De Waarheid zal je vrijmaken, maar eerst woedend maken

Nietzsche zei:’Hoeveel waarheid kan een mens verdragen, how much he dares,,nl,I spoke to my friend Arthur,,nl,who had read my leaflet about codependency and read that you are often your own enemy and are at war with yourself like,,nl,so beautiful says,,nl,Shortly afterwards he was told that he had more understanding for others than for himself and when he heard that he became furious,,nl,he did his best or not,,nl,Then he thought about my leaflet and realized that his anger pointed out that the criticism was true and he did something to understand and accept himself better,,nl,very intelligent of him,,nl,I told a friend of mine that he was in his mind and not with his feeling and that happiness is a feeling,,nl,He got mad at me and wanted me,,nl,do not speak for months,,nl,on,,bg?!’

Ik sprak m’n vriend Arthur, die m’n folder over codependentie had gelezen en las dat je vaak je eigen vijand bent en in oorlog bent met jezelf zoals Peter de Kock zo mooi zegt. Kort daarop werd hem verteld dat hij meer begrip had voor anderen dan voor zichzelf en toen hij dat hoorde werd hij woedend, hij deed toch z’n best of niet dan?. Toen dacht hij aan m’n folder en besefte dat z’n woede erop wees dat de kritiek waarheid was en hij deed er dus wat mee om zichzelf beter te begrijpen en te accepteren, heel intelligent van hem

Ik vertelde een kennis van me dat hij in z’n denken zat en niet bij z’n gevoel was en dat geluk een gevoel is. Hij werd kwaad op me en wilde me 3 maanden niet spreken, na 3 months he called me and was so strong to say that it was true what I had said he could not have and see it at that time alone.,,nl,he had researched it now and had started to feel more and our relationship is now a lot better,,nl,So you often see that the truth will make you free but often makes you angry first,,nl,For example, I was told that I was a work-a-holic and when I heard that I became angry because I was doing my best to do it right.,,nl,I only saw later that it was truth and then did something about it,,nl,I pointed out a woman's tarot cards during a tarot course,,nl,She had a card with a snake on it and I then said that you can interpret the snake in many ways, among other things.,,nl,the cunning,,nl,cunning snake from paradise,,nl, hij had het nu onderzocht en was meer gaan voelen en onze relatie is nu een stuk beter. Zo zie je vaak dat de waarheid je vrij zal maken maar vaak eerst woedend maakt.

Mij werd bijvoorbeeld verteld dat ik een work-a-holic was en toen ik dat hoorde werd ik kwaad omdat ik zo m’n best deed om het goed te doen, ik zag later pas in dat het waarheid was en deed er toen wat aan…

Ik duidde de tarotkaarten van een vrouw tijdens een tarotcursus. Ze had een kaart met een slang erop en ik zei toen dat je de slang op veel manieren kunt duiden o.a.: de listige,sluwe slang uit het paradijs, the innovator because the snake constantly renews its skin,,nl,the medicinal power of the doctor,,nl,esculaap,,ro,but also the poison and I said that I had to think of her there,,nl,poison and anger that she hides behind a grimace,,nl,She reacted very meaningfully by saying,,nl,"Now I am pissed off again,,nl,"Everyone laughed at this reaction to my truth that she did not want to see,,nl,she was angry with me instead of thanking me for the insight,,nl,On the same tarot course I had to indicate the cards of the course leader,,nl,the course leader saw himself as paranormal and self-realized,,nl,I indicated to her that there is more than tarot alone and that the paranormal can stand in the way of self-realization,,nl,because you then think you are already there and already know it,,nl, low to the ground, de geneeskrachtige kracht van de arts, de esculaap, maar ook het gif en ik zei toen dat ik daar bij haar aan moest denken, gif en woede die ze achter een grimas verbergt. Ze reageerde heel veelbetekenend door te zeggen: ‘Nu word ik weer pissig!!!!’ Iedereen moest lachen om deze reactie op m’n waarheid die ze niet wilde zien, ze was boos op me in plaats van me te bedanken voor het inzicht.

