The NU…

the only time is between past and future, which really made me life and that is the NOW. Many worry about the past and do not see that the past is no more than a slipstream, you can not change, just the way you look at it, you can change. Others worry about the future, I think of the man who said:"The most worried I've made to me about things that never happened!’. There are many who think that it's going to come all well in the future and now do nothing, Ingeborg Bosch calls it 'False hope' as a defense of old pain. "False hope" is based on the as…then principle, once I got that job then it will go well with me, etc.

Many forget to live in the eternal now, with its many moments and aspects, a well-known poem still here in place is:

” The past is history, the future is a mistery, this moment is a gift, that’s why we call it present
Thinking is the major culprit that, Unlike the feel and experience, Never in the now.
Descartes began by saying that nonsense:'I think therefore I am'.

Meditate on the way that suits you best and feel what it's like to be in the NOW. I do so with singing bowls and edelsteenbollen and ho'oponopono and mindfulness, either alert, attentive, judgmental (very difficult for me) presence in the NOW. Wabi sabi feels to me very well there will still override. ‘Vergankelijkheid, onvolmaaktheid, eenvoud, nederigheid, oprechtheid, harmonie, zuiverheid, rust, satisfaction… These are the key qualities of wabi sabi. Het volmaakte zien in de onvolmaakteheid, de perfectie in de imperfectie.

By Eckhart Tolle I learned a lot about the NOW. In his book The Power of Now, in practice, "he writes: "To the ego the present moment hardly exists, only the past and the future, considers it important "and: "If you accept what is, any time it is best, that's enlightenment on my toilet hanging my judgment: "The acceptance is the key to transformation"

Osho says nice things about it NOW in "The Book of Being '. Osho says:"I can only help you if I destroy you, I like your past, your knowledge, your ideas, you conditionings, destroy your personality. Only by destroying you, I can tell you a new beginning, a fresh revive "Goethe said:'Dying and becoming'

We lose ourselves in the (often obsessive)thinking to do and forget the pronunciation:’We are human beings not human doings’

The Presence Process is a book by Michael Brown and also about NOW. On the back cover sheet:"The conscious and disciplined use of attention and intention are the main pillars of the process'. He owes me some too simplistic to say that you are in a space of 10 weeks e.e.a. you realize, for me it's life's work. I do not believe in instant solutions and quick fixes.

Every time 'stop' to say to yourself as you again 'ns are obsessively concerned with the past and the future, unless you want to heal the past and still want to process in the moment and unless you make a nice future plans that are realistic.


-Eckhart Tolle "The power of the NOW’

-Eckhart Tolle The Power of the NOW in practice’

-Michael Brown ‘Het presence proces’

-Osho "The His book’

Audio lezing levenskunst Loil 2011

In 2011 I gave a lecture on living for a meditation group of approx.20 people Loil

Here the sound clip of the program until the break of approximately 25 minutes: levenskunst


I spoke today(17-11-2011) Will my friend from Florida who told me he i.v.m. Near interests had a conversation with the alderman. He hung notes in his small apartment 85 apartment and got no response. He said that people wait and take no action but complain.

” I told him that I learned that management training 5% pulls the cart, 90% and sits on top 5% stopping the cart
De 90% which sits on top is the silent majority, which does not take the initiative and complains about good government, the credit crunch, the others, etc. Losers have excuses and winners have reason. Those who say they can and those who say they have both right.
Click here for the whole article


Arthur was vandaag bij me op bezoek en klaagde dat de mensen hem niet begrepen. Ik zei toen dat het erom gaat of je begrip voor jezelf hebt en voor het feit dat je je niet te bemoeien hebt met het feit of mensen al of niet iets begrijpen, dat is hun zaak. Jou zaak is het om begrip te hebben in de eerste plaats voor jezelf en dan ook voor de mensen. In het gebed van Franciscus van Assisi komt dat ook naar voren begrijpen in plaats van begrepen te worden, daar gaat het om.

Hier volgt die passage uit dat gebed:

Maak dat wij niet zozeer zoeken:

om getroost te worden, als wel om te troosten

om begrepen te worden, als wel om te begrijpen

om bemind te worden, als wel om te beminnen

Hoe kun je van mensen verwachten dat ze je begrijpen als ze zichzelf niet eens begrijpen, begin dus bij jezelf. Frank Boeijen zingt het heel mooi:’Vraag niet naar de weg, want iedereen is de weg kwijt!’, en van die mensen verwacht je dan begrip. Deze verwachting moet wel tot teleurstelling leiden, zie daarvoor verder m’n artikel over verwachtingen van 15 november jl.

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