
Anxiety and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Anxiety and EFT

The fear response is controlled by the amygdala and can be healed through EFT. EFT is Emotional Freedom Technique.

How does EFT work

You tap with your index finger possibly plus your middle finger in the following places:

-0- karate kick to the side of your hand

-1- inside eyebrow

-2- outside eye

-3- under the eye

-4- between nose and upper lip

-5- on your chin

-6- on your collarbone

-7- one hand under your arm and a few fingers under your armpit

-8- on your head

-9- on the back of your hand between pinky and ring finger (optional)

As you tap, speak: “I want to replace fear with love” or “Even though I have fear I love and accept myself”.

When a little voice comes inside you that says it's impossible, then keep tapping until that voice is silent.

I affirm: “Thank you for your love and compassion and help and blessing!”

My position is: don't want to get rid of anything, don't want something, because then you already have it. Working towards something is better and thanking in advance for love, compassie, help and blessing!


To follow

To follow

Most of us have been taught to follow the crowd. We subscribe to “tribal” thinking, which is the thinking of the masses. It is not easy to break from this type of thinking, or non-thinking. A lot of people find this a huge stumbling block because they believe what social, political, religious and other authority figures have told them is “true”.

There is a lot of fear tied up in leaving the tribe. However, you will never experience true freedom or riches unless you learn to think for yourself. But to do this, you must be capable of critical thought – which is something the members of the tribe cannot do.

I’m convinced that true freedom and riches requires you to think contrary to what the tribe is thinking. And it ALWAYS requires you to question the beliefs you hold. On everything. This is not easy because we are addicted to certainty.

We would rather be certain about our beliefs than face the fact that what we believe may not be “true”. But the more you question what the tribe believes the more you will realize that they are hypnotized

Dr. Robert Anthony

People are indeed afraid to think differently from the masses. While the masses are often wrong and astray. The leaders among us have overcome that fear and dare to think for themselves instead of following the masses and the media.,Education should not teach us what to think, but how to think!

scared or depressed

scared or depressed

The inner child can be scared or depressed, then the following could be going on:

When I am anxious it is because I am living in the future. When I am depressed it is because I am living in the past.

That's right. When you live in the here and now you feel happy and happy and everything is peaceful, harmonious and safe. So practice mindfulness

The future is a mystery, the past is history, this moment is a gift, that’s why we call it present!