Op dezelfde tarotcursus moest ik de kaarten van de cursusleidster duiden, de cursusleidster zag zichzelf als paranormaal en zelfgerealiseerd. Ik duidde haar dat er meer is dan tarot alleen en dat het paranormale juist in de weg kan staan bij zelfrealisatie, omdat je dan denkt dat je er al bent en het al weet. She got angry,,nl,where the students nodded approvingly to my interpretation and saw the truth of it,,nl,she did not want to see it herself and did not see the beam in her own eye,,nl,but only the splinter in the eyes of her clients,,nl,I told a woman that she was stressing too much,,nl,waadoor o.a,,en,stiffened her muscles which she then had to massage by a physiotherapist and that this is only the fight against the symptoms and not the cause,,nl,namely stress,,nl,She became angry and defended that there was too little time and she had to arrange so much and that someone else could not help her and she had to do everything alone,,nl,a big lament,,nl,Tears of anger flowed,,nl,she did not want to see that she is a stress chicken and continues with it,,nl, waar de cursisten instemmend knikten bij m’n duiding en de waarheid ervan inzagen, ze wilde het zelf niet zien en zag niet de balk in haar eigen oog, maar alleen de splinter in het oog van haar cliënten.

Ik vertelde een vrouw dat ze teveel aan het stressen was, waadoor o.a. haar spieren verstijfden die ze dan door een fysiotherapeut moest laten masseren en dat dat alleen maar de bestrijding van de symptomen is en niet van de oorzaak: namelijk stress. Ze werd kwaad en verdedigde zich uit dat er te weinig tijd was en ze zoveel moest regelen en dat een ander haar niet kon helpen en ze alles alleen moest doen, een grote klaagzang. Tranen van woede vloeiden er, ze wou nog niet zien dat ze een stresskip is en gaat ermee door. Even when her physiotherapist said that he was masking, she was rebuilding her stress in the shortest times,,nl,she did not want to see it,,nl,She did not learn and was in the protective,,nl,defensive and defensive attitude,,nl,like many of us and if you are in that position you can not learn,,nl,Do not be open to change and renewal and awareness. Then you only want to hear confirmation and beautiful words,,nl,There is a lot of anger in the world right now,,nl,If that means that there is more and more truth,,nl,then that is reason for a party,,nl,Thank you for your response and let us hope you are right,,nl,To avoid misunderstandings,,nl,anger does not always have to lead to truth,,nl,you can not turn it around,,nl,I learned in high school that a dog is a beast with four legs,,nl, wilde ze het niet zien. Ze leerde niet en zat in de beschermende, afwerende en uitverdedigende houding, zoals zovelen van ons en als je in die houding zit kun je niet leren, sta je niet open voor verandering en vernieuwing en bewustwording.Dan wil je alleen maar bevestiging en mooie woorden horen.

Lao tse zei: "Beautiful words are often not true and true words are often not pretty '.

Information afternoon about codependency,nl

Op zondag 18-12-2011 houdt Henny Bos te Doetinchem een informatiemiddag over codependentie. Er is een kans van 90% dat u codependente trekken heeft en zich daar niet van bewust bent. Henny zal nadere informatie geven en een informatiefolder van 8 pagina’s gratis uitdelen. De toegang tot de middag is ook gratis.

Aanmelden kan via of telefonisch 0314 – 34 38 21 of via de website


Ik sprak laatst in een zorgcentrum wat mensen die dieren gebreid hadden en ze zeiden trots dat ze helemaal gebreid waren, waarop ik zei:’Die dieren wel maar wij niet, want wij zijn genaaid


I'm working on a book about feelings and making an inventory of feelings, I will publish what I have now, there's a lot more to come, I still have to type and process that. It was an idea of ​​Peter de Kock to put feelings on my site, bij deze:

A: to pet, adorable, blow on(ignite quarrels/emotions) attentively, condition, touching,affected, burnt, excited, grin on, touching, aanhalig, affectionate, cringe at something, overbearing, to appoint, to take offence,appealing, feel, monkey what did you play pretty boy, ground, grounding, earthy, hesitant, abominable, acclimatize, ah and woe about someone shouting, carelessly, respect, think highly of, underhand, suspicious, esteem, breathtaking, admiration, adrem, drip off,affect, go off like a watering can, affection, affinity, will face(to bump someone's head),burned down, decrepit, measured, measured, isolated from, abducted, deducted, turned down, discarded, exhausted, be finished, trite, feeling pissed off,horror, envious, dependent, afkeer, cooling down, torture, torment,disgust, awful, detached, keeping your distance, dull, repulsive, waiting, defensive, renounce, kiss, act, agitation, aggressive, aha experience, amiable, nasty, active, alarm, alert, only, left alone, very nice, dearly, least of all, be allergic to, as frozen, like in the fog, like in a vacuum, allure, ambitieus, ambivalent, amicaal, ammehoela, amoureus, different, androgyn, terrifying, terrifying, scaredy-cat, fearful, jealously, antidependent, antipathiek, anthropophobias(fear of man) monkey love, apathetic, apologetisch(defensive), appelfauwte(Light, mostly feigned fluff), appelig(slow,lifeless), appreciation,suspicious, malicious, suspicious,arm, shabby, arrogant, ascetisch, anti-social, aspiration, assertive, assimilate, daring(bold)attentive, aversion, adventurous

