Entries by Henny Bos


My totem animal is a fox. It is indeed a predator who like to eat chickens, but I also like chicken feast. Furthermore known Fox for his cunning and cleverness. I will not call myself fast cunning but knows how to develop smart solutions and can sometimes be cunning(nothing human is alien to me). Het […]

Boeddha klankschaal

De Boeddha klankschaal met inscriptie Ik speelde vannacht op m’n boeddha klankschaal en besefte dat hij de G als dominerende toon heeft, naast de vele boventonen. De G staat voor het keelchakra, ofwel de zelfexpressie. Ik voelde weer voldoening, dankbaarheid en vreugde in m’n wezen, gevoelens die me steeds vaker ten deel vallen en geluk […]

Caring enough to confront

I read the book "Caring enough to confront" David Augsburger and that really appealed to me. The question is whether you care enough about someone to confront him or her with conduct prejudicial to him- or herself and his / her environment. Ie you risk a furious reaction and hassle if you confront, […]