-1- our goal is to work on ourselves, to give each other mutual support and to practice unbiased listening and sharing.

-2-we recognize that the process everyone is going through is important and not our judgment of it, being accepted in the phase we are in makes it easier to accept others rather than condemn them.

-3-we share what works for us and for others, instead of giving advice, we let others find their own answers.

-4-by risking showing our own feelings, we discover common experiences that connect us.

-5-we respect each other as unique people, we recognize that everyone knows themselves better than anyone else, when we listen to our inner voice, we find our best answer.

-6-we are here to support each other's inner guidance and help each other focus on what really matters to each of us, we are not here to preach or confront each other.

-7-the roles of student and teacher are interchangeable, regardless of age or experience, they pass from one to the other.

-8-we practice being together with others, where we want to learn to look only at the light in them and not at what is holding back the light.

-9-all information exchanged in the group is confidential.

-10-we want to keep in mind that we always have a choice between peace and inner struggle, between love and fear.


A note on guideline -5- It is very questionable that everyone knows himself best, the bible says: "We do see the splinter in the other person's eye , but not the beam in our own eye ". We need the reflection of the other to get to know ourselves better. Our consciousness is infinite and we can discover more and more if we are open to it, nothing human is alien to us.

A note on guideline -8-, I think it is also important to look at what blocks the light, what blocks us and what is our shadow side, if we deny it, that side has power over us, awakening puts you back in control. You must absorb the demons and let them work for you.