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Gedichtje van Nietzsche

I am finding more than enough,,nl,I have since learned to find,,nl,Since I wind once tegenhad,,nl,I sail with the winds,,nl,This poem tells a lot about my life and appeals to me,,nl,

sindsdien heb ik geleerd te vinden.

Ever since I had a headwind,

I sail with all the winds


Friedrich Nietzsche

De calciet

I regularly buy gemstone globes and looked beautiful on the internet there was in it was a ijslandsveldspaatcalciet. When I'm receiving, I felt however that it was not right, I could not argue the, it was a feeling, I went in search of my stone book and saw a stone that was just mine and it was a honingcalciet and that felt good to me, He also had a honey color

To be quite sure, I went to Mr. Böhmer of the stone shop in Ulft and early: "What is this stone?'' That's an orange calcite "he said. I then said,: "Are you quite sure it's not honingcalciet?He looked again and said:"Damn you're right it is a honingcalciet" I felt that all the time and the great thing is that when I visited where honingcalciet appeared to state that it was having to rely on your feelings and that I had done so precisely, what a synchronicity!

Praatje met de cassière

De cassière zei: ‘Ik heb zo’n jeuk’, waarop ik zei:’ Dan moet je krabsalade nemen’. Ze snapte de grap niet en zei: ‘moet ik dat er dan opsmeren’, een andere cassière lachte wel en zei:’Nee dombo, het is een grapje van die meneer, krab – salade


Een man vroeg aan een rabbi: ‘waarom beantwoordt u toch elke vraag met een tegenvraag?’ De rabbi antwoordde:’Waarom wil je dat weten?’

Broodje Enrico

Take a sandwich and top it with tomato slices, add bruchetta herbs and cover with a slice of cheese and sprinkle some bruchetta on that too, and ca. 5 minutes in the oven and enjoy