave communication training on HBO nivean for account and learned they listen and ask open questions and determine needs. I was also director / senior consultant of my own marketing agency.

I attended many training courses on communication and read a lot about it and made myself as an expert, which led to giving a lecture on communication for a spiritual group in Goor. There is a CD of it and I offer now to. Spacious 1 hour valuable information with o.a. that your environment is the mirror of yourself, In addition, I offer you my book 'Communication' on.

Here's my offer: CD is 7 euro, is book 21,50, shipping costs 4,25 so total 32,75 now on sale for 25 euro!. It is tax deductible so you end up paying only 12 a 17 euro.

comminicatiepakket nw

Mail me om te bestellen:, I will send the package with an invoice to you. It's also nice to give as a present this package to friends and acquaintances.


Henny Bos (

PS: Here is a passage from my book:


An often rather different neglected perspective in communication is listening. Diogenes has already pointed out that we have two ears and one tongue so should listen more than talk. Everyone wants to be heard but hardly anyone wants to listen. They wait until you're spoken to to come in quickly self again, or say when listening "that I had 'and takes the story then.

A good example of moderate interest in listening is that the American who had two courses on offer, an on speaking and listening skills over, Speaking for the course he received so many submissions that he 5 could start groups, of course listening skills he received no notification….

Osho be there among other things. that to be able to listen well you need to be here and now, must be vigilant and must be without judgment and thoughts. Especially the latter two are major stumbling blocks. If you have many thoughts act when listening as a kind of inner eraser for the words of others. You color t then immediately and filters, select, analyzes and interprets.


Ik kan boeiende en interactieve lezingen houden(dus geen monologen) over de volgende onderwerpen:

-innerlijk kind
-levenskunst en geluk
-codependentie(van afhankelijkheid naar vrijheid)
-over de waarde van je fouten
-kwaliteit van denken
-van angst naar liefde
-u geschiede naar uw geloof
-bij je gevoel komen

Ik vraag reiskostenvergoeding en € 30,– per uur en toestemming om mijn boeken, brochures en CD’s aan te bieden.
Via Wetrans kunt u als vereniging of spirituele groep of stichting een proeve van bekwaamheid ontvangen

Bel: 0314 – 34 38 21 of 06 – 10 42 16 46 voor mee informatie

Codependentieschema + mijn speerpunten


-dependentie(verslavingen, gewoonten, ego, subpersonen, denken)

-codependentie(afhankelijkheid, verslavingen,anderenwaarde,controle)

-counterdependentie(subpersonen, rebel, non-conformist, solist)

-independentie(onafhankelijkheid, vrijheid, zelfstandigheid)

-intradependentie(subpersonen, dramadriehoek, Innerlijk kind)

-interdependentie(bewustwording, geluk & levenskunst, spiritualiteit)





-innerlijke kind

-geluk & levenskunst






0314 – 34 38 21

06- 10 42 16 46