B:shit shit, back down, harassed, fed up with, bales like a plug, balorig, support(addglijk,quirky), banal,bang, bar, barren and angry, bars, thoughtful, calm, timid,threatened, sad, cheated, printed, beastly, to commit, coveted, desire, excited, eager,scream, understood, understanding, understanding, comfortable, please, mastered, afflicted, needy, screwed up, bekakt, complain,i waited, pinch, cool down, obtain, worried, temptation, to applaud, narrow minded, creep up, lousy,ridiculous, important, charge, slandered, belatafeld,cheated, offended, polite, loved, mothered, stuffy, cramped, limited, see bears on the road, willing, calculating, beroerd, touch, robbed, penniless, remorseful, acquiesce,civilized, ashamed, damaged,modest, protected, scolded, tear, complained, accused, infected, sneezes(steels ,geniepig), best, robbed, groping, betekenisvol, better, better than, crestfallen,pay, enchanted, got caught, mourn, involved, patronized, graceful, captivated, tremble, confirmed, inspired, patronized, liberated, inhabit, moved, hurt, possessed, inspiration, drunk, Worried, feel burdened, sweaty, succumb, shaky,bits, at hand, recover, catch up, special, inside fun, bitter, blakend, White, bleu, pleased, cheerful, crook, incredibly dangerous, bloody nervous, blood-curdling,naked, expose, to blush, boer, bofkont, good, boos, malicious, Well behaved, get vomiting tendencies, bravery, fragile, buiïg(moody),misfit, sidelined, left out, out of the ordinary, excessive, being beside oneself with fear, civil, burlesque(god)

C: cabaretesk, scoundrel(debauched), capable, whimsical(capricious,luimig) carnival, catharsis, grumpy, charismatic, charlatan, charming, charmer, chaotic, grumpy, quibbler(hair splitter), claustrophobic, clean, clear, clever, clichéd, clownesk, codependent, coherent, comfortable, commotion, compassie,competent, competitive, complete, complex,confused, connotation, consternation, cool, creative, cynical

D: satisfying, dapper, that is heartbreaking, I don't care, dazy/stupid, defensive, have the goat wig on, have a belly full of .., the hair stands on end, the stomach turns me, to be bothered, have a crush on someone, have a crush on someone, be the loser, the shivers run down my spine, have the giggles, depressed, virtuous, close to, thief, subservient, dik, feel stupid, got through the shit, dead, terrified, looking through rose-colored glasses, giddy, sad, drunk, busy, dull, devilish, dizzy, feel silly

E: echt(myself), a bitch, have a brother die of something, have a lump in one's throat, a casanova, jump a hole in the air, have a heart of stone, a block to the leg, to be a boss, a whole pie, get a cold bath, have a short fuse, have a long arm, one with the whole, get a pointy head, united, lonely, respect, ambitious, elegant, miserable, energetic, enthusiastic, annoy , look up to it like a mountain, down the pants, give up, have a belly full of it, left a hangover, don't see a hole in it anymore, have had enough, something is gnawing at me, something snaps inside me, to give a shit, euphoric, eccentric, ecstatic,

F: performance anxiety, fabulous, fanatic, fantastic, fallible, up, phenomenal, firm, fine stringed, iron, nice, fit, faint, faint, flegmatic, flexible, considerable, flashy, wrong, fragile, freewheelen, frenzy(frenzy,possession),fresh, froiseren(slightly offend), party number, fulminerend, fundamentalist, furious, was, lifeless

