The questions below can be used as a guide when determining whether you are suffering from codependency. They are not intended as a method of diagnosis, nor can negative answers to the questions you guarantee that codependency at you is not present.

We are aware that the diagnosis of codependency is a matter that should be taken very seriously and that is very personal. We hope these questions can assist in you. Look honestly as possible how you feel inside when you make this test.


Answer yes or no:

1. Do you find it difficult to identify your feelings?

2. I Ontken, minimize / trivialize you how you really feel?

3. Do you see yourself as not selfish and totally dedicated to the care of others?

4. Find it difficult to make decisions?

5. Rate your much what you think, do and feel it like never good enough?

6. Are you uncomfortable confirmation, compliments and gifts?

7. Do you find it difficult from your wants and needs to speak to others?

8. Do you prefer someone else's opinion over the opinion of yourself?

9. Do not you see yourself as a worthwhile person?

10.Arrange you go to the norms and values ​​of others because you fear rejection?

11. Are you sensitive to others' feelings and feel of their too?

12. Are you extremely loyal t.o.v. other people?

13. Like other people's opinions more important than yours and you find it difficult to express your opinion if it differs from another?

14. Do you put your own interests and hobbies on the side for another?

15. Accept your sex whenever you want love?

16. Do you believe that many people do not take care of themselves and that they should help you?

17. Try to convince others what to think or how to feel?

18. Do you get angry when someone does not allow you to help him?

19. Give your opinion without being asked for it?

20. Give you a lot of favors and gifts to the people you care about?

21. Do you use sex to feel accepted and approved?

22. Do you need in a relationship that the other needs you?

23.To provide you with the unconscious intention of love,attention, erkenning,waardering, etc. to get?

24.Try to keep everything under control?

25.Are you a workaholic or addicted to something in a different way?

26.Are you trying to "save" the other

27.Sacrifice yourself on, figure yourself out t.b.v. another?

28.Do you tend to deny your troubles and woes?

29.Do you pity instead of compassion?

30.Dare you not to be angry or you are just furious angry, really exaggerated, n.a.v. An event?

31.You are not alone and you always need another?

32.You do not dare to really feel and sedate you to run through your feelings in activities and distractions, entertainment, etc.?

33.Think you can do it all yourself, and you know and you can not surrender to a higher power, God, Man,etc.?

34.Do you suffer from compulsive actions, as much talk, do and shout as yourself?

35.Do you feel worthy enough to receive?

36.Do you have low self-esteem?

37.Do you have a strong inner cirticus, a prosecutor that you always say you're not good enough or not doing well?

38.Word je boos al een ander je confronteert met een waarheid over jou die je zelf niet wilt zien en aanvaarden?

39.Heb je een grote behoefte aan aandacht?

40.Wil je altijd nuttig zijn om je waardevol te voelen?

41.Ben je altijd op je hoede en overdreven waakzaam en alert en dus gespannen en gestresst?

42.Heb je gevoelens van wrok en verontwaardiging als je niets terugkrijg voor de aandacht en liefde die je gegeven hebt?

43.Verdring je of onderdruk je oude pijn omdat je je alleen fijn wilt voelen en je schaduwkant niet wilt zien?

44.Probeer je je partner en anderen te veranderen en ‘verbeteren’?

45.Heb je gevoelens van minderwaardigheid of juist arrogantie en superioriteit?

46.Heb je ‘valse hoop’ in de zin van:’als ik eenmaal die partner of die baan heb dan zal ik gelukkig zijn?

47.Ben je opgegroeid in een disfunctioneel gezin, met weinig of geen koestering, warmte en liefde?

48.Ben je bang voor verandering en wijs je transformatie af?

49.Houd je vast aan het bekende, zelfs als je dat kwelt en ellende oplevert?

50.Ben je extreem gevoelig voor indrukken van buiten, dat als iemand alleen al even somber kijkt of fronst je je naar voelt?

51.Ben je liever zwijgzaam dan dat je je eerlijk uit, zie je af van zelfexpressie

52.Leef je in een vorm van isolement en ben je niet zo sociaal?

53.Ben je eerder rigide dan flexibel?

54.Kun je niet loslaten en vergeven niet ‘let go and let God?

55.Heb je vaak ja geantwoord op de bovenstaande vragen en herken je codependentie ook om je heen in je omgeving?

56.Zet je je woede, jaloezie,etc. 'on the shelf' to them but not to feel and deny your feelings therefore essential that you define as negative?

57.Do you suffer from separation anxiety?

58.Do you tend to judge others and yourself and possibly even condemn?

59.Do you suffer from perfectionism?

60.Do you see the world and your life as a form of suffering which you have to hit a lot through?

61.Are you a survivor instead of someone who really live and enjoy it?

62.Do you have a high pain threshold, and you can let go about your side, an overly large resilience?

63.Do you worry about how it goes with another and you worry about?

64.Do you think you can make another happy?

65. Do you often feel misunderstood?

66.Is life do for you and have?

67.Find people always nice and you do your best for you there too, you're a people-pleaser '?

68.Minimize or trivialize your own problems and give scant attention to it?

69.Are you a caregiver, someone who is always ready for another, even if at the expense of yourself?

70.You never ask for help and you antidependent?

71.Do you often suffer from guilt- and feelings of shame and vicarious shame?

72.Do you have trouble getting your boundaries and maintain?

73. Do you have a self-image of geïdelaliseerd only be good(for others) and you become angry if another thereby pierces through?

74. Do you think people respect you enough?

75.Are you mad, sad or offended when someone you love tells you that he or she does not need your help?

76.If you had enough money you would have a relative or friend of an alcoholic, drugs- or give money gambling addiction?

