
I have a thing for people called Peter. At primary school, Peter van der Spek was my boyfriend, with which I camped under the apple tree in our large garden. In high school Peter van Bruggen was my friend and also a singer in our band. At work, Peter Lamaker was my director who gave me a lot of powers and freedom and with whom I got along very well. my dear colleague, who became a friend was Peter Scholten, I studied marketing with him.

At the moment Peter Jan and Hans Peter are my best friends with whom I often have contact and share a lot. Peter van der Heiden is my garage with whom I also get along very well, he often beats me. Last year, or was it already in 2010, I made friends with Peter de Kock, which inspires me very much.

So if there is another Peter, he can report, I have good experience with it

P.S. One Peter from Vlaardingen called me as a result of my article 'letting go' in Spiegelbeeld. Hij zei: 'You saved my life'.I said 'I'm sorry?’. Hij zei:'I wanted to commit suicide today and when I read your article I was so touched and encouraged that I give up and have meaning in life again and let go of my old misery and want to be of service' I thanked him for that beautiful compliment and shared an hour on the phone with him, a nice contact and another Peter, it is unbelievable!

Looking back at 2011

On this last day of the year 2011 many look back on the past year. I want to do that now too. What has the year brought me?. I was able to write many brochures, especially about codependency and made CDs about codependency and the art of living & geluk. Three lectures and singing bowl concert. Launched the site. In total I have such 200 initiatives taken, of which there 50 succeeded and passed a score of 25%, which I am very happy and satisfied with.

Many articles written, some of which were published in the magazine Spiegelbeeld. I was also in Frontier magazine and Paravisie.

My Apple computer got a new hard drive, which makes it even faster and has even more memory.

Hanging out a lot with Elly and friends, learned to judge less quickly and not to interfere so quickly, interfere less in the lives of others.

DVD recordings made, 6 short videos about codependency. Written to two books viz: "Anger Motivation & codependency’ and ‘Personal boundaries & codependentie’

's new TV 102 cm bought just before IT's went bankrupt. Done a few things for the LETS. Developed my talent for good cooking, I eat even better now. More practiced in letting go and forgiving and immersed myself in anger management, repair en wabi sabi.

Read a lot in English books about codependency and made notes about it. Freed me further from being codependent on my way to interdependence. Many new contacts have arisen as a result of my writing and publications.

There was also criticism, that I can be pedantic and stubborn and show some empathy, I will take it to heart. I also received nice compliments for my work, many have put information about me on their site, or incorporated into their books and/or taken to heart.

It was striking that especially therapists appreciate my work so much and also people who are open to spiritual growth and development.

There were also conflicts. because I guard my boundaries better, learned from the conflicts that we often fight over differences in methods, but that our needs do not differ, there often lay the solution to the conflict

With a certain sadness I say goodbye to this year, that is another lesson for me in letting go and being open to the new (jaar). Jesus said it all: ‘Zie ik maak alle dingen nieuw’.


Tingsha ‘s zijn cymbales antiques, kleine bekkens, per paar aan een riem bevestigd, die gebruikt worden in het boeddhisme.

Ze worden meestal met de verhoudingsgewijs dikke randen tegen elkaar geslagen, maar aanslaan met een metalen staafje kan ook. Tingsha’s zijn soms voorzien van ornamentatie met motieven uit het boeddhisme.

Tingsha’s worden over het algemeen van zeven metalen gemaakt, net als klankschalen.Tingsha’s worden door boeddhistische monniken gebruikt, maar werden al gebruikt voor de komst van het boeddhisme. De zuivere klank van een paar tingsha’s heeft een bijzondere invloed op de werking van de geest.

Wanneer men voor elk oor zo’n klinkende tingsha houdt, create a "stereo effect ': het is alsof de klank midden in het hoofd zingt, alles wegvagend wat daar nog aan gedachten aanwezig is.In Tibetaans-boeddhistische meditatierituelen worden tingsha’s op verschillende manieren gebruikt.

Bij bepaalde collectieve meditatievormen brengt de heldere klank de tijdens de oefening afgedwaalde meditatieleerling terug in de heldere leegte van het niet-denken. Dit klankeffect is er onmiddellijk, bij de eerste tik, en het blijft doorwerken, lang nadat het geluid in de fysieke oren is opgehouden.

Ik gebruik de tingsha’s in combinatie met klankschalen bij concerten die ik geef en doe het ook als meditatie voor mezelf, het maakt je leeg en dat is heerlijk

Hier een voicerecorderopname van 1 set tingsha’s: tingsha’s vrc

Hier is een geluidsfragment van twee sets tingsha’s: tingsha’s mp3



Een ervaring in Amsterdam

Amsterdam city center

Years ago I was having lunch in a lunchroom in the center of Amsterdam, the lunchroom was led by a married couple, I asked the woman where the Oudemanhuispoort was because they sell second-hand books there, she said with disgust in her voice:'You're just like my husband with all those books, they are all dust nests, nothing but misery'. Ik zei:"Be glad that your husband spends his money on books and not on drink and whores."’

When I left the shop the man came to me took me by the arm nodded his head and said grateful:Thank you for your support sir!’


I got Jehovahs at the door who wanted to convert and persuade me to their faith, However, I was ahead of them and said:"You are like a flower". They started to shine and saw it as a nice compliment and tribute. I then said,:But I'm an eclectic, you know what that is?’. They didn't know. I then said,:'An eclectic is one who picks his flowers from everywhere in Hinduism', Jainism, Buddhism, christendom, jodendom, taoïsme, shintoïsme, etc,etc. until he has a beautiful bouquet of flowers and now you want me to hand in my beautiful bouquet against that one flower of yours?!’

Now they were in trouble and embarrassment, they had no Bible text for that and they dripped off, they also didn't know a good reason why limit yourself to just one flower when you can have all the flowers in the world, I never saw them again after that. I could laugh about it afterwards and would like to share it with you here…