Henny Bos, Coaching

Already in my youth I saw the possibilities in the difficulties instead of the difficulties in the possibilities. As a teenager I found a text, who appealed to me so much that I painted it in purple, the spiritual color. The text was: "Nothing is difficult for those willing", either: "Nothing is too difficult for those who want to". From the age of 15 I read books and texts by Nietzsche, Sartre, Camus, Confucius, but also Wolkers. I philosophized with my friends about the meaning of life. And about the values, that you thought was important. We did: "Tell the truth". I will tell you about that when we get acquainted…

I holistisch-, spiritual and existential coach and -counselor, but eclecticus, ie I have the best vision of all movements take. My coaching is based on the fact that we are essentially a whole, het universum, met God, Man, etc.

Also the fact that we are not people with a spiritual experience, but that it is inversely: We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

If you let your body dies your family and friends behind even money and possessions. The only thing that you bring and therefore eternity is your spiritual- and spiritual development, and I can make a good contribution to!

Visie / Licht en donker:

De manier waarop ik coach is niet ergens vanaf willen, maar ergens naar toe werken. Niet vechten tegen het donker maar het licht aandoen. Het licht wijkt niet voor het donker, maar het donker wijkt altijd voor het licht(van het bewustzijn).

Integrative – and eclectic coaching:

This approach is very characteristic of me. Bringing the client to his True self, taking into account his feelings, Emotions, thinking, beliefs, behaviors, experiences, handicaps, faith, spiritualiteit, lerend vermogen, etc.
Eclectic means that I get gold from many psychological and spiritual directions, attuned to the uniqueness of the client. The client learns to achieve spiritual wealth, expansion of consciousness, awareness and Self-knowledge / insight / awareness. The Delphi Oracle said it already: 'Know thyself'
Happiness is a by-product of awareness and Self-knowledge. And cannot be found outside of yourself, het is de weg naar binnen!

Existential therapy and coaching:

This therapy was like a homecoming for me. The therapy not stick labels on your, Do not stop in a box, stelt geen diagnoses volgens de DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders, everybody, Getting a diagnosis, is treated according to the DSM in the same way as standard. I have a T-shirt with the text: ‘Don’t let people label you!’

Existential therapy does not do that and see you in the first place as a unique individual. Nietzsche one of my heroes, which I read on my 16th all books, said the belief is the greatest enemy of truth. And was one of the founders of existentialism. Sarte I read on my 16th and was also existentialist. The regular sector is very confident of its own as it is my experience. Onderzocht is dat 75% the professionals themselves superior eight.

In Existential therapy, one finds that there is often alienation from himself, the other, the world and God of the Universe. See further the dimensions of Binswanger!

The existential therapist and I also, will existential guilt, fear and crisis seen as something which tells about the values ​​of the clients, the extent to which they may or may not live up to those values

The existence precedes the essence, the central thesis. And is based on free will, self-determination, and Significance (see my book Meaningful Life!) with a focus on you as a unique person rather than the symptoms.

It assumes that the client potentially can address up and use and looks at the whole person so holistically.

Existential therapy focuses not only on the ground but also on beliefs, gedachten, feelings and perceptions that make up the background of your experiences.

I did very early in my life Existential therapy, without that I knew it was, due before the letter.

Bugental(existentialist) and Osho say that if an emotion displaces the detriment of all emotions. You are one 100% thinker, What is common in the western world.

Existential therapists like to work with the model of the Ludwig Binswanger 4 dimensions:

-1- environment: physical world, surroundings

-2- Mitwelt: social world

-3- Eigenwelt: psychological, personal world

-4-About world: spiritual world, universe

Existential therapists ensure that there is room for the client his personal thoughts, gevoelens, narrative approach, that these can be described and explained and understood.

Hazrat Inayat Khan zei: ‘Alles begrijpen, does love everything!’

Existential therapy when it is more about "How to Be 'than' what to do '. We are human beings, not human doings I often say. In Mindfulness they ask you to do according to His may go. The relationship coach-client is what heals if they are equivalent and collaborate. The implicit explicit, to investigate. I think it was Socrates who said that an unexamined life is not worth to be lived!

