I received this nice statue of a Chinese wise man from my dear Elly, I think it's Confucius, who said:When I'm out with a good man and a bad man, can i learn from both, from the first how to do it from the second how not to do it'. Yes there is. De wijze leert van iedereen, the average person learns by trial and error and the stupid person does not have to learn anything anymore, because he thinks he knows everything. Jordan and Margaret Paul said:’ A saying we always loved was: Life gives you two kinds of experiences: positive and negative. For those who learn only from negative experiences, life gives only one kind of experience’

A successful manager, who had completed many academic studies, had achieved everything, but not feeling happy. He decided to consult a Chinese sage. The Chinese sage suggested starting the tea ceremony and continued to pour into the manager's cup until it overflowed, waarop de manager zei:’Stop, my head is already full!’. Then said the Chinese sage:"Your head is exactly full, how do you want to learn something from me!’

The Chinese sage Mencius was asked what he would do differently if he could live his life all over again, he replied:“I would pay less attention to my desires and more to my needs”.

The Chinese sage Chuang tse traveled from village to village. The emperor had heard that he had become enlightened and wanted to appoint him prime minister, but they couldn't find him. They asked how they could recognize Chuang tse and the answer was: “If the most common man enters a village, it is probably Chuang tse’

The Chinese sage Lao tse said 500 BC:Plan to live your whole days full and there is no chance '. How current is that, almost everyone plans everything these days.