If someone is not nice to you…

You'll sometimes experience that someone is not nice to you, ignores you or breaks a call or make negative comments, Your sitting nagging, you berating, no sincere attention to you, etc.

Have compassion than because he or she reveals something of himself. You are namely often treats the other in the same way as in which you treat yourself.

Someone who is not kind to you is not kind to himself, etc., ask him or her if he or she can be happy and joyful, what he or she sees as positive in your

I was once arrived at my friend Elly and a woman to visit her I also knew, she walked straight past me and saluted just Elly, went a tedious misery story to Elly and looked not once did to me. I felt I did not bijhoorde and picked up a book and read "The time has come now to reach out," I was perplexed it were coincides exactly the same words that had said a holistic practitioner one day earlier against we!!!!. What a synchronicity!!. I thanked God and wanted to unkind woman also thank for her unkind behavior, I came upon this message I took to heart, I have not thanked her for it was not her intention to help me on the contrary, she ignored me completely

When you are happy you are also kind to the other and have attention to him or her because you feel connected and not separated, as one who gives no attention. The Dala Lama said that his religion is kindness, very nice

Patience a lovely old word that we have almost forgotten. Patience is: merciful, generous, patiently, tolerant, tolerant and friendly, a beautiful and good mix seems

Bron: Book "Enriching insights’ – Henny Bos, verschijnt juni 2016 Book published by Bent

The inner child and anger


angry child

Many children from their parents should not be furious, which was rejected, then they were no longer loves us. she even said; "You're naughty" rather than "You're naughty", So they played on the man and that we attract to us very much because we are still fully dependent on our parents

We're angry because we do not focus, erkenning, waardering, love and respect given that we had such a need. We're going to sublimate anger and exhibit passive-aggressive behavior by lying transverse, watching, make sarcastic remarks, humor have at the expense of the other, leedvermaak, To play devil's advocate, offend, denying attention, things to 'forget', the other 'gagging'(the silent treatment), you obnoxious act, you annoy quickly, deliver much criticism, often unnecessarily being late, etc.etc.

We project our repressed anger often on the other, we can then blame. Like we ensure that our other repressed anger plays out for us by making him or her hurt by our behavior and there to have fun and then the other to blame, self-reflection is alien to us, that's scary.

Thich Nhat Hanh schreef het boek 'je Omarm woede', that's good advice. Recognize that your anger is there and see it as a messenger that you bring a valuable message has, namely that you did not get your parents and is now trying to get out of vain. You can book your anger get you where you need also can give to yourself and be loving to yourself, Be a loving mother and father for yourself, who love you unconditionally for who you are and(Nietzsche zei: "Become who you are '). See also my article Become who you are.

Anger is often seen as a negative emotion, and negative emotions are rejected. Osho says that if you do not want to recognize the negative emotions you recognize any emotion. You will be a thinker, a robot…A negative emotion is simply a messenger that you are going to tell you what to change.

Behind anger can sit an unmet need or exceeded your limits by another and so you come to better understand your needs and boundaries

Mencius said he would pay more attention in the next life to its needs rather than desires, a sensible advice

If you never dare to be furious, chances are that you let walk all over you, 're a doormat and too much up and displaces, you will be sad rather than angry and if you really anger inside let you become depressed. It's not supposed to hurt others with your anger, but you may have to send a clear signal. Osho said that grief anger is turned upside, He said that if you make a mad person sad anger is gone and conversely it is reciprocal inhibition

A woman who dared to be said, not angry: "I'd rather not," and did not understand that it is too weak, so that the other person is nothing attracts and rolled over her and dominates. Since the woman may learn that they must bring their own dominance developed in order to live well. Your environment is in fact the mirror of yourself. And dominance was mirrored in this case had repressed women and should bring development

Insult and ego

If you feel easily offended are you sure that your ego is still the boss, because your true self can not be offended because it is complete, nothing human is alien to him also not negative.

If someone would call me an asshole I say thank you and that I can indeed sometimes just sometimes a jerk, but are usually friendly.

The ego has created an idealized self-image that must be defended at all costs and must be maintained, that illusion rather than reality says the ego malchines illusion called reality.

Freud said very nice: "We are better than we know, but worse than we think '

Ask yourself but what is the worst that they can say to you and give it a place in your being, then you control that aspect instead of it controlling you. What we niert aware of dominated us Freud saw good.


As long as you're offending you let your thoughts and especially feelings determine the other and you are not free but a victim. The master can laugh at an insult and let there not upset his thoughts and feelings..