Each perception has a counterpart in the counter-perception. I'm counterpart me aware of my subpersonality example the production stag Gijs Gans, that produces nothing and just lazing. Between these extremes I move in balance. Fear of the death counter perceived fear of life! It's like day and night that make up a day as well as yin and yang.

Fear as a prelude

Who knows the right way to deal with anxiety also achieved the ultimate.

Fear is an essential condition to be authentic to be aware of your individuality.

Fear experiencing learn the counter-perception and that is love.

Fear makes you step out of your comfort zone and driven by the fear you go the transformative process.

It is important to take responsibility for your life as a director and the lead role to play in your own life. And accept the ups and downs and appreciate it as something to hold to, and if that fails to learn. So you're never more victim!

5% van je potentieel:

De meeste mensen gebruiken maar 5% van hun potentieel, door training en ervaring kan dat 5% à 10% worden, maar een training is vaak als een warm bad: you will be just as warm but also cools down quickly and then move on to your old habits and patterns and you will not get much further…

Individuele coaching :

Deze manier van coaching gaat uit van het feit dat niets menselijks je vreemd is, dat jij de wereld bent en uniek en authentiek, we maken samen je onderbewuste bewust zodat je meesterschap verwerft over je lot en omstandigheden en er niet langer slachtoffer van bent, elke coaching is afgestemd op jou als individu met een eigen karakter, je zult veel meer uit jezelf halen en beter presteren en gelukkiger zijn.


Een copywriter van een reclamebureau zei: ‘Al onze medewerkers moeten die coaching van jou hebben, ik leer er zoveel van en het is ook fijn en leuk om te doen’. Hij deed voor het eerst voorstellen ter vermindering van fouten en verbetering van de kwaliteit en die voorstellen vielen in goede aarde, hij is veel coöperatiever geworden en ook vriendelijker, hij benut nu meer van zijn potentieel. Is bewuster, creatiever en heeft meer kwaliteit van leven.


De investering voor privépersonen is slechts 60 euro per uur, voor medewerkers van bedrijven is het 95 per hour plus. VAT in case the company pays, de investering wordt ruimschoots terugverdiend.

Mijn ervaring:

Ik was manager bij een grote uitgeverij en veranwoordelijk voor een omzet van ruim 15 miljoen euro, ik ben universitair docent geweest in Utrecht en heb een eigen marketingbureau gehad, ik trainde ook accountmanagers op het gebied van communicatie op HBO-niveau en kreeg als beoordeling een 9 van de cursisten, die veel leerden. Veel lezingen gegeven over codependentie, subpersonen, communicatie, levenskunst en kwaliteit van denken. Inmiddels 13 boeken geschreven en uitgegeven, ze gaan vaak over bewustwording en codependentie. De Dramadriehoek, Meaningful life and Other Value, about codependency are my best sellers. And be mirrored Drama will also run well. My books are available on my website and at bol.com.

Al veel mensen gecoacht met als resultaat dat ze creatiever werden en bewuster, meer gingen samenwerken, zichzelf beter leerden kennen en meer uit hun potentieel haalden, blijer werden, etc. etc.

Lectures on: Levenskunst en geluk, Codependentie, Sub Personalities, Communicatie, drama Triangle, Eigenwaarde, Over de waarde van onze fouten, Integrating the Inner Child, etc.

Mijn opleiding

Marketingmanagerdiploma(NIMA-B-niveau), MO-economie, cursussen communicatie, conflictbeheersing, NLP, Intuïtieve ontwikkeling(2 jaar), psychosynthese, mindfullness, train de trainer, codependentie(7 jaar), lateraal- en creatief denken bij Edward de Bono in Parijs, management-trainingen, zelfstudie bewustwording, education permanente, ik hou van leren en leer van alles en iedereen en blijf op de hoogte van de nieuwste ontwikkelingen.

I'm 3x qualified counselor, te weten: counseling, counseling and stress counseling specialization I am also a certified coach / counselor or ACT Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, also certified Enneagram coach / counselor, certified coach / counselor Intuitive Development, Inner child work certified coach, certified hypnotherapist, study + practice mindfulness.