bron: my book Discover and embrace your inner child see webshop

Bang, gemotiveerd door angst

Veel mensen zijn bang en worden gemotiveerd door angst. Ze zijn bang om te verliezen, ziek te worden, alleen te zijn, niet te krijgen wat ze willen, afgewezen te worden, niet gerespecteerd te worden, etc.etc. Ze beseffen niet dat angst het gevreesde juist oproept!!
Erich Fromm schreef dat een van de grootste problemen van deze zijd is dat mensen bang zijn om met zichzelf alleen te zijn. Als je niet alleen kunt zijn en het in je eentje naar de zin kunt hebben kun je ook geen harmonische relatie met een ander aangaan dan ben je te behoeftig en te eisend dat de ander je gelukkig moet maken, dat de ander jouw ‘gaten’ moet vullen, dat de ander jouw compleet moet maken en daar is die ander dan mooi klaar mee.
De Bijbel stelt dat liefde alle angst uitdrijft, but who will worry about that,,nl,We prefer holding to what we know and that is the fear,,nl,We are afraid of the unknown,,nl,which alone can make it known to us anxious,,nl,There is a great fear of change, which is motivated by the ego wants to keep the rule and makes use of fear,,nl,ego keep you dependent on him so codependent wants.,,nl,Fear says that any change is still no improvement, and remember that every improvement is a change and that life necessarily change,,nl,There is also fear of the self-realized because they can destroy your ego and that is not,,nl,Then assign you as someone down or make fun of him or give him the hemlock like Socrates or kruistigt happened to him as happened to Jesus,,nl?. We houden liever vast aan dat wat we kennen en dat is de angst, we zijn bang voor het onbekende, waar alleen het bekende ons angstig kan maken.
Er is een grote angst voor verandering en die wordt door het ego ingegeven dat de heerschappij wil houden en zich van angst bedient, het ego wil je afhankelijk van hem houden dus codependent..
De angst zegt dat elke verandering nog geen verbetering is en vergeet dat elke verbetering wel een verandering is en dat leven per definitie verandering is. Er is dus ook angst voor de zelfgerealiseerden want die kunnen je ego vernietigen en dat wil het niet. Dan wijs je zo iemand af of maakt hem belachelijk of geeft hem de gifbeker zoals bij Socrates gebeurde of kruistigt hem zoals bij Jezus gebeurde.
Fear feeds itself with fear and shock all love and chooses passion and lust instead of unconditional love,,nl,Then you are a victim of your own fear without knowing,,nl,'What are you afraid of',,nl,asked a Reiki master me ever,,nl,I did not think immediately said,,nl,"That people do not need me '' Then be glad" he said dryly, and knew nothing of codependency or he could point me thereon,,nl,It should be required me was brought up and many of us,,nl,I had to unlearn it with ease,,nl,because unlearning is more difficult than learning,,nl,As long as we are afraid of each arm us,,nl,Every year there before,,nl,billion of weapons issued by governments and that is fear,,nl. Dan ben je het slachtoffer van je eigen angst zonder dat te weten
‘Waar ben je bang voor’, vroeg een reikimaster me ooit, ik hoefde niet na te denken zei onmiddellijk:’Dat de mensen me niet meer nodig hebben’ ‘Wees dan maar blij’ zei hij droogjes en wist niks van codependentie anders had hij me daarop kunnen wijzen. Het nodig moeten zijn werd me met de paplepel ingegoten en bij velen van ons, ik moest het met veel moeite afleren, want afleren is moeilijker dan leren.
Zolang we bang zijn voor elkaar bewapenen we ons. Er wordt jaarlijks voor 900 miljard euro aan wapens uitgegeven door de regeringen en dat is dus angst, would be enough a part of that amount to help the poverty in the world and would love,,nl,but one does not choose,,nl,Break the spiral of fear and looking for your essence is love and fear disappears,,nl,Fight the fear does not help that the same as fighting against the darkness the only thing that helps is the light to do either consciously,,nl,Love is the answer,,nl,Gerald Jampolsky wrote the book "Love is letting go of fear" a aanrader.Rotterdammers would say 'Does it but,,nl,Here are some quotes about fear and anxiety that appeal to me,,nl,Some become aggressive out of fear to be afraid,,nl,Cherbulier,,la,If you want to understand the fear and want to be there free,,nl,you also have to see the enjoyment,,nl,They are interwoven,,nl,Krishnamuti,,en, maar daar kiest men niet voor. Doorbreek die angstspiraal en zoek naar je essentie die liefde is en je angst verdwijnt, vechten tegen de angst helpt niet dat is hetzelfde als vechten tegen het donker het enige dat helpt is het licht aan doen ofwel bewustworden. Liefhebben is het antwoord. Gerald Jampolsky schreef het boek ‘Liefde is angst laten varen’ een aanrader.Rotterdammers zouden zeggen ‘Doet dat maar!’
Hier nog wat quotes over bang zijn en angst die me aanspreken:
Sommigen worden agressief uit vrees om bang te zijn. – Cherbulier
Als je de angst wil begrijpen en daar vrij van wilt zijn, zul je ook het genot moeten doorzien. Ze zijn dooreengeweven. Krishnamuti
It is fear to be feared most yearn,,nl,Ben Cami,,en,In time we hate what we always feared,,nl,Anger comes from fear and fear is loss of reality,,nl,Happiness would be perfect if we were not afraid of losing it,,nl,Pieter Geert Buckinx,,en,One is only afraid when one disagrees with itself,,nl,Hermann Hesse,,de,The biggest mistake you can make in life,,nl,constantly be afraid to make a,,nl,Elbert Hubbard,,en,Someone for whom people are afraid,,nl,is afraid of people,,nl,The more one has been afraid of something,,nl,more preferably one that occurs feet,,nl,Lucretius,,en,Do not be afraid that life once stops,,nl,Be sure afraid it never starts,,nl,John Henry Newman,,en,It is better to suffer once than to constantly be concerned,,nl,to sit in fear,,nl. Ben Cami
Op de duur haten we waar we altijd bang voor waren. Shakespeare
Woede komt door angst en angst is verlies van realiteit. unknown
Het geluk zou volkomen zijn als wij niet bang waren het te verliezen. – Pieter Geert Buckinx
Men is alleen bang wanneer men het niet met zichzelf eens is. - Hermann Hesse
De grootste fout die u in het leven kunt maken, is voortdurend bang zijn er een te maken. – Elbert Hubbard
Iemand voor wie mensen bang zijn, is bang voor mensen. - Lao-Tse
Hoe meer men bang geweest is voor iets, des te liever treedt men dat met voeten. – Lucretius
Wees niet bang dat het leven eens ophoudt; wees ervoor bang dat het nooit begint. – John Henry Newman
Het is beter eenmaal te lijden dan voortdurend bezorgd te moeten zijn, in angst te moeten zitten. – Julius Caesar
De hoeveelheid angst in je hart is juist zo groot als het gewicht van alles waar je nog aan gehecht bent. - Godfried Danneels
Angst is de vader van de wreedheid. – James Anthony Froude
De drang naar bezit is ook een vorm van angst. – Jan Greshoff


