Codependency network

Op dit moment zijn er 49 mensen lid van het codependentie-netwerk, met 50 bereiken we een mijlpaal en ik wil dan ook het 50ste lid m’n boek ‘Communicatie’, dat in juni 2012 verscheen, gratis aanbieden. Hiernaast vind je de link naar het codependentie-netwerk, dat op 30 maart jl. werd opgericht


Almost everyone wants happiness in his life, To be happy. But the more we pursue the further the happiness itself away from us. We will have to achieve a good balance between sense and sensibility, self-knowledge and self-understanding in order to find happiness. Good luck ass to the prepared mind.

There once was a young kitten turned laps in a frantic attempt to grab its tail. A wise hangover comes to the kitten and asks what he is doing. Kitten says, panting: "I heard that happiness is in your tail and now I want to grab it '' That's exactly right ',says the wise,old tomcat but I noticed that when I walk quietly through the happiness me naturally follows.

And so it is relaxed, relax, serene go through life and assume that you are lucky worthy solves many problems. To the desired bump off very desire and fear the dreaded calls on. Love drives out fear and want then you should give and share if you love your life. If you change a lovingly, compassionate man than the world changes around you. You meet all of a sudden the right people and punch the wrong people off. You meet the builders and repels the demolition and there will be more happiness in your life. Gratitude leads to happiness. Count your blessings and be thankful for what the other just likes. See special in ordinary and let you marvel at the miracle that you yourself. Scott Peck zei: "People who do not believe in miracles is itself a miracle '

Once there was a king who wanted to meet God. He put an ad in the newspaper but got no reaction because who adheres there now doing. He decided to go to an Indian sage who could really help him. The sage said:“I must know who you are before you can meet God.” “I am the king”,said the king. "Yes, that's your role in society but who are you?’ ,spoke the way. "I am the father of two children and married ', said the king. "That's your social role but who are you really",spoke the way. "I do not know," said the king, the manner in which said:"Know first who you are and you will meet God '. Know that you are a child of God and that you just 5 until 10% use of your potential, and you have many options and be open to the unknown.

Many people cling to the familiar which afflicts them for fear of the unknown. You have every reason to be afraid of the known and the unknown to look forward with confidence towards happiness that is your inheritance and what you are entitled to. said my friend Leon:"Henny is the way inside" and that comment I had enough and took my heart. I went, as my friend Elly said of hard to heart…

This article has been published in the magazine Spiegelbeeld and will appear in my book 'Levenskunst & geluk’ dat in 2013 will appear


The will

Here a pdf about 'the will', with the various perspectives on whether or not free will exists

The article 'the will'’ will be included in the book 'Life Inspirations'’ from me that in august 2012 will be published at Uitgeverij Boekenbent and ca. 250 a 300 will contain pages on topics that contribute to further awareness, the highway to the heart of interdependence

click here: the will



Problem-Goal-Means analysis

I have always benefited greatly from the Problem-Goal-Means analysis, when it came to business things, Below is an example form that you can copy on a large sheet of paper to gain a good insight into your problems and to gain an overview and to be able to make a summary and draw conclusions..

Nothing human is strange you

If you accept yourself completely, with all your shadow sides, your negative aspects, are you whole and complete and are you everything and are you an artist of life. Knowing that nothing human is alien to you is liberating. You won't be offended so easily, because you know that everything can suit you.

We often tend to project onto others the aspects that we do not recognize and do not accept for ourselves. In fact, when we are codependent, we attract a partner who is unable or unwilling to give love and attention and in doing so, such a person mirrors the lovelessness we have towards ourselves and we don't want to see that so we give the partner's fault.

Also, certain comments will be a trigger to old, unprocessed pain, which has yet to be healed and transformed. It is very good to ask yourself what is the most terrible thing that people can say about you, you can bet that's a repressed shadow side of you that you don't want to acknowledge and accept….

The true wise and artist of life knows that he can also be foolish. Truth is usually paradoxical. Nietzsche said that very nicely when he said: “The wise are not expected to commit follies.”, which is a violation of human rights!’. I find that very beautiful and recognizable.

You have a devil in you, an enemy, which you are often not aware of and then he exercises power over you, you may take that enemy in and make it work for you instead of against you. Rumi zei: "He who recognizes no flaws in himself is his own enemy". Mary J. Blige zone: ‘The enemy is me!’.

Robert Burney writes about the whole person. He is writing: “This work is about becoming an integrated, heel, mature person in action in the sense of learning from life and responding(i.t.t. react) on living conditions and other people. The only way we can become whole is to take possession of all parts of ourselves, by acknowledging all our parts we can choose how we respond to life. By denial, hide, repressing parts of ourselves we are doomed to live a life in response'.

Many react to circumstances and others and thus allow themselves to be determined by them and are then a willful victim of it instead of responding from the core of your being which is love.

When we react it is often based on old experiences or expectations about the future and then we are not in the NOW, the only moment that really exists and so we don't live to the fullest, are we not an artist of life.

Giving a response is being in the Now, Osho was also very right to point this out and Eckhart Tolle too.

As long as parts of us, bossing our subpersonalities and ego we are not whole and not an artist of life, are we not congruent, hasn't the boss come home yet?….

Bron: Book 'Art of Living & geluk’ Henny Bos, the end 2012 begin 2013 opens