Mijn werkwijze:

Ik stimuleer, enthousiasmeer, motiveer, inspireer, begeleid, bemoedig mijn cliënten en exploreer samen met ze hun onderbewuste waar al het weten zit zonder dat ze dat weten, samen vinden we de antwoorden, cliënten zeggen vaak dat ze in gesprek met mij tot inzichten komen en verder komen. Ik begeleid de mensen naar interdependentie en zelfrealisatie, waardoor ze tot veel meer in staat zijn en gelukkiger worden en meester van hun lot worden door zelfkennis/-inzicht/-besef.


Creatief, innovatief, lerende capaciteit(de ware meester is de meesterlijke leerling)., ondernemend, initiatiefnemer(hoor bij de 2% ‘achievers’ die de kar trekken, 95% zit op de kar en 3% houdt de kar tegen, de 2% is veel sterker en daardoor komt de kar vooruit!).

Ik ben ontwikkelingsgericht en zie de mogelijkheden in de moeilijkheden in plaats van de moeilijkheden in de mogelijkheden.

Ik werk met The Law of Attraction, dus een geluksvogel, inspirator, motivator, enthousiasmeerder, bemoediger, ik exploreer het onderbewuste en maak dat bewust, ik ben een realist en geloof dus in wonderen, synchroniciteit en serendipiteit, ik maak dat wekelijks mee.

Ben een dromenduider en ben ‘congruent’, ‘clear’, dat wil zeggen dat mijn denken, voelen en handelen op één lijn liggen en dat ik vrede heb met mijn subpersonen waardoor ze me niet langer saboteren.

In de DISC-analyse scoor ik het hoogst op Invloed en daarna op Dominantie en scoor ook nog hoog op Stabiel.

Ik durf mijn nek uit te steken en risico’s te nemen, en nieuwe dingen te ontdekken die ik vermeld op mijn site of mijn codependentie-netwerk en in mijn boeken en artikelen in tijdschriften als Spiegelbeeld waar ik vaak in sta en ook Paravisie, Koorddanser, Frontier magazine, Ontmoeting, etc.

Ik erger me niet maar verwonder me. Ik hou van wat ik doe en doe waar ik van hou, ik laat me niet langer leiden(lijden) door angst maar door liefde Commercieel gevoel geleerd als verkoopleider en trainer, management-vaardigheden en marketinginzicht.

I am a columnist for the magazine bewustwordings Mirror and am a regular employee and ambassador of this good and beautiful journal.

I coach ca. 2.000 people annually through hulpbellijnen In-Syn and Topconsulenten and do it with pleasure, especially interpreting dreams I feel fine and instructive. Myself made a dream interpretation expert.

My YouTube videos are now more than 25,000 x viewed.

I do monthly peer to keep up in time. And regular training to further exploit my potential and to work for the people, wanting my help.

If I have more than 100 English books read and studied about Codependency and have become expert in this field. Codependent behaviors show you if you come from a dysfunctional family, with little or no love, waardering, erkenning, respect, etc. The result is that you want to get out of these things, there go all the songs and films over: "Without you I can not live," and "You're of my life 'and' You complete me '. Your self-esteem is very low and you have trouble saying no and monitor your limits, you think of the needs of others but forget your own needs…..

Codependency is very common, few people are aware. My codependentie-netwerk.ning.com now 294 members dd 27-2-2019 and that is not much.

Chances are you living attracts narcissists, met alle ellende van dien!

Van kennis naar wijsheid:

Kennis is belangrijk, je kunt geen meesterschap hebben over dat wat je niet kent, de kennis echter toepassen en integreren in je leven en handelingen en denken en voelen leidt tot wijsheid, daarin begeleid ik mijn cliënten.
Je zult jezelf ‘leeg’ moeten maken. Socrates zei: ‘Nu weet ik dat ik niets weet’, hij kon zo tot onderzoek komen en wijsheid.
De wijze leert van alles en iedereen, de gemiddelde mens leert door schade en schande en de domme mens hoeft niks meer te leren want die ‘weet’ alles al…

Naar voelen en intuïtie:

