
Niet vechten tegen het donker

You should not fight against the dark,,nl,Self-awareness and darkness dissolves,,nl,Do not fight against the dark,,nl, maar het licht aandoen.
Door tegen het donker te vechten, geef je het aandacht, en daardoor groeit het juist. Het licht ofwel je liefde, waarheid, Zelf en bewustzijn lost het donker op, het kan niet bestaan in het licht. Het donker is gebaseerd op angst, leugens, ego, onwetendheid en onbewustheid.

Donker en licht

You should not fight against the dark,,nl,Self-awareness and darkness dissolves,,nl,Do not fight against the dark,,nl, maar het licht aandoen.
Door tegen het donker te vechten, geef je het aandacht, en daardoor groeit het juist. Het licht ofwel je liefde, waarheid Zelf en bewustzijn lost het donker op, het kan niet bestaan in het licht. Het donker is gebaseerd op angst, leugens, ego, onwetendheid en onbewustheid.

Donker en licht

I knew a man I'll call Charles. Charles lived in dark country and that fascinated me. Hij had een negatief wereldbeeld en besefte niet dat z’n beeld van de wereld een spiegel was van hoe het met hemzelf was. I spoke to him again and he said to me,: "You speak beautiful and loving words but it's too light for me it dazzles me '

Jung zei: "We are not illuminated by proposing our light figures but be aware by us from our dark side '…En dat is iets waar de meesten van ons niet aan willen en voor terugschrikken, they fight against the dark and do not realize that it makes it stronger. Fighting the dark is counterproductive and does not help, you must turn on the light of your consciousness.

A man just sang on the radio: "It has never been so dark if it will be light again ', Also notable is that I Siem which daily sends me a text today received the text: "To meet me you must go through the dark .."

Prisoners held for decades in the dark were freed and were, like Charles, blinded by the light and wanted to return to their prison, they were accustomed, and that goes for many of us, We are so accustomed to the dark that we have become afraid of the light.

Each showcasing its own dark shadow. A man wanted to escape his shadow and ran faster and faster, but the shadow kept him easily at, he ran harder and harder until he fell down dead. If he had chosen to have been resolved to stand in the shade was his problem

A day consists of a day and a night of light and dark it is not either / or but both / and that's the reality. Someone can still be such a shining example if he has a dark side and a person can be so bad if he has a slight, bright side. Inayat Khan also pointed out that in order to be able to see the good and bad and bad is good. The yin / yang symbol is clearly displayed.

We can appreciate the light only when it is dark. If someone is blind he wants back into the light in his eyes and he regretted that he had not previously appreciated and was grateful for it.

The darkness is only the absence of light. You can only turn the lights on and take off and many people forget to do it in their lives, Like Charles, they live than in deep country and complain that off so that instead of self-responsibility for their lives and take themselves lightly.

A man was in the dark from a distance 5 kilometers to a village. He saw nothing and asked for a way to help., The sage gave him a lamp two meters before the man uitscheen. "But two meters," said the man "I need 5 kilometer walk, it is much too little light '. The sage said: "The light will always be two meters in front of you and go with you and that's enough". You have very little light to continue the dark. The dark is unconscious and ignorant that is many times bigger than the conscious. You really just a little consciousness to travel through the unconscious just as the man with the lamp

Er zijn goedbedoelende mensen die zich lichtwerkers noemen en dus voor één pool van de dualiteit kiezen en het donker afwijzen en dus een essentieel deel van zichzelf en de ander afwijzen en willen veranderen, alsof de nacht en het donker niet deugen, ze aanvaarden de heelheid niet en verzoenen het donker niet met het lichthet zijn vaak wereldverbeteraars die denken dat ze niet aan zichzelf hoeven te werken

Als je alleen je lichte kant laat zien en aandacht geeft zal je partner onbewust de donkere kant uitspelen en zul je hem willen veranderen en niet beseffen dat hij je verdrongen donkere kant in beeld brengt, je partner is de spiegel van jezelf, ja zelfs je hele omgeving is de spiegel van jezelf

Here are some quotes about darkness and light

When it gets dark, do you often light to pass – Henny Bos

Jung zei: "We are not illuminated by proposing our light statures, but we are aware of our dark side '

My keyboard is now backlit, Now I nog..Henny Forest

Fighting against the darkness does not help, you have to put in only the light…Henny Bos

"I understood what was only slightly, when it was turned off by you 'sings Karin Boemen

Those who do not perceive the darkness will never find the light. – H.Th. Buckle

The truth dazzles, as well as the light. The lie, however, is a beautiful twilight that does good come out each object. – Albert Camus

Where much light is falling deep shade. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

There is no change from darkness to light, from standstill to movement, unemotional. – Carl Gustav Jung

Black is black and light full color – Henny Bos

The light does never before dark, maar het donker wijkt altijd voor het licht – Comenius