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I have a thing for people called Peter. At primary school, Peter van der Spek was my boyfriend, with which I camped under the apple tree in our large garden. In high school Peter van Bruggen was my friend and also a singer in our band. At work, Peter Lamaker was my director who gave me a lot of powers and freedom and with whom I got along very well. my dear colleague, who became a friend was Peter Scholten, I studied marketing with him.

At the moment Peter Jan and Hans Peter are my best friends with whom I often have contact and share a lot. Peter van der Heiden is my garage with whom I also get along very well, he often beats me. Last year, or was it already in 2010, I made friends with Peter de Kock, which inspires me very much.

So if there is another Peter, he can report, I have good experience with it

P.S. One Peter from Vlaardingen called me as a result of my article 'letting go' in Spiegelbeeld. Hij zei: 'You saved my life'.I said 'I'm sorry?’. Hij zei:'I wanted to commit suicide today and when I read your article I was so touched and encouraged that I give up and have meaning in life again and let go of my old misery and want to be of service' I thanked him for that beautiful compliment and shared an hour on the phone with him, a nice contact and another Peter, it is unbelievable!

roll pedis

Pedis is een Indonesisch woord voor pittig. Neem een boterham en beleg hem met een plak kaas, besmeer dat met sambal oelek en strooi er djintan(komijn) over naar smaak. Dan het geheel 5 minuten in de oven opwarmen en smullen maar


Een kalimba is een Afrikaans instrument, het is een houten klankkast met een klankgat erin en metalen staafjes waarop je met je duimen speelt, het wordt dan ook wel een duimpiano genoemd. Opvallend is dat je er nooit vals op speelt en dus vrijelijk kunt improviseren. Hier is een geluidsfragment te horen, waarbij je kunt mediteren, het klinkt heel sonoor: kalimba mp3


As a schoolboy I always heard the latest jokes and when I asked my father always came home if I knew a joke, I know there's always a few, and my father was able to laugh heartily, and then went into the shop and told with great pleasure to the customers. I've o.a. about awareness and codependency and that's a joke between quite a good. Here's a funny statement about codependency I do like:

“My wife leads a double life: hers and mine.” – Wiet van Broeckhoven Belgian politician and media personality

and further a joke that I heard:

Will an attractive woman buying a hat. she fits, the first, the second, third, etc.. At the seventh she looks sometime around or she sees a saleswoman. A young man sitting on a chair staring at her. With her hat on, she asks: “State pe?” Says the young man: “At the second al!”

I plan this year or in 2013 issuing a joke book, there is a lot of demand for. Voltaire said it all:"I consider gravity as a disease’

Broodje hutsel smutsel

Fry onions until they are translucent with diced ham, about 1 take our sliced ​​ham, then add 3 of 4 tomatoes chopped, season with chili paste and soy sauce to, Finally, add two eggs, you stir through it, then 5 a 7 minutes the eggs simmer and then it is ready, when serving sprinkle with chives herbs and eat a sandwich or roll, eet smakelijk.

When I hutsel smutsel made once for my dear and talented brother Jan, He immediately wanted to know the recipe and made it home for his wife and himself, since they eat regularly and there is a pan on the stove