He had 18 people came to the lecture, and many did not recognize many of the questions asked Henny, te weten:

-you are always ready for another?, -dare you say no?, -lets you violate your limits?, -you want to control?, -you have low self-esteem?-your needs are not as important as that of another?, -You grew up in a family with little or no attention, erkenning, waardering, nurturing, warmth and love?, -You accept things that are not really acceptable?.

It was said under the headline: "This irritates me in other people 'write down everything bothers you. When the people were finished Henny said:"Streep now heading through and put down:"These are aspects of me that I do not want to see ', it was an eye-opener. Els was so sweet and caring to arrange tea and coffee and it took two leaflets, also one for her sister.

Everyone got an information leaflet and brochure:"An introduction to codependency".

It was all in all a successful evening, that this CD is a recording of about 45 minutes. After the break answer questions, This is not included on the CD. The CD is available at Henny Bos and require an investment of 12,50 + shipping costs.