In his book Zero Limits Dr.Joe Vitale writes about ho'oponopono. It says:'Ho'oponopono means 'to make right' or 'to correct a mistake' and 'The ho'oponopono process is to release toxic energies within you and allow an input of Divine thoughts, words, deeds and actions'

He further says:To be an effective problem solver, the therapist must be willing to 100% to be responsible for creating the problem, that means he must be willing to see that the source of the problem is the wrong thought in him and not in the client. Therapists never perceive that if there is a problem they are always there.”.

Yes the environment is the mirror of yourself and that is also the subtitle of my book 'Be mirrored' that in 2012 is going to come out. You always see yourself and often do not want to, and prefer to project onto the other.

De ho’oponopono mantra is:

-I love you

-Thank you

-I’m sorry

-Please forgive me

I apply that mantra a lot and it works for me. I then take a lapis lazuli sphere in my right hand say the mantra and then take the sphere in my left hand and say the mantra again and then hold the sphere in both hands in front of my chest and look at the image of the Lord Jesus in my room and repeat the mantra again and that feels very good.

The idea of ​​ho'oponopono is that you are your world, so you must also heal the problems of your world and especially yourself., in short, improve the world and start with yourself.

When you love yourself that is the best way to improve yourself and when you improve yourself you improve the world.

One of the fathers of ho'oponopono is Dr. Hew Len who said he would give himself a huge treat if he didn't judge for a day and he hasn't done it yet(-)

What really appeals to me in ho'oponopono is that you look for it within yourself and not the world, which would be no good, want to change first, no you take full responsibility for creating your world and so can heal with love by thinking lovingly and divinely, voelen, acting and being.

With Dr.Len I also judge regularly and know that I can heal that, with the mantra especially with I'm sorry and Please forgive me. The self-reflection in ho'oponopono ensures that you become friends with yourself and pay attention to your shadow sides and flaws in order to be able to heal them. Rumi zei:"He who finds no flaws in himself is his own enemy". Confucius zei:'Unfortunately I have not yet seen a person who saw his flaws and made a mental judgment about them' In ho'oponopono you do that, but in a loving way.

I try to judge less and less and accept the other as he or she is. Many see nothing in spirituality and that's fine, we cannot and should not all do the same, it will become boring and monotonous. I applaud the diversity. If someone doesn't understand me, I know I haven't understood it yet… and can 'cleanse' and understand myself better. In my environment, I notice the effects of ho’oponopono in the same way as Dr. Hew Len, So I give him a lot of credit for his self-reflective approach.

You can't change the other, you can only change yourself and most of it you change when you fully accept yourself, very paradoxical..

” Als jij verandert, changes your whole world around you is my experience and that is ho'oponopono at its best'”

I always feel that it's right, try it out and get to work with yourself instead of trying to manipulate someone else, check, to teach and change that is pointless. Moreover, it is very presumptuous to think that you know what is best for the other person, the other is responsible for his own happiness, you didn't get involved in that. Don't interfere the Americans say and so it is. Of course you can always inspire, enthuse and encourage and I hope I do that with this article.