77.Do you mainly people around you who you are especially needed?

78.Remember, often the other person where he or she would be without you?

79.You get a greater sense of self-esteem when you help another?

80.You sometimes ask yourself why you never have enough energy?

81.Repeat you have a bad relationship with another?

82.Have you echgeno(o)t(e),children, parent or friend a drug- ,alcohohol-, gambling, eating or sex problem / addiction?

83.Note that you give another opportunity to addiction and recovery efforts sabotages?

84.Deny or hide the fact that you your family was disfunktioneel

85.Feel sometimes tend to 'murder' another or to wish that he or she was dead?

86.I often feel dejected and depressed with what little energy

87.I sometimes panic attacks

88.It is difficult for me to do weird and crazy and have fun and relax

89.If I'm not productive, I feel worthless

90.I do not think anyone will really love me

91.It feels like people around me do not listen to me when I tell them what I want and need.

92.When bad things happen it's usually my fault, I take the blame and the responsibility to solve it

93.I give double messages. I say I'm going to do something and then do it toch.Ik know I do, but it can not hold in the hand

94.I do not usually think about what are my needs, usually I am aware of what other people want or need

95.I do not have time on my day to do things for myself

96.I spend a lot of time helping solve people's problems and spent little time on my own business.

97.Do you often feel hurt or angry?

98.Do you often feel lonely?

99.Do you find it difficult to say no when someone asks you something?

100. I apologize if another me what collectors calling?

101 Are you more focused and busy with drama than with essence?

102. Do you have experiences with dissociation and depersonalization?

103. Hengel compliments to you and believe you do not when you get them?

104.Are you addicted to drink,drugs,gamble,sex,food, relationships, your thinking and concepts,etc. or something why you lie?

105.Were there in the family where you grew oppressive rules that your parents imposed their will and there was no room to express your feelings or pratren about your problems?

106. 5% pulls the cart, 90% sits on top of it and 5% houdt de kar tegen, Do you belong to the 90% that sits on top of it?

107. Do you see yourself as 'normal' and healthy and conscious and find it is good as well and you have to do nothing?

108. Do you have trouble with trust, do you think people can not be trusted and trust you yourself do not actually?

109. Are you scared to express your opinions and ideas, fearing that people find weird or crazy or reject the onneens with you?

110. Are you worried and feel guilty when others have a problem?

111.Do you believe that others know better what is best for you?

112.Do not you think you can properly take care of yourself?

113.Ben je bang om fouten te maken?

114.Ben je bang, gekwetst en boos maar probeer je dat niet te laten zien?

115. Voel je je hulpeloos en krachteloos om jezelf en je situatie te verbeteren en helpen.?

116.Voel je je al ongemakkelijk als iemand z’n voorhoofd fronst en bedenkelijk naar je kijkt?

117.Denk je dat je de stemming van de ander veroorzaakt en er mede-verantwoordelijk voor bent?

118.Denk je dat je de problemen van een ander moet en kunt oplossen, hem of haar moet en kunt ‘redden’?

119.Vind je het moeilijk om alleen te zijn?

120.Laat je je stemming afhangen van de stemming van de ander?

121.Weet je niet zo goed wat het verschil is tussen schuld en schaamte?

122.Doe je aan ‘magisch denken’ in de zin van:’Als ik eenmaal die partner, die baan, dat huis heb, then I will be happy?

123. If another you down or say no to you than you think and feel that you are not okay, not good enough?

124. Are you afraid that your new information (even more) will confuse you stand there and do not open or are you skeptical?

125. Do you prefer always the same and stick fast to the old familiar, even if it is not so great?

126. As someone with an understanding of truth is it different from your ideas or truth, do you reject it immediately?

127.Give you, in order to meet the wishes of the other, not your own limitations and do not clear what you do not want?

128.Remember if you refuse to speak out what your needs, what you would like the other person says or does?

129.Touch your often caught up in drama and you come to little to essence and recognize your drama in the role of "savior", 'Accuser / accuser' and 'victim'?

130. Do not like new friends and you will see not a stranger as a friend who you do not know and stick to when it comes off the boat to get acquainted with strangers, Take your time there before and have no interest in it?

131. Looking at parties and receptions always the people you already know and you shun strangers?

132. You always plan everything and you do not love failures and mistakes and you try to keep control of everything, so it goes the way you'd like?

133. Do you think now you know yourself enough and nothing more to do with self-knowledge and self-development?

134. You do not ask for help and refuse offered help and you're so antidependent?

135. Are you more of an individualist, a loner than a team player and interdependent?

136. Think and feel deep inside that you are not worthy of the love and attention of others, you to imagine anything and are not valuable enough?



Do you have answered yes to ten or more of these questions, this could be an indication that you have a problem with codependency.

If you have more than 25 have answered questions with yes, it is very likely that you think codependent, feels and acts..

The more yeses, how code overlapping nter.

If you have answered yes to 5 The following questions are also an indication of codependency: 13,16,23,27,32,36,40,42,44,47,49,61,62,64,67,69,82,84,99,105 en 107, 111, 112, 117,118,127,129,136

If you answered yes or no time with very little chances are that you are in denial and do not want to see.

By working on your recovery from codependency, together with a counselor and / or within a self-help group, will reduce your codependency symptoms which will improve your quality of life.

The 1st step to recovery is to acknowledge the problem and identify the codependent behavior and recognize.

Codependent will be called 'The human condition, "and almost everyone has a greater or lesser extent suffer from a serious lack of self-knowledge and the feeling of lack of feelings and not His. We are human beings not human doings!, where most people identify with and will do instead. His feel and.