In de westerse wereld zitten we vaak gevangen in ons denken, we zijn vooral rationeel, waar geluk een gevoel is. Je intuïtie heeft het vaak bij het rechte eind in tegenstelling tot je logica. Ik help cliënten om meer bij hun gevoel en anima, hun vrouwelijke kant te komen(dat geldt ook voor veel vrouwen!).
Het is uiteindelijke de bedoeling om voelen, denken en handelen en essentie in harmonie en vrede te brengen, ik gebruik daarbij onder andere klankschalen en indianentrommels en edelstenen en zo kom je tot congruentie en ben je uit één stuk.

holistic coaching:

My holistic approach is based on the whole person as a unit, the sum of which is more that the whole of the parts. The whole man is the reflection of the world as a part of a hologram.

The Hindus also say you are the world. You have everything in your, only one aspect more developed than the other. Nothing human is strange to you when you wake. I support you on waking.

During the holistic approach results in a synergistic effect, or 1 + 1 = 3. Coach and coachee together ensure synergy and develop both in a productive and constructive relationship, which contributes to a further wake up and be consciously.

Pijn + resistance and resistance to suffer = (that's what you do) Pijn + acceptance of the lesson = liberation (that's what I include leather!). The latter is also supported by the ACT, de Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, I also make use of.

Fonosofisch coach:

I include fonosoof, that is, I can hear your voice you are blockages and where opportunities lie. On the choice of words, volume, timbre, dynamics, statement, etc. I hear what you're doing and what you're capable.

Dream Interpretation and Dream Analysis:

In your dreams do you make contact with the spirit world and your subconscious, Two major sources and means of information and insights. I'm an expert in Dream Interpretation / analysis and also explain how you can remember your dreams. Most people dream 2 until 3 times a night but forget those dreams. These are missed opportunities for better understanding. I can also help to tap these valuable resources and use.

Kaizen philosophy

Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy of life, which emphasizes the progress in small steps. Goethe be there already and the Itjing also.

If you want too much at once, check your doubts and / or you get scared and then enters the amygdala in action. Then you stand alone flight or fight and lost contact with the neo-cortex, so you can no longer think clearly, and things fail. By taking small steps to bypass the amygdala and have success and that I give you! I can tell you more about Kaizen, a method that leads to your success with the least effort.

Itjing interpretation

The Itjing is an oracle book that originated many centuries ago in China. You throw 6x coin and then creates a hexagram with meaning that I can tell you. The Itjing assumes no coincidence exists synchronicity. You will gain insight into your possibilities.

Enneagram type designation:

I am a certified Enneagram coach / counselor and can work with you lay your head type and other types, that apply to you. your self-knowledge, self-understanding and self-awareness will increase dramatically and with it your happiness and success!

Klankschaal healing:

A sound bath in the large scale sound 50 cm diameter and 10 kilo, vibration of your little toe to your crown chakra As I have a singing bowl to open the chakras, harmonize and give a healing effect. During a two-year course and training Intuitive development, I learned to feel chakras, I did not think that could.

The cost klankschaalsessies 45 euro per uur.

Through a comprehensive test for determining the chakras are blocked for you and which are open or actively.


February 2020 I completed a comprehensive course and Ho'oponopono 5 studied books about ho'oponopono. It is very similar to my ideas, I shall be expressed in the book Mirrored, the end 2020 opens. is the subtitle of that book: Je omgeving is de spiegel van jezelf! I write that as you change, je hele wereld om je heen verandert. That shall also ho'oponopono. Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len gave the course. Ask the question: "What's in me, I need this experience '. So you learn 100% to take responsibility for your life in love and compassion and forgiveness I can help you with that. De ho'oponopono Mantra is: I love you, thank you, I’m sorry, please forgive me. With this program you your subconscious instead of negative thoughts! Confucius knew that few people have the courage to face the mistakes and misconceptions to look at themselves. In ho'oponopono you delete the trash in your memory, you love for truth!

Levenskunst & geluk

See my book Life & geluk. Many people settle for a mediocre existence. It goes beyond business as usual, no party so. If you read this you will get more out of yourself and out of your life and the art of making. I attended several courses and living only a few things in my life. I love what I do and do what I love and that I grant you too. Choose quality of your life and that of your loved ones and let your coach and inspire!


