Omgaan met negatieve emoties

We've learned to see negative emotions as bad and repel and repress them, so don't pay attention to them, where it is in fact messengers who can help us further. Ouspensky even called negative emotions not only bad but also useless and something for weak people. I am now writing a brochure about negative emotions, it will in 2012 be finished

” Instead of resisting
against an emotion,
is the best way to make them disappear,
just to go into it completely,
embrace them and look beyond your resistance.”
Deepak Chopra

test codependentie

Download the comprehensive codependent test here and get an impression of the extent to which you think codependent, feel and act.

You are not codependent, you do it. It is learned behavior and can therefore also be unlearned

Click test codependentie.word to download and take the test.

It is also a test whether you want to devote enough time and attention to yourself

Het herkennen van een narcist

Narcissus die verliefd werd op z’n eigen spiegelbeeld…

Codependent people are often attracted to a narcissist and a narcissist looks for the codependent person as a partner with all the misery that entails, because a narcissist can only think of himself and see the other only as an extension of himself. The codependent tends to value the other person more than themselves, which is convenient for the narcissist.

Click here for the whole article