As a child of 5 I once found a four-leaf clover and was then convinced that from that moment on I would always be lucky and that turned out to be the case. De Bijbel zegt: "You be it according to your faith" My mother always called me the lucky boss.

I have further delved into the subject of happiness and have read a lot about it and have recognized a lot in it and became even more aware of the sources of happiness.

The learning capacity, having the pleasure of learning new things is certainly a source of happiness that the Dalai Lama also cites. Another source of happiness is discovering and using your talents, skills and capacities that also increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Humor also contributes greatly to happiness. Being able to laugh heartily releases substances that make you happy and happy and make you more vital.

However, happiness is primarily a state of mind and it comes from within and not from without. Happiness does not always lead to gratitude, but gratitude always leads to happiness.

I thank Our Lord every day for a good night's sleep and the new day and see every day as a gift that I can unwrap and use the opportunities that every day offers me

The Bible says that you must become like children to enter the Kingdom of God. The qualities of the child include. his eagerness to learn, enthousiasme,openness, interest, completely absorbed in their game from which they also learn and it is also striking that after something negative they are very quickly positive again.

Marci Shimoff wrote: "Happy for no reason" She writes: ‘When you’re happy for no reason you bring happiness to your outer experiences rather then trying to extract hapiness from them’. That is also my experience come as a giving instead of always taking and wanting to have. De Bijbel zegt het ook:"Giving is more blessed than receiving", although we may also allow and be worthy of the latter.

Marci also writes:’I really believe that every misfortune I have gone through has led to my fortune, the happy life I live today "I also needed my crisis to awaken and thus to achieve happiness.

On my toilet hanging ruling:"Every encounter and circumstance is either a gift or something to learn from" My depression was such a learning experience that eventually took me further and brought me happiness. By getting to know the night I can now have extra appreciation and gratitude for the day.

Anthony de Mello wrote that there is only one cause of unhappiness and that those are your false beliefs, beliefs so widespread so "common" that it doesn't occur to you to question them. Vernon Howard also talks about our false selves and being asleep which prevents us from being happy. The Buddha is not called the awakened one for nothing, he has left suffering behind him

Marci Shimoff schrijft over Happiness habits for the soul: 1)Invite connection to your Higher Power, 2)Listen to your Inner Voice, 3) Trust life’s unfolding.

Before my crisis, I didn't know my inner voice, I screamed myself and knew nothing of a Higher Self, I also did not trust in the good outcome and was always planning and had a B-plan for everything if the first would fail. I was stressed and had fun and laughter but no real joy, no real happiness and didn't miss that either because I didn't know it and my environment was exactly the same so it was "normal"

Maslow gods:"What people call normal is the psychopathology of the average person." My behavior was also pathological but I was not aware of it. M’n SQ, my spiritual intelligence quotient 0,0

Wayne Dyer wrote:The non-spiritual person is motivated by achievement, operations and property. The spiritual man is driven by ethics, inner peace and quality of life "

I felt that I was my essence, my spirituality that I am not aware of and started looking for it. It was the way in and I discovered my drawbacks, my arrogance, my judgment, be work-a-holic, stubbornness, competitiedrang, stress, etc.etc. and started to transform that by approaching it with love and attention and letting go.

My arrogance turned out to be inferiority and it was not allowed to be an overcompensation. I also looked at my surroundings and thought of Wayne Dyer's words:"Our relationships are a reflection of how we treat ourselves." I all had "business" relationships, my relationships were not about me but about my position and status that my function held. That was a revelation to me I had complete disinterest in my true being how the hell could I be happy?!.

I was looking for love, recognition and appreciation from others and so sought it outside myself. Frank Andrews wrote:"Don't worry if others love you, that's their problem." I learned to love myself and to respect and acknowledge myself and gained spiritual self-esteem in which I felt neither more nor less than another. I felt more connected with everything and everyone and that brought me a lot of happiness.

St. John of the Cross said:A spark of pure love is more precious to God than all other works put together, even if, judging by appearance, someone does nothing ". The Americans say very nicely:’We are human beings not human doings’

I got in the way of my own happiness because of my drive. It has been said that the world is going down with diligence. My brother said:"It's okay that there are stupid people. It doesn't become a problem until they start working hard."!’

A friend of mine is the director / co-owner of 5 BV's and is a slave to it and he cannot let go of it and does not get around to personal development. He is jealous of me that I develop in this way spiritually and continues to make another choice that does not make him happy.

I think it was Joep Dohmen who said:"If you are looking for happiness, you are looking for an accident". That's right if you try to find your happiness outside of yourself. Ingeborg Bosch calls this "False hope" a resistance / block to not having to feel old pain. Valse hoop zegt:"Once I have the ideal partner I will be happy.", over and over again… then and that is conditional love and that is not love at all.

Ralph Wlado Emerson zei:"What is behind us and what is before us is nothing compared to what is within us." Here again, the way inwards that leads to happiness.

One student asked another student:"What does your master think is the most important thing to do?The other student replied:Whatever my master is doing at the time!"I think that's wonderful, this is with attention, love and attention, doing things meditatively and that brings a lot of happiness is my experience.