Hypnotherapie is not narrowly, the worst that can happen is that you fall asleep.

I am a certified hypnotherapist and bring you into an alpha state of complete relaxation and surrender. I'll take you on a journey to your subconscious that is 10x stronger than your conscious. Your conscious is 10%, your subconscious 90%. Freud well that most of the control carried out by your subconscious. There also is the most garbage, the lies you are told and unpleasant experiences that are stored and are not processed and are triggered. Hypnotherapy works so liberating!

Inner Child work

Your inner child is the core of your being. Perhaps you have seen as a child, loved insufficient and thereby hurt.

In order never to be hurt you your inner child put in a basement, where it is indeed safe but lonely and devoid of love. Then comes your inner child you obstruct and boycott and get things wrong, you become ill and no one knows why. Daarom dus, because your inner child is not integrated, is not omarmdt. I am a certified coach and inner child work can help you reconnect with your inner child. You will include enthusiasm, vergevingsgezindheid, creativiteit, learning ability and humor have in your life!

Stress management

As a certified stress counselor I know that stress is the cause of many diseases, because it breaks down your resistance. There is also Eustress and that is a healthy form of stress, I get to help to, then the fun-exciting, said as a friend of mine. I make for stress counseling also use Mindfulness, Inner child work and Hypnotherapy see relevant topics. Stress management is a form of time management and recreational management. Children can very well relax, as adults we forget how often we go through life relaxed.


Either completely and without judgment in the here and now, accept and observe sensations and emotions.

My lesson is still to be considered for observation. Virtually any judgment you pronounce over another, says a lot about your dark side!

Je omgeving is de spiegel van jezelf! See my book: 'Into the mirrored Drama'

I apply mindfulness for many years with success in my life and can also help you to apply the. As Goethe said: "To know you only have nothing, you need to apply!’


See my book Communication.

From 2019 / March 2020 I have more than 1.600 people call coached with pleasure. I noticed that most relationship problems stemmed from a lack of negative communication.

I gave a few years communications class at college-level account, while I noticed that they asked too much talking and not enough listening and too few questions.

Through good communication going you better handle criticism, zie mijn boek: If criticism hurts subtitled: or if it is a blessing, because it can.

Often we do not realize that 80% of our communication is non-verbal!

I can learn to communicate better, allowing you to leverage and increase your social skills better.

Self-confidence / self-esteem and self-worth

In coaching more than phone 1.600 people, I discovered that there is often a lack of self-confidence, self-esteem and a poor self-esteem.

The self is subject to a yo-yo effect. The self-esteem rises with a compliment and decreases in negative criticism. That is more other than self. See my book Other Value, over codependentie. I was often arrogant and discovered, after a crisis, that's an overcompensation of low self-esteem. Behind me was a must not. I was an enemy of myself.

Thanks to the crisis, I came to the recollection that I did not do well, without blame myself, but take responsibility for my happiness. When you're there I was and can indicate ways, along which you come to liberation and a healthy self-esteem and self-respect and self-confidence. Lao tse zei: "I do not respect, because I respect myself!’


As a certified ACT coach I know the Hexaflex. ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
This is a depiction of the Hexaflex:

Committed action is one of the pillars and I think and feel one of the most important. If you let your coach and have no commitment to change, The coaching does not make sense. A leader once said,: "Who wants change!’. Everyone raised his hand. When he asked who wanted to change and nobody raised his hand. We often cling to the familiar, even if that afflicts us. If necessary Be one of the few who do rears his hand on the question of who wants to change. I count on you!

Optionally made of a sound consultation and mailed to your email address. So you get to work further to.

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

It is a form of acupressure and works by tapping with your index and middle finger on any places that are shown below:

Every time you tap affirm something. For example, more love and compassion. Of minder angst of stress. If you can not believe, you can pronounce it and then on the spot as long tapping, until that negative feelings or negative thoughts (almost) disappeared.

If insufficient help you can also tap on your hand. See figure:

Do tapping 1 à 2 once a day for a minimum 30 days, it is located.

