
Gedichtje van Nietzsche

I am finding more than enough,,nl,I have since learned to find,,nl,Since I wind once tegenhad,,nl,I sail with the winds,,nl,This poem tells a lot about my life and appeals to me,,nl,

sindsdien heb ik geleerd te vinden.

Ever since I had a headwind,

I sail with all the winds


Friedrich Nietzsche

Codependency quote

‘It’s no fun living with someone who doesn’t like you,,en,especially when that someone is you,,en,Nancy Groom in ‘From Bondage to Bonding,,en,quotes,,en,Poem by Nietzsche,,nl,Wisdom Schopenhauer,,nl, especially when that someone is you’ – Nancy Groom in ‘From Bondage to Bonding, escaping codependency’