G: great, private, galant, gallig, pacemaker, gaping, gastromanie(sigh for good food and drink),accepted, agitated, amused, animated, disgusted, chiseled sitting, disgusted,being bitten on someone, blamed, be bound to, born, burned, flawed, broken, broken heart, used, be weighed down by.., blackmailed, charmed, civilized, compromised,concentrated, conditioned, lay low, disillusioned, disoriented, submissive,disciplined, arranged,dissociated, tolerate, dominated, monstrosity, patiently, dumped, meek, forced, powered(wound up), emotional, not worth a cent, no pain, have no foundation, have no peace in his ass,enthusiastic, spiritual shower, mentally healthy, witty,spirit power, rapture, jealous(boring,annoying),ecstatic, lucky, frustrated, aggrieved, smart, rushed, hated, want to make mincemeat out of someone, handicapped, hardened, battered, attached, moaned, hot, amusing, integrated, interested, intimidated, irritated, isolated, hunted, moaned, freak, opposed, known, geklaag,gekleineerd, cherished, squabble, offended, contrived, qualified, tormented, loaded, left, assertiveness, credible,loved, happy, lucky one, gelukzaligheid, easy, easy going, paintedraiteerd, mannered(contrived), moderate, mean, grumpy, mixed feelings, average,jovial, tempered, peace of mind, motivated, merciless,gracious, called,ignored, affectionate, pleasure, genie, genius,enjoying, pleasure, satisfaction, enough, pleasure, genotziek, used,,nuanced, peppery,sore, stimulated, touched, straightened out, refined, rammed, inhibited, reserved, called, stirred, reassured, sabotaged, shocked, Closed, stretched, cloven, disturbed, stressed out, tormented, triggered, flattered, appreciated, awesome, desirable, wanted, ordinary, blessed, NS, gezond, greed, chuckle, gnuiven, goed, good mood, good mood, good-natured, magnificent, graceful, eager, gray, Gray mouse, creepy, grim, course, delusion of greatness, grand, gluttony

H: hate, happy, hard, harmonious, heartfelt, heartless, passion, hartzeer, greed, heel, lovely, holy, homesickness, hellish, heavenly, resurrected, having it behind the elbows, have a good time, it's annoying, you don't care, be the evil animal, didn't understand something, get it on your hips, it's still in his bones, pride, highly sensitive, fear of heights, hopeful, hopeless, haughty, hubris, hewn, crying, helplessness, moody, hypocritical, hypomaan, hysteria

I: idiot, idiosyncratisch, idolate, collide with.., incompetent, independent, feeling someone's hot breath on the neck, deserted, in the clouds, in the seventh heaven, indolent, printed in a roll, imagined, to go down the wrong way, being pecked in the crest, in m’n sas, got shot in the wing, in a panic, lenient, intimacy, intuition, interdependent, entranced, in shape, sitting in sackcloth, i'm shitting his pants,

J: jealous, feeling patronized, make you fat, feeling like a failure,, feeling mentally raped, feeling a lot, feeling bad,feeling tickled, feeling lifted, youthful, itch, jolig, jong

K: kalm, cat in a strange warehouse, kattig, extremely hard, goosebumps, Great, klein, jammed, assholes, asshole, grumpy, stubbornly, korzelig, koud/kil, powerful, kregel, stingy, kribbig, itch, barely, spice-do not stir-me, kwaad, vulnerable

L: base, laugh, giggly, word, stunned, lousy, patient, empty, lethargisch, lying, lively, licht, light in my head, light-footed, ran, lovelessness, loving, lijden, funny, rude, loser, airy, his, asshole, stupid, listless,

M: macho, powerless, mighty, masterly, maliceus(malicious), manipulatief, manic, male, masochistic, compassionate, compassionate, compassionate, complicit, ruthless, masterly, sympathetic, megalomaniac, melancholic, mealy, horrified, with heavy heart, with the tail between the legs, getting out of bed on the wrong foot, walk with his soul under his arm, miezerig, my blood boiled, contemptuously, inferior, misantropy, misunderstood, displeased, nauseous, foggy, gloomy, moe, despondent, brave, mugs, ascend, Nice

N: nasty, gloomy, naive, to be nasty, pushed down, dejected, negative, nervous, neutral, vain, not counted, not at ease, void, good-for-nothing, new, angry, though, nostalgic, sober, useless