I apply it and it works for me wonderfully. It is becoming increasingly recognized as an efficient complementary therapy for healing and solving emotional problems, stored in your body.

EFT works by love and that is the greatest healing power. Jesus also applied in his life. The core of our being is love and consciousness.

There are already about 200 studies on the effects of EFT and it shows that it functions properly.

It is important that you are congruent when you tap. In other words: gedachten, gevoelens, His actions and must be aligned. It's good to cleanse your subconscious among other ho'oponopono meditation and the mantra:

I love you

Thank you

I’m sorry

Please forgive me

Remember that you also program your self talk through your subconscious. If you are afraid that it fails, your subconscious will respond to it and let it fail. Fear the dreaded Don. If you are too tense and you'd like to knock you off the desired kind hyper intent. So be relaxed which can hypnotherapy and meditation.

Confucius zei: "Those who can say, and those who say they have both right!’

Regression and Narrative therapy

your past, that too from past lives, is stored in your subconscious. The subconscious is 10x stronger than your conscious and in control of your. Freud saw that all good. In ho'oponopono they argue that 'trash' is in your subconscious and you must cleanse. Narrative work is very good. Also determine what the female line and the male line in your family tell you. In trance or alpha or theta state you can go past lives. With the aid of Native drum, bowls and meditative music that succeeds. Also through dreams is a life succeeded me as a carpenter in Normandy to relive. In Normandy, I feel at home and my pronunciation of the French language was so good, During the first French lesson, the teacher asked me if I already mastered the French language.

By regression and narrative therapy is all about you in positioning the lead, Many people play a walk-on in their own lives. The narrative therapy no diagnosis, no label stuck on you but look at how your thoughts and feelings can cause problems and that you're the problem, but have not!

Your vision is often based on your past unexamined. If you are ever cheated once you think everyone you want to cheat and go distrust and now attracts just Cheating!

An unexamined life, is not worth living, I think it was Socrates who rightly claimed.

Many people are guided by fear and suffering instead of love. That fear is learned during this or a past life, and thus can be unlearned again!

I have self-made and experience gained regarding regression and narrative therapy. Videos followed and studied books and put into practice and successfully advised clients. So be my guest and research your life with or without help from me.

You can not change your past, but it looks the way you look and work with it. Narrative therapy teaches you to see all this in a positive and constructive light. You are not a problem, but have a problem, which can be solved. Are you okay, your thoughts and feelings can be deformed…and that is to adjust! You learn more go out to loving values ​​rather anxious thoughts and feelings.

PS: We are as sick, as we are secret

Don’t walk behind me; I may
not lead. Don’t walk in front
of me; I may not follow. Just
walk beside me and be my

– Albert Camus

Client centered therapy or Rogerian coaching

Depending on your personal situation, I can also apply this form of therapy and coaching.

It comes down to the following:

  • the coach is equal to the client is not above it.
  • the coach does not violate the client's privacy by judgment, unsolicited advice and conclusions.
  • the focus of the coaching is on the client's awareness that he is a phenomenon.
  • empathy and interest in the client's experiences are assumed.
  • the starting point is the client's choice for behavioral change.
  • it is more about essence than drama.
  • the rebirth process is lovingly guided by the coach.
  • the coach does not generalize, does not come with a standard approach but works tailor-made.
  • coaching is aimed at the client with the aim that he learns to love and accept himself.
  • the coaching is dynamic does not place rigid labels on the client.
  • in short, the client and his needs are central.
  • the coach respects himself and therefore also his client.

“I know you won’t believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others” – Socrates

Eclectic approach

As you will have discovered, I am a generalist with many specializations and I get the best out of many techniques with distinctive character.

Guideline is love, understanding and compassion, it has to meet that.

Hazrat Inayat Khan de Soefimeester zei: ‘Alles begrijpen doet alles liefhebben!’

Not a one-sided approach, but versatile and working towards the core and essence that you are. So self-realization. The highest need in Maslow's needs pyramid.

If I can do it, can you do it is my conviction and believe in you!

