Entries by Henny Bos


Confidence A man traveled on his camel in a caravan through the desert. At some point robbers came, the man quickly gave his money to a man he trusted. Only to find out later that it was the leader of the robbers. He wanted to leave disappointed when the leader […]

Inner child

8 fasen om het Innerlijke kind te bereiken: Phase,,it,It begins with the realization that there is an Inner child in you and that you have put in a basement to be no more hurt and that it is love and attention deficit and you will sabotage,,nl,This phase involves your willingness to discover the inner child and want to know,,nl,You can lure the child to a specific question such as whether it wants an ice cream,,nl,or pick up a pastry or chocolate and then as a child something to enjoy and so begin to make contact with your inner child will be suspicious at first and waiting,,nl,you have to provoke the tent at this stage,,nl 1: Het begint met de bewustwording dat er een Innerlijk kind in je is en dat je dat in een kelder hebt gestopt om niet meer gekwetst te worden en dat het dus aandacht en liefde tekort komt en je dus saboteert. In this phase […]

To follow

Volgen Most of us have been taught to follow the crowd. We subscribe to “tribal” thinking, which is the thinking of the masses. It is not easy to break from this type of thinking, or non-thinking. A lot of people find this a huge stumbling block because they believe what social, political, religious and other […]