How I found out my codependency?

In 2007 I took a course from the Civas, namely counseling specialization. It had two lessons about codependency and when I learned those I saw codependency in pretty much everyone around me. I then wrote the book 'Being Mirrored' subtitled 'Your environment is the mirror of yourself' and realized that what I saw around me had been and still was, in a way, my own codependent behavior.. I started reading English books about codependency, in Dutch there was nothing to get about(unimaginable!).

I read over 100 books on codependency and related topics such as PRI and sub-personalities and discovered many shadow sides of myself that I had repressed and projected onto others, now I could take those projections back and acknowledge the shadow, healing and transforming and that is life's work that I do with great pleasure and sometimes some effort, it's very liberating.

I was the first to read 'Codependent no more' by Melody Beattie and read that her therapists had not understood her and that she had become her own therapist and that is how codependency came about, I didn't know that I knew that too and had also become my own therapist, I recognized a lot of what Beattie wrote and felt related and seen.

The more self-knowledge, the more you find out there is much more to discover. I made myself, through study and life experience, a codependency- expert. It is the biggest and most important discovery of my life so far, very liberating and I wish you that too.

Bron: An Introduction to Codependency’ Henny Bos.



Sterven om te leven

Om te leven moet je weten wat sterven is. Gandhi zei: "When the ego dies the soul awakens’

Goethe zei ‘Stirb uns werde’. Truths which I realized only after a major crisis with NDE(Bijna Dood Ervaring), ik leerde het leven meer op waarde te schatten en werd een dankbaar mens die Onze Lieve Heer elke dag bedankt voor de nieuwe dag. Je leert de dingen kennen door hun tegendeel. In de Bijbel staat dat de levenden God niet zullen zien, m.i. nogal verkeerd geïnterpreteerd door te denken dat je eerst fysiek moet sterven, nee het is sterven aan je ego, Gandhi heeft gelijk.

Zolang het ego er is kan God er niet zijn, die twee sluiten elkaar uit. Hoe groter het ego, hoe kleiner je wereld en dan denk je ‘Is that all there is’, terwijl er zoveel te ontdekken valt als je wakker wordt.

Gevoelens & waarheid

There are those who argue that feelings tell the truth, but I think and feel yet more nuanced about. Feelings can tell the truth but also lie.

Consider feelings of inferiority. If you have those feelings does that also mean that you are inferior? I do not think so. The truth for me is that you are a child of God and are created in His image and that you're spiritually worthy and are valuable.

Onderzocht is dat 75% the 'professional' social workers feel superior and the big question is whether that truth is, they are really superior if they present themselves just as in fear and uncertainty, The arrogance is what lies behind inferiority, that arrogance is an overcompensation of inferiority, to me that was certainly the case. Both arrogance and inferiority are pathologically. If you feel a spiritual dignity you will feel no more and no less than another, you'll feel connected and one which is more in line with truth.

80% of people think that they have an above average intelligence, that says enough! It often leads to authoritarianism and feelings know to have. The less people know, the more they think they know.

Charles L. Whitfield has it in his wonderful book:’Co-dependence, healing the human condition 'the fact that 95%(!) of the people is more or less codependent. Codependent you if you're in a dysfunctional family was raised with little or no love, warmth and nurturing and over (negative) feelings were not spoken and that had to be so displaced. you for your feelings of self-worth than depend on external sources, in others it is more value other than self-esteem and you feel it is not your truth.

Whitfield talks about 12 step program and says that our true Self is fine and healthy, but that we are true Self strayed from us by distorted beliefs, gedachten, feelings and choices. He also speaks of distorted feelings and telling us so lies instead of the truth.

Many people feel that their perception is realitieit, where is, and that is also not true. Goethe saw it well when he said,:"If we have no idea of ​​the whole, We realize is how fragmentary our knowledge and which take up gardening '

Feelings are insofar as real and true that you can feel but the exercise is to ask yourself whether those feelings proclaim a truth and contribute to wake you or keep you asleep..

If you believe in a punishing God, you will feel a sinner and guilty and you feel shame and the big question is whether it is right and truth. I believe in a loving God and feel a lot of love and that to me is completely true and to me and the other only benefit.

Many of us feel that certain emotions are negative as: woede, hate, jaloezie, afgunst, irritation, exasperation,etc. By experiencing them as negative we suppress them often and can even supplant, making us the valuable messages they give completely miss. Behind anger is a need hide where you can be aware, it may be the need for recognition, appreciation that you did not get, so you got angry and then you can learn to ask for the recognition and appreciation rather than angry(manipulatief) to become. When you return to the cause: you unmet need or unresolved past pain can indicate that a place yet and heal and transform, and then you're freed.

I once heard a man say: "I put my anger on the shelf 'This man' laughed 'everything away and complained that he was not understood. He dared not show his authentic feelings and suppressed everything and blamed others that she did not understand him where he did not understand himself, the weather was projected as so often.

As another you angry, can make sad or unhappy then imagine you as a victim and lets you control your feelings by another and you depend on the other person how you feel. The other is just a trigger to your feelings, your unprocessed pain, your needs, your wishes. The challenge is to explore it yet and heal and transform. The other press no longer your 'feel' keys in but you do it yourself and you'll feelings of peace and harmony to know and if you get angry all the time is that anger a tool to show your limits, and anger not the boss of you, but you're in control of your anger. Emerges mastery and I wish everyone though I know it is reserved for the few who are willing to go the way inside.

The great Sufi master Inayat Khan did the same when he said that he really wanted to see, thinking and feeling and thus noticed that he was inauthentic had a false self and really wanted to be. He realized that your thoughts and feelings can be false when a false self(ego) follows and are not the boss himself and authentic, unique, free, conscious, awakens and masterfully.


Wijsheid van Schopenhauer

Century after century, the wise have always said the same

en eeuw na eeuw hebben de mensen altijd hetzelfde,

namelijk het tegengestelde, gedaan