Finally, this:

“What seems good and logical to the ordinary mind is seen as harmful and absurd to the awakened man”- Vernon Howard

In case you think you are doing it right. Good is the greatest enemy of the great and the great, in turn, is the greatest enemy of the magical and the Divine!

Attitudinal Healing

Attitudinal Healing wil letterlijk zeggen ‘het helen van je innerlijke houding of instelling’.

I have gained a lot of experience with that, it is an extension of narrative therapy and client centered therapy.

It is based on the belief that you can always choose inner peace instead of inner struggle, for love instead of fear. The process of healing is about letting go of an attitude based on pain and fear, like hate, resentment, guilt, low self esteem, not being able to forgive yourself and others. As soon as you choose love, the fear will disappear.

In Attitudinal healing you are each other's teacher and student, who change roles.

We are working with 12 guidelines and 10 principles, which are read in turn and encourage you to share about your life.

You tell your story / experience and there is no judgment, not advised and not analyzed and no conclusions reached.

Among other things, it has a liberating effect, exploratory and encouraging. Among other things, we discover that the core of our being is LOVE!


Goal: What is the purpose of criticism and conversation, what do we want to achieve, and do, tuning.

Reality: the status quo, where are we now, What has so far done with the criticism and information and what was the outcome.

Options: the opportunities and threats are, the possibilities. see the potential difficulties in learning.

Willingness: are you willing?, as Shakespeare said,: "The readiness is all '.

Are you willing to see and control your shadow sides.

Interest: there is enough interest to continue with growth and development interests and the criticism you or put you down next to you.

Necessity: see the need for change, development and transformation.

See the need for self-realization as the highest need and Self Realization eternity value.

Guiding: what guidance is still desirable and necessary. Recognize that development is more than one solution to a problem. And development time, attention and guidance needed.

What is psychosynthesis?

Psychosynthesis deals with existential and spiritual issues in the lives of people and organizations. It is an approach to achieve self-realization and development of human possibilities. The main objective of psychosynthesis is to support people in the discovery of their true existential self and their spiritual nature, and to then effectively apply this discovery in life and work. This results in an increase in emotional and mental freedom of movement.

I have taken an extensive course in psychosynthesis and books from Assagioli, the founder of psychosynthesis, read and books by Ferrini, Ben Bos, etc.

That's how I got to know and master my sub-personalities. And through the egg of Assagioli also something about my superconscious.

The egg of Assagioli:

What I do with psychosynthesis is mainly working with your sub-personalities, they play a dominant role in your life from your subconscious mind, without you noticing. Then it is time for your True Self to take charge. (Let love rule!). The subpersonalities don't give up very quickly. The Inner Critic in particular is stubborn. Also the extra (many people do not even play the leading role in their own lives! Have low self-esteem. Figure themselves out!).

By means of voice dialogue, among other things, you learn to point out the sub-personalities to their service place instead of the dominant role., they often play. That is liberating.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

This is the most widely used form of therapy for mental disorders. Thought patterns are changed, which creates space for new ones, positive thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Het is evidence based

The Hot Cross Bun Model:

Many thoughts are cognitive errors, that are believed to be truth, with all the dire consequences that entails. These errors are made aware through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and replaced by healthy thoughts, that contribute to your growth and development and awareness and thus also to your happiness!

The Buddha spoke of right thinking in his 8-fold path out of suffering, and also said that you are the result of everything you have ever thought and think.

According to course leader Daniel Badillo, I am now an expert on cognitive behavioral therapy

DGT Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectic is the thesis antithesis and synthesis. It is the golden mean of the Buddha. The loving reconciliation of the opposites. 24 hours is the synthesis of day and night. Our dark side is also important. Jung said we are not enlightened by imagining luminaries, but by becoming aware of our dark side!

Precisely through the opposites we get to know things. I learned joy when I experienced deep sorrow. The synthesis was happiness / art

DGT is mainly used in borderline and autism but in my opinion it is more widely applicable and usable.

The focus in DGT is mainly on:


-pain / sadness tolerance **, No pain, no gain

-emotional regulation / stress management

-interpersonal effectiveness

**The following poem by Nisargadatta illustrates this beautifully, here again the dialectic:

Between the banks of pain and pleasure, stroomt de rivier van het leven.

