


Many problems arise from errors in communication it is then crooked communication ignorant and unconscious we say things that hurt others and we alienate people from us. The following article by Aivanhov provides a good example

“Always speak with consideration for the good of others –

“How often do people speak without thinking, without weighing and weighing their words! They resemble children playing with matches: everywhere they pass, they set fire. After that, they can be so sorry and apologise, it is too late: of everything around them, only a pile of ash remains… And that's how people help, without realizing it, the dark forces in their destructive ventures. People are never sufficiently aware of the damage they can do through their words. If you were to look for the cause of misunderstandings and conflicts in society and in the world, you would find that in most cases it lies in words. Someone has spoken wildly, for the pleasure of talking, to make themselves interesting, to show themselves smarter and more cunning than the others or to belittle them.

So try to watch what you say from now on. If you need to speak, then do it with the intention of making the people who listen to you better, to enlighten their minds, to warm their hearts and above all direct their will to serve a lofty ideal”.

Framing Mikhael Aivanhov.

I recognize a lot in this. I have regularly hurt and repelled others through a critical and judgmental attitude, without my intention. The following I sent to my sons:


I will also send it to friends with a custom text.

Lieve Elly, sorry for the unhealed parts of me that may have hurt you. It was never a lack of love for you, but a lack of love for myself

“In my mind are thoughts that can hurt me or help me. I am constantly choosing the contents of my mind, since no one else can make this choice for me. I can choose to let go of everything but my Loving thoughts.”

Gerald Jampolsky

I am determined that my thoughts will be free from fear, guilt and conviction, as far as myself and others are concerned.

I repeat to myself that I have the choice to avoid hurtful thoughts and to choose loving thoughts

Based on a text by Gerard Jampolsky with additions by me

Bron: My book: How do you create your problems starts 2023 uit



‘To realize that you are not your thoughts is when you begin to awaken spiritually.’

- Eckhart Tolle

During a course I taught psychosynthesis include: You have thoughts, but are not your thoughts and your feelings have, but are not your feelings. In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy noemen ze dat defusie, you detach from your thoughts and feelings…..if a witness watching…


Doe jij dit ook?!

Probeer je onplezierige gedachten en gevoelens te minimaliseren, check, verdringen, vermijden, vluchten ervoor en ontsnappen eraan dan is dat wat ze in ACT experiential avoidance noemen en dat levert ellende op. Het volgende gedichtje van Nisargadatta wijst daar ook op: Between the banks of pain and pleasure, stroomt de rivier van het leven, only when thinking and feeling beaches on one of the banks, and not going with the flow, creates misery. Knowing more? Bel: 06-10421646