O: agree, oetlul, okay, embrace, omnipotent, untouchable, independent, insignificant, misunderstood, discomfort, out of control, indefinite, carefree, put under pressure, substandard, underestimated, naughty, uncontrolled, impatient, unloved, unfortunately, insensitive, unappreciated, undesirable, inexperienced, unleaded projectile, treated unfairly, stripped, disgraced, ontevreden, disappointed, displaced, dismayed, discouraged, inadequate, moved, relax,upset, evasive, disrupted, unbearable, unsafe, unconnected, unforgiving, indifferent, imperturbable, unkempt, ill at ease, insecure, bellicose, catch your breath, at a distance, on an island, eager for effect, work on someone's mind, at ease, open staan, op m’n qui-vive, on my guard, open, feeling my best, stepped on my cock, go on wings, blown up, glorified, rushed, embarrassed, relieved, summoned, locked up, on plinth, delighted, excited, wound up, sincerely, boastful, hot-tempered, stand on his hind legs, lie on his ass,old fashioned, old, old-fashioned, feeling old sore, overactief, Handover, predominates, caught off guard, stressed, overwhelmed, to be on his way,

P: panicky, panicked, paradise, paranoia, cheeky, unlucky, pestbui, pijn, pain in the soul, pispaal, pissed off, platgewalst, enjoyable, popular, positive, talkative, irritable, pouting

R: gets to the bone, weird, rancor, founded(mobility, passion, drift,energie), furious, rebels, helplessness, relaxed, religious, right, rich, thrilling, rozig, Calm, rough bolster / white pit,

S: boring, sadistisch, samadhi, sanguine, sarcastic, satori, sattva(harmonie,Zijn,waarheid,balance)skeptical, shameless, shameful, sharp, schizoïde, clean, shy, guilty, sexually attractive/sexy, like, sensual, serene, serious, slachtoffer, sleepy, slecht, slow, smart, filthy, snibbig, sociaal, somber, special, playful, regret, spiritual, chatty, stable, prickly, strong, stiff, stoic, stoned, stout, naughty, radiant, strict, competitive, stiff, rudderless, feeling of success, rudderless, steered, suicidal, superior,


T: tamas(slowness,persistence,resistance), crazy, bump into the chest, countertransference, against heug and meug, reluctantly, failed, disappointed, reproved, downcast, satisfied, animals, timid, affectionate, top, pathetic, sad, thrilling, comfortless, despite, bitch, second rate, bisexual, doubt

U: extinguished, being out of balance, exuberant, jump out of line, elated, equipped, taken by surprise, go crazy, get out of his roof, be out of his mind, exhausted

V: skillful, be off the map, be off the boil, determined, pinned, resilient, safe, vicious, responsible, bitter dheid, connected, sad, strayed, honored, satisfied, vergevingsgezind, gilded, glorified, exalted, paralysed, longing, leave, embarrassed, seduced, seductive, in love, lost, raffled, tired, humiliated, wronged, alarmed, indignant, betray, surprised, to owe, defeated, Amazed, suffocated, disturbed, comfort, trusted, trusting, bored, alienated, conceited,expectant, confused, welcomed, spoiled, effeminate, injured, sourness, vief, vies, hostile, villainous, quickly, full of pleasure, confident, full of pleasure, met, peaceful, stranger, fearful, joyful, friendly, free, worry free, free-spirited, bold, Merry, female

W: watchful, valuable, worthy, worthless, disgust/disgusted, in despair, suspicious, warm, cotton ball, cottony, born again, weary, kind-hearted, melancholy, repulsion, languish, wild, white hot, furious, vengeful, struggle, resentful,

Z: soft-spoken, seasick, Certainly, self-conscious, self dependent, complacent, smug, independent, selfish, confident, nervous, they light each other, to lean on something,sick of.., heartbroken, hold his breath, get tired of something, spit his bile, wipe his ass with, hold his heart, wipe his ass with it, zombie, scapegoat, sunny, worrisome, caring, economical, heavy, be heavy handed, heavy on the stomach, weak, black sheep, zwartgallig ,floaty, boar,


I spoke today(17-11-2011) Will my friend from Florida who told me he i.v.m. Near interests had a conversation with the alderman. He hung notes in his small apartment 85 apartment and got no response. He said that people wait and take no action but complain.

” I told him that I learned that management training 5% pulls the cart, 90% and sits on top 5% stopping the cart
De 90% which sits on top is the silent majority, which does not take the initiative and complains about good government, the credit crunch, the others, etc. Losers have excuses and winners have reason. Those who say they can and those who say they have both right.
Click here for the whole article