fear articles

The inner child is love but learned fear either: Love is nature and nurture fear is

There are two feelings: fear and love, where love goes further and also a state of being.

Love Himself is truth force
Fear is ego's illusion will to power

Learner: 'What is love?’
Meester: "Love drives out all fear!’
Learner: "What we are most afraid of?’
Meester: 'For the love!’

Fear distorts your perception and makes blind and deaf, where true love looks. Through fear we become confused with regard to the reality that love is. Fear is protect and shield instead of open.

Anxiety is a result of a miserable past or worry about the future and keep you out of the here and now.

There is more fear than we want to know, usually we fear to displace our subconscious, which is 10 times stronger than the conscious and thus has control over your, without having an eye!

Anxiety is hidden behind other feelings and characteristics, ik noem er een paar:

Defensive fear is that we are being attacked
Critical fear is that we are criticized
Many laugh off fear to feel old pain
Attack / accusation is fear of being attacked
Taking fear out deficit
Scarcity, fear not get enough
Why I fear life is not in the right hand
Control / Dominance is fear to be dominated
Much talk is fear of being dominated
Conflict is fear of being wrong
Helpless is fear for your power and magnificence
Bragging is fear you can not and inferiority
Greed, fear to go hungry
Requirements fear that you do not get your way
Blaming is fear of its own imperfection
Power is the fear of impotence
Aggression, fear of being hurt
Sadness is fear of letting go to
Anger is fear that exceed your limits and you do not get what you want
Distrust, fear that you are being cheated
Shame is fear of being your true love is
Guilt is fear of making mistakes
Frustration is fear that your needs are not met
Jealousy is fear less than another
Worry is fear of uncertainty and the unknown
Stick to the status quo, fear of the unknown and fear of change
needy, people pleaser, the fear of being abandoned
Judging is fear of being judged, and fear your shadow sides
Addiction is fear to feel old pain and fear of the True Self
To seriously fear for the inner child
Courage is the fear of being a coward worn.

Forgiveness is love and compassion
Giving and sharing love and concern for fellow man
Abundance is love, the true riches
What can I do, love is to serve
Patience is love
Joy is love
Peace is love
Harmony is love
Serenity is love
Happiness is love
Attention is love
Respect is love
Tolerance is love
Enthusiasm is love
Trust is love
Can receive is love
Openness is love
Cooperation in harmony love
Acceptance of man's love

You're just afraid you do not understand. Hazrat Inayat Khan zei: ‘Alles begrijpen, doet alles liefhebben’. The love casts out all fear, true love is not fear, and vice versa!.