“Only when beaches think and feel 1 from the banks and not go with the flow, all misery arises ”.

Many people are stranded on the bank of pleasure, so there will be or there will be misery.

If you want fun, are you not having a good time and chances are that you are an enemy of yourself. DGT can also help here. In combination with CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

I am also a certified DGT and CBT coach / counselor

DGT says we 3 have minds:

-1- Rational / logical mind

-2- Emotional mind

-3- In my opinion, wisdom mind is also Love mind. Where there is wisdom, there is also love and vice versa!

Abraxas is the synthesis of the thesis that is the Christian God and the devil, Abraxas takes in those two opposites. Op 16 I read about Abraxas in Hesse and confronted the pastor with it, he didn't want to hear about it.

Love is the thesis, fear is the antithesis and the synthesis is unconditional love, Divine Love.

The Yin / Yang symbol is also the reconciliation of the opposites 1 symbol, with the addition that the light is always a bit dark and in the dark always some light. Betty Ford did a lot of shadow work, I also learned a lot from it.

Rational Emotive Therapy

The ABC formula is known in Rational Emotive Therapy: A stands for Activating event, B for Belief and C for Consequences. It now appears that it is not A who determines what the consequences are, but B. So pay attention to what you believe in. It is first to believe and then to see. The ABC formula is supplemented with DEFG in case your Belief is not healthy and not sensible. D is Defuse / Disputation or calling into question and making harmless the harmful B.. E is Effective Rational Belief, F is Functional Emotion & Behavior. G is Goal setting. I am a certified REBT coach.

ADHD Management

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is easily distracted and hyperactive behavior, impulsive and characterized by problems with attention. Also problems with organizing and controlling impulses. Often interrupt the conversation partners and often have low self-esteem. A less adequate insight into others and themselves.

I am a certified coach with regard to ADHD.

ADHD originated in childhood, I also do inner child work. See there.

Shadow work

We get to know things through their opposite. So if we want to know the light we have to look to the dark for the shadow. Karin Bloemen said: "I only knew what light was, when it was turned off by you ". Jung zei: "We are not illuminated by proposing our light statures, but by becoming aware of our dark side ". Either the dark side.

Shadow sides often arose in our youth, then 9 of the 10 messages were negative, we push that into our subconscious, that is 10 times stronger than our conscious.

So without being aware of it, we allow ourselves to be led and suffer by fear, woede, hebzucht, wants to power, enmity with yourself, codependentie, selfishness and other negative and harmful states of mind.

Know that what irritates and annoys you and what you dislike in the other says a lot about your unconscious dark side!

I am certified in Shadow work and can help you turn the subconscious into conscious and fear, woede, etc with Love!

In about a year and a half 2.000 coached people over the phone and discovered that most unconsciously let fear and other negative moods lead and suffer, dus…..

Any part that we deny in ourselves, turns against us. We also tend to see our dark side in others, so projection.

The book Owning your own self by Robert Johnson is recommended.

The book Bringing your shadow out of the dark by Robert A Masters is also very good.

Udemy has good video courses on Shadow work.

Jung zei: "I'd rather be whole than good". Whole means embracing both day and night, both the light and the dark. Instead of wanting to be "good" hypocritically. Nietzsche zei: "Beware of the" good guys "because they are the most poisonous flies that sting". And there he has a point. When you confront such a "good one" with his dark side, so with truth, he will become furious and counterattack! Because you disturb his illusion of only being good!

Be the necessary devil for one, and a loving angel for the other, then you are whole and perfectly imperfect.

Once you accept the presence of your shadow, space is created for inner peace – Tsultrim Allione in Free Your Demons / Feeding your demons.

What people call normal is the result of projection, introjection, split, denial, angst, wants to power, repression and other destructive actions.

That is what I think is, because we do not want to see our shadow side and push it to our subconscious that is 10 times stronger than our conscious one. So we don't know what we're doing, as Jesus said on the cross: “Lord forgive them, for they know not what they do!”

NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming

Is about powerful personal development and effective communication. You will gain insight into your motives and motivations for your actions. I am a certified NLP coach