Bang, gemotiveerd door angst

Veel mensen zijn bang en worden gemotiveerd door angst. Ze zijn bang om te verliezen, ziek te worden, alleen te zijn, niet te krijgen wat ze willen, afgewezen te worden, niet gerespecteerd te worden, etc.etc. Ze beseffen niet dat angst het gevreesde juist oproept!! Erich Fromm wrote that one of the biggest problems of this […]


Fear article The inner child is love but learned fear either: Love is nature and nurture fear is there are two feelings: fear and love, where love goes further and also a state of being. Love Himself is truth force Fear is ego's illusion will to power Apprentice: 'What's […]


“The greatest fear in the world is of the opinion of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom…” – Osho

How do you give love to yourself?

How do you give love to yourself? This question is increasingly being asked to me by people I have the impression that they fear- and / or have anger motivation. People who fear no respect, erkenning, waardering, attention and love from others to get themselves and are thus of dependence and the outside want to get so […]

Thank you

“Thank you feelings of worthlessness and failure… Thank you for coming to my attention so I can resolve you… I’m sorry for whatever I have ever done to cause you to manifest in my reality, to be part of my life… Please forgive me… I love you…"- HO'OPONOPONO SECRETS: Four Phrases to Change the […]

Principles ho'oponopono and more

Principles ho'oponopono and more… -1- I Don’t Know, So Let Go! -2- I Can’t Control Reality -3- Total Responsibility or 100% Responsibility -4- Transmutation By Surrendering To Divinity -5- I Remember My Authentic Loving Self -6- Ho'oponopono practice and meditation without expectations -7- Embrace and cherish your inner child, that the route to the […]