Margrit Irgang writes:"The fully lived moment is Zen" and that amounts to the same thing. Anselm Grün writes:"When you understand the art of dealing warmly and mercifully with the miserable in you, the very poor thing can be a source of blessing and a source of intense happiness" and also:"In order to recreate my trauma into pearls, I must first see these injuries as something precious." Every experience is precious and leads you to your goal, to your True Self if you are open to learn from it.

All too often there is a great resistance to change, often based on fear. Hermann Hesse zei:"Man does not dislike anything in the world more than walking the path that leads him to Self," Osho says:One thing the ego never wants to accept, t.w. : ignorance ". And that is exactly the problem. If you think you know, you are no longer open to information and new insights and ideas, then you show no interest and you are more dead than alive without being aware of it.

I know several people who said to me that they could only talk to me so well and felt that they received warmth and love from me and then never spoke again and remained tormented and unhappy because they knew that, interspersed with moments of pleasure to escape the basic state of misery for a while..

I once attended a wokshop art of living that was run by a philosopher who is not happy, joyful, made a warm impression and only talked about misery(-) The man tried to teach others what he did not know himself and that was the art of living and happiness that is characterized by kindness, hartelijkheid, openness, generosity, love, humor to name a few.

C,J, Schuurman talks about your own responsibility and says:"Only your own answer can give meaning and meaning to your existence." Many people have an external locus of control and place the responsibility outside of themselves. They give their parents, partner, of economy, the government and circumstances are to blame and are therefore victims of it. It has been researched that people with an internal locus of control are happier and more successful. They take responsibility themselves and shape their lives and are creative and proactive instead of reactive. They act on the basis of constructive values ​​such as love, harmonie, peace and compassion.

Schuurman also says:"Everything that has been learned is not yet based on one's own but on traditions and custom" Inayat Khan speaks in this context about unlearning, which is a lot more difficult than learning but very necessary to achieve happiness..

I had to unlearn to feel superior and elevated above most other people and unlearn that I thought I was always right and my thoughts were always the right ones and also unlearn to judge over and over and there i still working on it. Thomas a Kempis zei:"If we were to unlearn one negative trait every year, we would soon be perfect people"

And then you are also congruent, then lie thinking, to speak, feel and act in alignment and there are no more sabotaging thoughts and you are what the Americans call: "Clear" and then "The law of attraction" will work well for you.

Once upon a time 10 frogs who wanted to climb a steep mountain. At one point, one frog says it's not okay, it is not possible the mountain is too steep and others hear that and also give up except for one frog who climbs on to the top. How is that possible?. Well that one frog was deaf he hadn't heard it was impossible…

Francis of Assisi said:"Happy are you when you are as happy when they praise you as when they despise you". That is the true serenity and true self-esteem that does not depend on the opinion or behavior of others and that is true happiness.

Maarten Berg writes:"Research Shows Altuistic People Are Happy and Happy People Are Altruistic"

The Dalai Lama says:"The awakened mind is the foundation of happiness and peace throughout the universe." So it is time to wake up and that can happen NOW as you read this.

A man awoke to hear a woman say to her children:Wake up ahead, you have slept long enough now!’

Barry Neil Kaufman writes:Although my suffering has been important to my quest for greater spiritual awareness, it is a greater inner relaxation, self-acceptance and happiness that have brought me to a deep spiritual receptivity "

On my toilet hanging my judgment:"Acceptance is the key to transformation." Especially self-acceptance and that is more difficult than the acceptance of others. Being nice and nice to others is often not a problem, but being nice to ourselves often encounters a lot of resistance and resistance indicates that something needs to be investigated in order to gain insight and then the resistance disappears..

Joseph Murphy writes:"Understanding everything is forgiving everything". Forgiveness is also a task that leads to happiness, again forgiving yourself.

Martin Seligman wrote:"If you want to be happy during:

-an hour, take a nap

-one day, go fishing

-one month, get married

-a year, receive an inheritance

-a life, help someone

This is where altruism returns. Eichacker writes:"Make others happy and you make yourself happy" as well:Do not waste your time and strength on people who are not yet mature enough to recognize happiness, they would brake you and bring you down. The verdict hangs on my toilet in this regard:’Don’t try to please the unpleasable’

Inayat Khan Zegt:The soul is called in Sanskrit Atman which means happiness or bliss, the soul itself is happiness " . He also says:"Happiness is only one thing: to realize the realization of God and God is to lose oneself ". This is very deep. You are the big problem, your ego that takes care of all trouble and misfortune must disappear. Many wise and awakened people have pointed this out, but most people think they know better themselves and that is typical of the self-righteous ego that does not want to know about ignorance.

A friend sent me a card with the text:’To be or not to be that’s the question, to be without to be is the answer!!"A complete disidentification of everything you capture and imprison is the way to freedom.", awakening and happiness. Vernon Howard zei:’Reflect on this extremely powerful thought:You are the worst thing that has ever happenend to you!’