I say with Melody Beattie that you can get away with self-knowledge and awareness of codependency. Self-knowledge can be acquired in many ways, There are many roads that lead to Rome and thus choose the path that suits you, you feel that often intuitively.

My friend Peter de Kock said on 24 november 2011 the article "How to get from from codependency off" on his blog / site www.peterdekock.nl. He has written several recommendations i.a.. de 12 stappen, spiegelogie, keep a diary, speaking circles, family constellations, meditatie, the work, geweldloze communicatie, etc.

Jung zei:"We are not illuminated by light figures ask us for but we are aware of the darkness in our ', een waardevol advies, as we are often codependent, zonder dat te beseffen, our own worst enemy. Freud zei:"We are better than we know, but worse than we think, "and that is because of the idealized self-image that we usually keep in because we can not stand our real self, it seems to help, but in reality we may therefore our real self no longer stand and turn us against ourselves.

I have benefited greatly from, among others: attitudinal healing discussion group, psychosynthese, intuitive development, PRI(Past Reality Integration), Mindfulness, The Work van Byron Katie, Ho’oponopono, study and meditation

A good way to find out your unconscious shadow side to pinpoint what annoys and irritates other people, these are the qualities in yourself that you do not want to see and then project into the other, so you get the other to blame your woes. What Peter says about Paul puts more about Peter than about Paul.

Even the worst things people say about you contain a kernel of truth about them because ...!

What makes you angry is often a trigger for old, unresolved pain from the past that is now seen and may be healed.

If you sit with anything that perhaps the defense of old pain Ingeborg Bosch Denial of needs' calls, tell you that there is nothing wrong with you and that someone else has it worse and that you do not need help, you then no loving attention to yourself.

Let go and forgive, is what life's work, is also very good to combat the tendency codependent control. Repetition Compulsion named Freud as the cause of much misery. The surrender is the greatest victory, Thy will be done, it is then.

I would also say: Not only do nice, but his nice. The codependent is often wanting to be the people pleaser of calculation to be liked, it works very often you because you do not even like yourself and so it flips.

Nice instead of just doing. Mindfulness also talks about the doing mode to go its mode and there nice recommendations that are worth.

Never be afraid of truth and be honest to yourself. Truth shall make you say the Bible, but my experience is that truth can often furious first can. Thich Nhat Hanh zegt: "Embrace your anger ', see it as a signal messenger a lesson to learn more about yourself come to know. Nietzsche zei: ‘Hoeveel waarheid kan een mens verdragen, how much he ventures'.