Wat is Attitudinal Healing?

Attitudinal Healing wil letterlijk zeggen ‘het helen van je innerlijke houding of instelling’. It is based on the belief that you can always choose inner peace instead of inner struggle, for love instead of fear. The process of healing is about letting go of an attitude based on pain and fear, like hate, resentment, guilt, not being able to forgive yourself and others. When fear disappears, love is released.

Gerald Jampolsky

Attitudinal Healing is a method developed by the psychiatrist Jerry Jampolsky. He has written several books on this, as: Love is abandoning fear; Free yourself from guilt and fear; Only talk about love; Out of the darkness into the light; Love is the answer; Change your thinking, change your life and the 'Mini course' to heal relationships.

In 1975 Jerry Jampolsky founded the first Center for Attitudinal Healing in Tiburon, California, op. It is a place where children and adults with a life-threatening illness are offered a safe environment, in which they can actively work on the process of healing their inner attitude. Attitudinal Healing assumes that our attitude to the problems and facts in our lives determines how we feel, how we react and how we treat ourselves and others.

The center does not focus on illness or death, but the quality of life, regardless of the circumstances in which someone is. In Tiburon are more than 27 different groups arise: a group for children who have lost a parent, for parents whose child has died, for AIDS patients and the chronically ill. Furthermore, there are also "people-to-people"- groups, in which participants can share their personal problems using the principles of Attitudinal Healing and help each other apply these principles in their lives. The center is currently located in Sausalito.

There are now more than 140 from such centers all over the world: o.a. in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chili, Costa Rica, Croatia, Germany, Guam, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia and various places in the U.S.. The various centers all offer, next to the "people-to-people" groups, programs that are specific to their region. For example, the center in Croatia offers Attitudinal Healing Groups especially for refugees.

Attitudinal Healing in Nederland.

De “Foundation Center for Attitudinal Healing” is in 1991 founded and is located in Moorveld. Since 1990 groups are active in various cities in the Netherlands and Belgium. There are currently about sixty groups in the Netherlands. These are all, what we call, Human-to-human groups. Participation in the groups is open to anyone who wants to work on healing his or her inner attitude in any situation, in order to improve the quality of his or her life.

The center offers facilitator training every year’ for people who want to guide Attitudinal Healing groups and / or apply the method in their work. In addition, there are workshops, provided training and lectures on Attitudinal Healing.

If you want more information willen, mail to the Foundation, the address and email address is: AHNL@elsthissen.nl . Or you can send your question by post. The address is: Foundation Center for Attitudinal Healing, Cricket Street 6, 6285 AR Epen. The phone number is: 043-3647987.

My experiences with attitudinal healing

I participated in a discussion group attitudinal healing for several years and benefited greatly from that, you share about your experiences and feelings and you are not judged or advised but listened to, we are each other's teacher and student and these roles change.

The principles and guidelines were used, in turn we read a principle before and then a guideline and talked about our own experiences and feelings

The meetings were held at a participant's home