In april 2012 is m’n boek ‘Anderenwaarde, over codependentie’ appeared. 166 pagina’s, hardcover, meer heel veel informatie over codependentie.

Codependency is also called 'the human condition’ called, omdat we vrijwel allemaal wel codependente trekken vertonen. In het boek is ook een uitgebreide test opgenomen en is er aandacht voor de symptomen, gevolgen en worden wegen naar herstel besproken over hoe je (grotendeels) van je codependentie af kunt komen

Henny baseerde z’n informatie op z’n eigen ervaringen en op het lezen en bestuderen van meer dan 100 Engelstalige boeken over codependency


Peter Kock: There are those concepts that lots of aspects attached to it and over the years also another change shape makes them seem almost elusive. Codependency, in Dutch codependency, is such begrip.Als about a book written in Dutch, then that my special interest. Henny Bos wrote a book about: ‘Anderenwaarde, over codependentie (the human condition)’.

The best way to say something about this book, is to tell about the first meeting with Henny two years ago. I remember the event vividly. Within 30 seconds after we shook hands, he explained boldly describes on the table of his own research into codependency issues.

Henny has over 100 read books about codependency. The wisdom and insights from these books used in his own book. With "Other Value’ you do not actually read one book but a lot of books. And to avoid a little too much is, Henny in his book as during our first appointment, particularly frank over itself. The combination of all wisdom, insights and personal experiences, make "Other Value’ a rich resource when it comes to codependency.

As I said in the beginning: codependency is not an easy concept. And how much information 'Other Value’ also offers, it invites introspection and self-reflection. It invites you to think and feel about what is true for you. And that is exactly the purpose of this book.

Peter de Kock

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