The law of abundance and happiness

The cornucopia….

If you say: "Can I catch smoothing ', then the Universe also says "Can I catch smoothness you" and take away from you and you pay the price. However, if you say: "I want to give and share" says the universe: "I will give you and share with you," and you will know abundance and happiness.

The Bible says not for nothing: "Those who have will receive more and those who have not even what they have will be taken '. Those parts will be given their love and wisdom is my experience.

The more you give and share, the more you will receive. This applies in particular to love and wisdom. You will it enrich your life. The Course in Miracles says that giving and receiving are one and the same.

So do not be stingy but generous. People with love and wisdom will always be willing also to give and share it and you do not remember. People can offer their 'love' and 'wisdom' have remembered anything and only want to take, get, receive and parasitize and benefit.

When people no to your blessing is a blessing. It saves you a lot of trouble and you owe them nothing.

If you are 'clear' either congruent, from a piece, ie your conscious and subconscious agree with each other and that you think, feelings and actions are aligned then the 'Law of Attraction' works or the Law of Attraction and you will prosper, happiness and overfed know and attract and like to give them and share.

A woman once refused to co-counsel with me, she said she had a rich life. I doubted that, because if you really are spiritually rich you would like to give and share. I told her the story of the beggar and the rich king. The beggar asked the wealthy king to give some of his treasures. The king said: "Wait until I'm uitgebeden, I will be your word and the royal bath: "Lord give me more land, give me more wealth, more subjects, more happiness, etc. "When the king was uitgebeden said the beggar: "Sorry king, I thought you were rich, but you're a bum like me!’. The woman was not amused when she heard this story, it was too confrontational or they had to be able to laugh. How much truth can a man endure Nietzsche said.

As a millionaire can not experience abundance as he always compares with a billionaire. He is unhappy and wants to take more, given and received. They say that you should not look at what someone has achieved, but what is his desire. Pursue your endeavor to only enrich yourself whether you want to create your serve as Jesus did.

The Buddha said,: "Happiness comes when your work and words of benefit to you and the other '.

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