The Buddha was once insulted and a student asked why the Buddha was not hurt. The Buddha said,: "It's like a gift that is offered when the offender still does not accept it in his hand '

Emotions are judgments. If I do not believe I am offended, I can not be angry – Robert Solomon


A man asked a wise: ‘Wat is egotisme?’

The sage said: "What a fool you are glad you asked!’

Insulted the man became very angry at the way,

the manner in which said: "It is now egotism!’

If you are offended by a remark that's probably because it is a truth which you do not want to, there is a side of you is triggered you have repressed and now project into the other. Usually that your shadow side, Negative part. Lao Tse said that true words are not nice. The Bible says the truth will set you free, I might add that the truth will make you mad first. Nietzsche zei: ‘Hoeveel waarheid kan een mens verdragen, how much truth he ventures?!!’

Name a common man mean and he will soon prove you right, call a realized human being mean and he will smile and not be offended or hurt, saying that he can indeed sometimes be mean masr that is usually not.

Eem woman once called dumb blonde and she went there to in order to prove the opposite, reinforcing only the observation of the other. I told her of mental judo, move with the push of another, so do not push back but draw, with mental judo is that exaggerate the offense and in the case of the dumb blonde say that she is much worse much more stupid and do nothing, the cathedral is to dance for the devil and do not even understand this remark of the offender.

A woman whom I had taught the spiritual judo applied it she had a collision and then said,: "I'm Godzilla himself, a monster, devils "and she told me that no one has ever been as silent as her opponent.

A samurai asked a manner that the heavens and what the hell is

The way the samurai insulted by calling him a fool and idiot

to cut off the head of the way the samurai drew his sword and was ready. "So this is hell," said the wise. The samurai saw that made his sword and asked the sage if he would teach him. "And that's heaven," said the wise.


I read now on the advice of my blog friend Peter de Kock's book 'Rising strong' by Brené Brown and read about self-esteem and find it so interesting that I want to share.

I translate it from English.

"Character is the willingness to accept responsibility for your own life and it is also the source from which self-respect springs' – Joan Didion

Brené schrijft: 'Self-justification is a huge threat to self-esteem'. She also says: "I see now that teach people how to treat us based on how they perceive how we treat ourselves'. That's the same thing I learned in management training which is that others and your surroundings are the mirror of yourself!!’

If we respect ourselves, it is usually the case that we have respect for the other. If the other person has no self-respect, he has usually not for us, accuse him or her not only have compassion, it's bad enough

As long as you uitverdedigt your flaws and mistakes comes at the expense of yourself. Rumi zei: "Who does not recognize his flaws is his own enemy" and so it is.

When self-esteem you feel no more nor less than the other, you have serenity and do not determine your value by praise or blame. The angel Cassiel is about serenity you can ask him for more serenity and that automatically leads to greater self-esteem and self-respect, success with it

Engelen, dromen en innerlijk kind

Ik vroeg mijn engelen om een boodschap en hoorde even later op de radio: ‘I have a dream”, en dacht toen dat de boodschap wel via mijn droom zou komen en zo geschiedde.

Ik droomde daarna heel apart namelijk over een pot conserven met een zoute rozijn erin die eruit moest. Als ik ga duiden draai ik de beginletters van zoute rozijn om en kom dan uit op route zozijn. Dat is apart zozijn is een organisatie die zich bekommert om kinderen met een beperking, ik moet dus de route nemen naar mijn innerlijke kind met een beperking. In conserven zit ons erven, wat we van onszelf ervan uit onze jeugd dat is voor mij emotionele verwaarlozing, er werd vroeger thuis niet over emoties gepraat, en boos mocht je al helemaal niet worden en als je je boosheid moet onderdrukken onderdruk je daarmee alle emoties en ga je in je hoofd en denken zitten.

Ik mag dus aan mijn innerlijke kind vragen wat het nu voelt en daar aandacht voor hebben, de kans is groot dat er veel verdrongen woede is die wordt verborgen achter aangeleerde vriendelijkheid

Ik noteer de vragen en opmerkingen aan het innerlijke kind met mijn rechterhand omdat ik rechts ben en antwoord namens mijn innerlijke kind met mijn linkerhand en dat werkt heeeeel bijzonder, openbaringen zijn het!!

Ik dank mijn engelen voor deze bijzondere en mooie droom en dat ik hem mocht duiden en ervan leer

Als je belangstelling hebt om ook in contact te komen met je innerlijke kind, ik heb er een stappenplan voor ontwikkeld en denk eraan een innerlijk kind dat niet mee mag doen in je leven, een kind dat je niet integreert gaat je boycotten, dwarsbomen en saboteren en dan word je ziek en niemand weet wat het is of dingen zitten tegen en je weet niet waarom, therefore so